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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Honestly, I wouldn't put it past the Ford Family to falsify autopsy records to hide embarrassment, to protect the brand. As for appearances? Well, Robbie did shave his head and has not coloured his hair for a while; the gravely voice is easy to do. Worms as a chronicler gives it that real "gospel" feeling and can say whatever he, or rather the Fords want. Hospitals can be bought just like any corporation.

We're talking about real physicians here, with real professional reputations. Without a shred of evidence to suggest that they are risking their careers and acting unethically, I think it is extremely inappropriate to suggest that they are.
Well the whole episode is pretty fishy isn't it? There's no way he didn't know about the mass after his week long hospital intake assessment prior to Greenstone. There's the broken toe and the mere hours before deadline cancer reveal which is obviously full-strength bullshit. The fake sick voice and the head shaving are pretty suspect too. He did, however, alarmingly bloat up like a big angry pufferfish.

Plus, it's the Fords so BS and manipulation are the order of the day.

That being noted, I don't believe for a second that the Head of Oncology at MSH would appear at a televised press conference and falsify a cancer report about the Mayor of Toronto. There's just way too much at stake. This is an internationally respected hospital with too much to lose on such a ridiculous play. The doctors involved are extremely accomplished and very wealthy and would have zero appetite for the lawsuits that would surely follow if this came to light.

I didn't see the press conference and so I've never actually heard the doctor say the words, which haunts me a little, but I've been told that's what he said. I have seen a couple of clips from the first press conference and I'm of the impression that the doctor spoke in very basic terms and that the Fords allowed him a very narrow spectrum of things he was allowed to disclose/discuss. In other words, there are things he may have wanted to say but couldn't. He didn't seem very thrilled to have any part of the show.

I believe that Rob & his posse have a very loose comprehension of what is going on and they're milking every drop of political gain possible from it. The result is a massive whirling tornado of bullshit, half truths, assumption and ignorance.

So who knows what's really going on here? I think we'll see more shenanigans soon and I'm sure it will turn my stomach even more.

ETA: When life gives you cancer you make cancerade. <<< brilliant
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We're talking about real physicians here, with real professional reputations. Without a shred of evidence to suggest that they are risking their careers and acting unethically, I think it is extremely inappropriate to suggest that they are.

This kind of thing at the time made me wonder. I don't think that Mr. Cohen would falsify anything, but I think the FORDS would. It has been a long time since an actual doctor has done any updates. In the Ford process it makes sense to have a valid form of communication so no one will question and then go ahead with, as Worms puts it, their own kind of "common sense".

Again all I am saying is that if he is miraculously cured it won't surprise me.
I also have family who have all died of cancer, and a friend who has survived childhood leukemia, teenage lung cancer, adult abdominal cancer and recently skin cancer. She's amazing, and even she said that chemo would have thinned him out and his EYEBROWS would not have been there. She figures he shaved his head too but didn't go so far as to say he didn't have anything wrong.

I think the bigger problem is that we have been put in a position to doubt something so serious because they have manipulated everything to do with truth, the city, the media and our sanity.

Cancer is still a very serious illness and I don't think anyone is negating that or soiling anyone's memories or experiences by doubting a Ford.
Cancerade, hell I'm old enough to remember the first Live Aid.

Status Quo were up first. Ironically appropriate for stories about the Fords.
This I agree with. She's had a hard go of it. And doesn't try to be anything she's not

Anyone who calls a personal press conference to broadcast thier own views is fair game in my books. If we are to take her and her mother's word about robbie's
morals then it stands to reason thier own morals come into question. Samebfor mikey and the Ks. Some of them lead a private life and some trade on the name.
I don't think that Mr. Cohen would falsify anything, but I think the FORDS would.

