Project Info:
This link is to the request for direction report City Staff wrote back in 2006.
You can see there that they are not impressed by all the Don Mills Parking.
For the reference to circulation (road system); I think you'd have to look at the separate application for the Condos, or one of the early reports.
I don't have the link for that handy.
But the Official Plan specifically states that private circulation systems, particularly on residential sites are a no-no.
The problem arises from the fact that police don't have the right to patrol; that if a landlord or condo corp. fails to address garbage issues, that the City has no ability to do pick-up, etc. etc.
As well as the long-standing issue of public space should be policed by private security.
Of this proposal (in its various incarnations, which date back to 2001)
I recall the request was to take the informal 'road' that now traverses the site east-west and make it public, then subdive with public roads through any new condos at the south end of the site.
But Cadillac found the idea disagreeable.