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Seat Hogs

^ Point taken. In copying and pasting the code I replaced all my "you're" with the code
to underline the "'re". I copied over all the right "you're" and the wrong "your". I guess my point is that he obviously doesn't know the usage since he commits the same mistake over and over.
Hey nfitz? Please shut up and stop white-knighting the asshole on the streetcar.


niftz: I take it you're illiterate from your spelling - perhaps you're not aware but basic education here is free.

That's a truly interesting story adma.

Here's Goetz today. He's a good guy. I feel bad that he went through all that.

He served time for the weapons charges but at the most, he should have gotten a suspended sentence. After his trial, juries were told to take a person's past into consideration when dealing with self defense trials.

He carried the weapon with him after being failed by the the state and the law by being mugged twice. I would have definitely carried a weapon if I had gone through that kind of trauma twice.

Only my weapon would look more like this:


You're in the wrong forum to be using personal attacks. There's no need for that. You seem truly perturbed by this situation. Perhaps you are the kind who thinks they own the world around them and has been taught a lesson too. Nonetheless, if you're into personal attacks on web forums, SkyscraperPage is what you're looking for. Begone little twirp! :rolleyes:

What you view as in need of psychiatric help, I view as standing up for myself.

Where you want to run away from situations squeeling like a little girl, I won't tolerate that kind of behavior towards me.

He was very aware that his elbow was digging into my back several times. I assumed that he would have realized it the first time so I didn't say anything. It was after several times that I turned around and looked at him as if saying "Excuse me!". When he didn't remove his arm after that and dug his elbow into my back a couple more times, I verbally asked him to remove his arm.

That's when he escalated the situation. What was a fair request turned into a "Phuck off!" from him. Now you'd probably switch seats and go throw punches into the air when you got home angered at yourself for being a loser who can't stand up for himself, but I got out of my seat and walked around to his. He continued his big shot façade with his "pfft!" face and was truly disarmed when I told him to get up.

We exchanged a few words, he continued being disrespectful. I noticed we were arriving at Spadina so I took him out of the equation.

I could have waited for him to throw a punch at which point I could have beaten him unconscious... I didn't. I knew that he was a poser in a costume as Buildup pointed out. I knew that what he needed to see was that people don't tolerate that kind of behavior. Period.

He was taking up at least four seats on a busy streetcar. His sprawling legs into the aisle, his arm on the back of two seats on his right, and another arm on the seat next to him on his left. People tired from a busy day at work were standing up when they could have sat down on their way home.

Now you tell me who's in need of psychiatric help? Stand up for yourself little wuss! Raise your kid to grow some balls (unless of course it's a girl).

I don't go around the world being a vigilante but I do stand up for myself when the situation arises. I won't avoid a seat because some dude thinks he owns four or five seats around him. If he smells... ok, he wins.. I'll go stand elsewhere.

With these details in mind regarding how he was causing problems for others in addition to the harassment, I don't have reservations about your conduct. It's rare that throwing a person off a street car is ultimately positive, but this was hardly as extreme as it sounded in your first first post.
You're in the wrong forum to be using personal attacks. There's no need for that.
That's an odd thing to be saying, as I haven't made any personal attacks on you or on anyone else - yet you seem to have made plenty

You seem truly perturbed by this situation. Perhaps you are the kind who thinks they own the world around them and has been taught a lesson too.
Not at all. I simply think that someone escalating a non-violent situtation into a violent situation is a far more serious crime than someone taking up a bit too much space on a seat (though how people actually fit into those bus seats I don't know ... I sit squarely in a double, and my arm is against the window/wall on one side, and I can see my should is pretruding an inch past the middle of the seat on the other site - and I'm only 5'8"!

Begone little twirp!
There is absolutely no reason to be calling people names. So you attack people and call people names when they are simply trying to to help you? This seems most uncivil.

What you view as in need of psychiatric help, I view as standing up for myself.
You quite clearly have anger issues (this was evidenced in your earlier post where you said you tried to provoke situations like this). This just isn't acceptable in society, and presumably will lead to a situation where you will injure someone. If you think this is acceptable, you need help. I'm simply trying to politely help you.

