I would never buy a condo, since you’re not really buying property. I don’t want some board hitting me up for one time massively expensive projects that if I can’t or won’t pay can lead to the seizure of my unit, dor so I want to be beholden to monthly maintenance fees that can be as high as a mortgage payment. From my SFH I pay property tax, utilities and maintenance on my schedule, my budget and to my taste. That suits me just fine.
Now, if I had to live in a condo, I’d be renting since I can walk away at any time and am not directly impacted by nor legally responsible for any huge projects, like repairing plumbing or the parking garage, items that can hit the condo owner up for tens of thousands of dollars. My children will be entering university soon, and we plan to help them buy their first home, but I’ll be recommending against a condo, townhouse or any sort of HOA. Instead own your land and the house on it without conditions or restrictions, beyond whatever the municipality demands of course.