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Self Storage (300 Commissioners St, Belleterre, 5s, Quadrangle)


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Sep 2, 2011
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(Former) Ward 16
Ward 30 - Tor & E.York District
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The Applicant, Belleterre Real Estate Partners Limited, has filed a Site Plan Control application, which proposes to develop the subject lands with a 5-storey, 9,034 m2, self-storage warehouse (Storage Warehouse, Class A). The entirety of the storage units will be in the interior of the proposed building. Loading docks for the proposed storage use will also be internal to the proposed building. A 371 m2 Designer's Studio is also proposed to be located on the ground floor of the 5-storey building. A total of 28 parking spaces and 4 loading spaces are proposed to serve the development. The subject lands has a total area of 16,913.3 m2; however, the development will be located only on a portion of the site that maintains a total area of 6,638.61 m2. To accommodate the use of a portion of the site, the Owner may be required to proceed by way of a Consent application. Please note that the site is subject to the Lower Don Special Policy Area.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Site Plan Approval 15 129557 STE 30 SA Mar 19, 2015 Application Received
Tend to agree - given the site, wouldn't anyone want self-storage facilities to be a tad concerned by the fact that it sits in the middle of a flood plain?

land values here and city interest are not going to appreciate much on these parcels so rapidly that building these will be a permanent blight. This is a temporary use of the site as far as I'm concerned until the portalnds redo gets into full swing and people start to move into the area in large enough numbers to drive land prices up that the site then becomes demanded and profitable for other uses.

No problem in using a derelict industrial site and generating some economic activity and property tax income in the meantime. I infact would like to see more of these sorts of temporary reuses of abandoned space. It's why while I despise what happened with home depot and the rest of the rail-big box Junction mess, I know these uses are only semi- temporary and will eventually be redeveloped within i would guess the next 20 years as area desirability and profitability grows.
Employment use is employment use. Be it 5 or 500z

I'm totally against turning everything into condos. A part of the port land areas were traditionally industrial due to its location to water, I think It should remain that way.

People don't move to Toronto for the condos, people move to Toronto for the industry and jobs.
Be interesting to see a breakdown of how storage units are used around the city. I always thought it was largely private storage, but maybe there are some small businesses operating out of them?

In any case, self storage buildings are quick to pop up but with new ones, they can also be easy to take down. There's one that just went in at the foot of Woodfield, directly east of the giant postal terminal on Eastern Avenue - no basement, not much other than a steel structure girded with walls. It's four or five stories but I imagine it's only a placeholder of a building and that inside of twenty years it'll be flattened in favour of condos and townhomes.
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Better here than the one that was torn down to make way for Streetcar's Riverdale project or the one in the West Donlands. The one in the hot Bathurst and King community would be better served here too.