Am I the only person here who seems concerned that someone here is advocating violence?

What was a fair request turned into a "Phuck off!" from him.
I don't get it. What's the difference between "Phuck off" and "Fuck off"? Is this some slang thing? Perhaps there's an aspect to this exchange I'm missing.

niftz: I take it you're illiterate from your spelling - perhaps you're not aware but basic education here is free.
Since when was a typo consistent with illiteracy? And it's generally considered anti-social in a discussion group to be making spelling flames. It's interesting that you attack people on buses for anti-social behaviour, yet you carry out such acts yourself. I'm unsure the "joke" about mis-spelling my name as niftz (though perhaps that's just a typo of the type you accuse me for illiteracy). You've consistently used American-forms of spelling rather than Canadian (such as behavior versus behaviour) - I thought you might be a recent transplant, and not aware of what was available here.

"I grabbed him by the back of his pants, walked him to the door and pushed him out."

Funny that those gansta pants hang so low, almost like the perfect handle...

You mentionned earlier you're on anti-anxiety meds. Could you mention the name of the med and whether there are any side effects? I have an employee who is very socially anxious, tremours, flushed face and has become alcoholic to deal with it (I think). Perhaps your medication would help him - although i don't want to be picking my underwear out of my ass after his annual review!

Some people are using beta-blockers for anxiety around presentations but those are different applications.
That's an odd thing to be saying, as I haven't made any personal attacks on you or on anyone else - yet you seem to have made plenty

Telling me to get a psychiatrist is a personal attack. Your snide comment about me being American and needing Canada's free medical assistance was an attack. After that, open season on nfitz was fair game if you didn't notice... I'm not the only one who thinks you're a schmuck.

I don't get it. What's the difference between "Phuck off" and "Fuck off"? Is this some slang thing? Perhaps there's an aspect to this exchange I'm missing.

It's an attempt to avoid vulgarities. I first used "F" but found that I had to pronounce it to get my point across since you didn't get it the first time.

Since when was a typo consistent with illiteracy?

Tihs is a typoo. Consistently misusing (or not using) the contraction "you're" just shows lack of knowledge. I wouldn't have brought it up but your snide "American spelling" remark was met with mine about your own spelling. If you're illiterate, don't go preaching about somebody's spelling.

I'm a proud Canadian. However, I grew up in a part of Europe where American english is prevalent (not the UK). i.e. "Centre" / "Center"; "Colour" / "Color"; "Behaviour" / "Behavior" are interchangeable for me. I know the differences and neither is incorrect so I use either as I see fit.

(...)this was evidenced in your earlier post where you said you tried to provoke situations like this

I don't try to provoke these situations. I do make a point in not allowing these fools to take up several seats. If those seats are available and somebody's making them unavailable, I'll excuse myself and sit down.

You can avoid socially uncomfortable situations if you choose. I choose not to be bullied into standing when I feel like sitting down.

I simply think that someone escalating a non-violent situtation into a violent situation is a far more serious crime than someone taking up a bit too much space on a seat (though how people actually fit into those bus seats I don't know ... I sit squarely in a double, and my arm is against the window/wall on one side, and I can see my should is pretruding an inch past the middle of the seat on the other site - and I'm only 5'8"!

First hyperbole, now euphemism... You don't seem to grasp the nature of the situation or you're reducing its importance to strengthen your argument.

He wasn't simply too big for his seat nor did he mistakenly bump into me. He was sprawled all over the seats around him. He unnecessarily had his arm on the back of my seat and was consciously digging his elbow into my back by doing that.

That -- if you don't know -- is harassment. Telling somebody to Fuck off is also a form of harassment. It was also the precise point of escalation. Had he removed his arm, everything would have been fine and dandy. He escalated things by telling me to Fuck off.
I could have dealt with it in a violent manner (i.e. slapping him for being disrespectful). I simply "escorted" him to the door and got him out of there, avoiding a worse outcome for the fellow.

I'll leave my explanation of the situation at that. You seem to be the only one who doesn't understand what happened. I'll ask Ed to create a Special Class on UT for you.

