If they can fit a double-decker GO bus under there, would they be able to run them into the Union Station bus terminal? As far as I can tell, that's precluded by having to make a left off Bay, if the bus goes north under the overpass, then goes over to Bay via Front Street.
Also, think of how much less invasive this project is compared to widening an adjacent road or building a new one entirely in order to obtain the same reduction in gridlock. Projects like this one and the elimination of the Dufferin jog are the way to go.
Would it be advantageous to do the same for Church St? If it were to go under the rail corridor, it would connect with Cooper Street on the other end and terminate at Queens Quay.
Drum 118 says: " I wish someone would was[h]the windows as well replace some of the windows for the walkway."
QUESTION; Who owns the Walkway - from Union Station to Convention Centre to near CN Tower? It DOES need some tidying up as it has leaks in several places and the windows are in poor shape, and dirty too! Is it City property or ???