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Stewart vs. Cramer


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Oct 12, 2007
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Stewart did a great job, especially when he pointed out how his job and Cramer's are similar except that Cramer plays around with people's savings. Ouch.

Although I think some personal responsibility should go into following the advice of a showman like Cramer, putting him on CNBC made it look authoritative. CNBC shouldn't have gone into the entertainment biz and just stuck to biz.
Yes, Stewart did a good job attacking Cramer - where Cramer seemed unwilling to defend himself. Basically it was a feel-good moment given to people that do not want to take personal responsibility for their own financial decisions (it is not my fault it is Cramer's fault). Cramer has made mistakes, and he says he makes lots of mistakes - which he does.... he also indicates he is not a "long-term" investor. If you are a watcher and just take his recommendations straight without investigating and figuring if the investment is right for you -- you deserve what you get. On the other side, Cramer has been the only one on CNBC to say things are in the crapper and if you invest, invest defensively.... while most of the others seemed content to throw people under the wheels of a bear market hoping that your corpse would slow or stop the bear market.
actually Stewart and his supporters are idiots too.

They do not want to accept personal responsibility and blame someone else.
Really his show has a million warnings, use at your own risk.

Of course he is an idiot for getting is so wrong.

SO is Dwight Drummond of Td Canada using that logic. Everyone got it wrong, however Cramer got it way wrong.
No, that was not the purpose. Stewart, unlike most "real news" goes back and finds what politicans and others have said before to point out the sillyness, hypocracy or lunacy of what they say now. Only documentaries, books and lengthy magazine articles written after the fact, will often do that, not the typical TV news, and less often newspapers. Stewart was taking the business media to task for being so business friendly and not asking the tough questions, much like he takes the general news media to task.

It all started with that CNBC rant about not bailing out homeowners while bailing out all the businesses that profited from it before the scheme collasped. Then the show crew put together the clip montage of Cramer's show and all these other over-optimistic shows promoting quick money in the markets. Cramer got defensive all over the NBC-sphere and so precipated the interview.
you should look at what Bien Stien said.
The innocence of sub-prime mortgage holders is certainly more defensible, not totally but more than that those in the financial and real estate sector. At least it could be argued that they were relying on the advice of professionals in the field.

That one video that Stewart showed, had Cramer admit to illegal activity.
Very true - I saw that video before Stewart used it. The techniques used in order to short sell are often at best unethical, in Cramer's case, quite possibly illegal as well.
Very true - I saw that video before Stewart used it. The techniques used in order to short sell are often at best unethical, in Cramer's case, quite possibly illegal as well.

... for sure ... it's people like him that have cause the markets to go to shit.

He's a con-man! And good for Stewart to call the bluff of CNBC.
