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Text is a little bit too small for touchscreen (I use Urbantoronto on iPad on GOTrains)


Senior Member
Member Bio
Oct 25, 2014
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The new forums now uses text that is much smaller (including the forum page numbers like [1] [2] [3]), and are much harder to tap on a touch screen.

Many of us surf UrbanToronto during transit to work, such as a GO Train. You all know how often I post in "Transportation".

I don't want to use Tapatalk or mobile site, I want to use the desktop site.

Can you provide a user-selectable forum theme that uses font sizes similiar to the original forum system? Also I think the font size is a bit too small to read on my iPad Mini Retina (that's what I use to write my long messages on UrbanToronto) for other people, even though it works fine for me.

Mark Rejhon
Websites should play no part in text size. Every computer and browser allows you increase font sizes and zoom. Just my opinion.
Posting from my phone, can confirm the forum works well on mobile. Maybe I will start using my phone to browse this site after this forum upgrade.

The font size is a good size on my phone, perhaps a bit too big. The site for some reason doesn't allow me to change the size of the font on my mobile browser.
I'm talking about viewing the DESKTOP site from a TABLET....

I have long preferred desktop themes instead of mobile themes. I haven't been a big fan of most sites' mobile themes.

Many websites allow you to switch between a desktop theme and a mobile theme, e.g. "Desktop" link at bottom, etc. But we're talking about the happy medium of a tablet which has a screen closer (albiet somewhat smaller) to a typical mini laptop screen, than a pocket smartphone, and typically on those tablet screens, I tend to prefer the full desktop theme, for the consistent experience with my computer.

Secondary reason: In fact, many UrbanToronto people are older people who can't read as well as they used to, and now the average font size is smaller than before.

Browser zooming helps, as you can pinch-zoom, but it sometimes forces sideways scrolling to read the whole width of a post.

Some forum software allows selectable font sizes by switchable themes. I'm pretty sure this forum software supports it, but I haven't been able to find a "Settings" or "Profile" link that contains the ability to configure this -- yet.

Citation: I run forum software as part of my gaming blog elsewhere on the Internet

Mark Rejhon
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How do you have time for gaming between all those posts in the GO expansion and service threads. :eek:
If you want to see what else I do on the Internet, I'm very easily googled -- "Mark Rejhon" is my real name. As I have had my hands in so many things on the Internet in the past, I just generally use my real name for things I participate in the most. Like many forum admins also generally use their real name too, or at least makes it public in their profile.
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Is it possible to have the page numbers to be a bit larger and to remove the "hiding" functionality so that it's always being shown? I like easily clicking to the latest page but now I have to hover and find it, etc. It's a small but noticeable change :)
Any hope that the "New Posts" feature will reappear? I really liked to browse the old site that way. I agree that the font size could be a bit bigger but it DOES look better!
Windows 8 has it a nice size. So it's more-or-less fine on my Dell laptop. But it's terrible on tablet screens. And crappiest on non-Retina iPad Mini screens (compared to the previous forum). Still many iPad 2 users out there...

Let me guess: Are some of you admins using Windows 8 laptops or Retina Macs? Looks much better on them due to the spiked DPI of upscaling webpages about ~125-150% by default, due to the Hi-DPI mode. Might also be the case for Retina MacBooks, too...

I imagine there's probably a "default font chooser" feature that can be enabled; some forum software has that, so no worries -- this is a learning curve thing...
