Southcore Financial Ctr: PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower (18 York St, bcIMC, 26s, KPMB)

Anyone know what's going on with the lot to the immediate west of 18 York?

Oh, and thanks for that photo update!
^ Apparently there was a proposal for a hotel on the site. Haven't heard anything for quite a while, though.
I remember reading the developer applying to the CofA for additional parking. Just over 250 spaces which is considerable for a building of its size.

P.S. First Canadian Place's pit wouldn't be any deeper if you removed the tower and the retail concourse level.
^ Apparently there was a proposal for a hotel on the site. Haven't heard anything for quite a while, though.

Here is something from the City of Toronto staff report.

North: Bremner Boulevard, beyond which is Block 7 in the Railway Lands East, 18 York
Street, which is zoned CR Block 7 and permits a 137-metre high mixed use
development in two high-rise buildings; these sites are subject to an application
for site plan approval for a 26-storey, 114-metre high, and 57,846 square metre
office building on the east part (file 06 162121 STE 20 SA) and approved Official
Plan and Zoning By-law amendments application for a 37-storey, 137-metre high,
and 74,135 square metre hotel/residential development (file 100021 (TO ZBL
2000 0017), and beyond is the railway;
these sites are subject to an application for site plan approval for a 26-storey, 114-metre high, and 57,846 square metre office building on the east part (file 06 162121 STE 20 SA) and approved Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments application for a 37-storey, 137-metre high, and 74,135 square metre hotel/residential development (file 100021 (TO ZBL 2000 0017), and beyond is the railway;

The first building above is 18 York, a substantial building on its own right, but the second building, proposed as hotel/residential, would have almost the same average floor plate (about 10% less) and be 20% taller! Wow. And the Manhattanization of Bremner continues (assuming that this gets built).
The hotel plan is nearly ten years and two ownership groups past. I wouldn't count on it.
It might be better to have a commercial building instead? There's already a hotel at MLS and Royal York just north of the rails.
And even closer still there's the Intercontinental at Simcoe/Front, and the SkyDome hotel a bit further west.
PATH space! This would be a great benefit to pedestrians, especially during winter.

18 York's PATH connection will be over York Street and into Telus, not under it, so no PATH level below unless there's a future below-ground connection to Ãce.

There will be a path under the rails to the new union station beside Telus. I don't know if maybe they will connect that with Telus.
May 8


There will be a path under the rails to the new union station beside Telus. I don't know if maybe they will connect that with Telus.

The connection to Telus will go over York street. Connections to Union Station from both 18 York and Telus will go north under the tracks only.