I find it amusing when thugs complain about the occupational hazards of being a thug (like in the Goetz case).

Now in the interest of carrying this thread forward, I'll stop my retribution towards you if you can stop being a schmuck.
Telling me to get a psychiatrist is a personal attack.
No it wasn't. You have misinterpreted the situation. I was concerned for the well being of those around you. Though I had forgotten the earlier comment about you being on medication - had I remembered that, I'd have not said what I said.
Your snide comment about me being American and needing Canada's free medical assistance was an attack.
Snide? How was what I said snide? It was simply an observation - you make it sound like there's something wrong with being an American?
After that, open season on nfitz was fair game if you didn't notice...
How is open season on a member of this forum fair game? Isn't that a violation of the terms and conditions here?
I'm not the only one who thinks you're a schmuck.
Can you please stop with the verbal attacks?
It's an attempt to avoid vulgarities. I first used "F" but found that I had to pronounce it to get my point across since you didn't get it the first time.
... okay ... it's only a word.
Tihs is a typoo. Consistently misusing (or not using) the contraction "you're" just shows lack of knowledge. I wouldn't have brought it up but your snide "American spelling" remark was met with mine about your own spelling. If you're illiterate, don't go preaching about somebody's spelling.
I've used both the contraction you're and your wrongly and rightly here ... it's lazy typing and not bothering to proof, not illiteracy. And I didn't make any judgement about your spelling - I simply assumed you were American from your spelling, - there's nothing wrong with American spelling, and I didn't make a judgement about it. Not sure where you're getting that from.
I'm a proud Canadian. However, I grew up in a part of Europe where American english is prevalent (not the UK). i.e. "Centre" / "Center"; "Colour" / "Color"; "Behaviour" / "Behavior" are interchangeable for me. I know the differences and neither is incorrect so I use either as I see fit.
Agreed - and interesting. I'm curious, which part of Europe? Most parts I've seen use British spelling over American spelling. (I'm genuinely curious here ... don't read anything else into it - language differences fascinate me).
I could have dealt with it in a violent manner (i.e. slapping him for being disrespectful). I simply "escorted" him to the door and got him out of there, avoiding a worse outcome for the fellow.
That is certainly not how your first description sounded - at first it sounded like you had assaulted him.
I'll ask Ed to create a Special Class on UT for you.
I'm ignorant here ... I don't think there was a noun in that sentence (after I) that I'm understanding the meaning, or at least context of ... a "special class" at the University of Toronto??? Is Ed a prof??
Now in the interest of carrying this thread forward, I'll stop my retribution towards you if you can stop being a schmuck.
Hey, if you'll stop sounding like a thug, I'll try and stop sounding like a schmuck!
Rules of the underground: (1) Knees may be no more than six inches apart.

Unless space permits. I mean, hell, on a half-empty subway car, what's wrong with it? Plus, some people with injuries have to stretch out sometimes (I've had my knees badly injured for eight months now, so I know what it's like...)

(2) If you can't control your offspring, watch as a stranger does it for you.

Heh heh. Bloody kids.

(3) What did we say about checking out the girls?

WHAT? Looking is permitted. That's the sacred rule I go by.

(4) The Post is only 25 cents—buy your own.

Reading someone else's newspaper instead of buying your own helps save the environment.

(5) Holding the subway door makes everyone on the train love you.

Yes, and wish violent death upon you.

(6) As does loud music


(7) Lie down on subway only if dead.

Or if you just feel like it and the space permits.

I am all for respect and consideration of others, but lighten up a bit.
Has anyone else noticed the prevalence of Ipods and similar devices that are cranked up so loud, everyone can hear them? I almost always have my Ipod on when I get on the TTC. Lately, I can often here someone else's music playing over top of mine. It makes me want to turn mine up louder, but I don't as I know that everyone else will then be annoyed by mine. If I can hear yours playing, you are already damaging your hearing. Are we all going to be deaf in 10 years?
Oh, I remember the Seat Hogs... they were the guys on Elcome Back, Kotter. :)