That's it in a nutshell. I don't doubt that the Fords are absolute nightmares to have as employers, and I doubt they're much better if you have to deal with them as clients or patients. They surely feel they have every right to exploit Slob's illness as they see fit, and if they're acting out in the media to make it seem more "dramatic" than it actually is, I can see them threatening any doctors in the know who might object to that on professional grounds. There's literally no way the Fords wouldn't view even the most famous and respected physicians as peons if they're unfortunate enough to be "working for them."
Well the whole episode is pretty fishy isn't it? There's no way he didn't know about the mass after his week long hospital intake assessment prior to Greenstone. There's the broken toe and the mere hours before deadline cancer reveal which is obviously full-strength bullshit. The fake sick voice and the head shaving are pretty suspect too. He did, however, alarmingly bloat up like a big angry pufferfish.

It's not so weird, IMO. Cancer can be hard to diagnose. My wife spent months in and out emergency wards, scanning clinics, doctor's offices etc. before her tumor was eventually discovered. The problem was she had smaller, more common issues that appeared to account for the symptoms. There's no reason to assume Greenstone would find a tumor if they weren't looking for one. As for head shaving, I've seen doctors recommend it to people dealing with chemo-related hair loss. The gravelly voice? Chemo is tough, but some days are better than others. I've also seen people bloat during chemo. Steroids will do that.

I believe that Rob & his posse have a very loose comprehension of what is going on and they're milking every drop of political gain possible from it. The result is a massive whirling tornado of bullshit, half truths, assumption and ignorance.

So who knows what's really going on here? ...

I agree 100%.
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They surely feel they have every right to exploit Slob's illness as they see fit, and if they're acting out in the media to make it seem more "dramatic" than it actually is, I can see them threatening any doctors in the know who might object to that on professional grounds."

There'd be no need to threaten the doctors, because no self-respecting doctor would risk their reputation by calling one of their patients a liar.

First of all, it would violate the patient's privacy, and so would be breaking the law.

But most of all, much as we'd like to see Robbie caught in the lie, the doctors likely don't care one whit about the politics of this story. They have much more important things to deal with and if their patients decide to be jerks about it, they'll just work around it.
Anyone who calls a personal press conference to broadcast thier own views is fair game in my books. If we are to take her and her mother's word about robbie's
morals then it stands to reason thier own morals come into question. Samebfor mikey and the Ks. Some of them lead a private life and some trade on the name.

I agree, fuck her and the muumuu she strode in in....that's a figurative fuck, not literal.

Edit: did anyone see the Macleans article with the Toronto tunneller? He went to the Ford Brothers for advice.....
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It's not so weird, IMO. Cancer can be hard to diagnose. My wife spent months in and out emergency wards, scanning clinics, doctor's offices etc. before her tumor was eventually discovered. The problem was she had smaller, more common issues that appeared to account for the symptoms. There's no reason to assume Greenstone would find a tumor if they weren't looking for one. As for head shaving, I've seen doctors recommend it to people dealing with chemo-related hair loss. The gravelly voice? Chemo is tough, but some days are better than others. I've also seen people bloat during chemo. Steroids will do that.

I agree 100%.

So will smoking a shit ton of weed.
Not sure why, but I feel compelled to point out this obvious fact:

If this were anybody else, even another politician I dislike and cannot respect, I would never entertain any of these questions. I would view them as just another fragile human being like all of us, feel a bit for what they must be going through, wish them the best and move on.

Rob & Doug have made it impossible for me to do that.

Everything is bullshit and I'm always being played for an idiot. Bomb scare, baby toe, cottage commitments, occasional driver, constituency consultations, prison beatings, vodka & Gatorade, it all has just rolled & spun into one bigass tangled ball of interfucking bullshit.

My heart bleeds for him.
There'd be no need to threaten the doctors, because no self-respecting doctor would risk their reputation by calling one of their patients a liar.

Well, sure, but that doesn't mean the Fords wouldn't treat any of their doctors as just more of the hired help, no better than any of the other people "beneath them" that they've viciously abused over the years. Anyone who doesn't think belligerent bullying is their go-to method of dealing with underlings simply hasn't been paying attention.

But most of all, much as we'd like to see Robbie caught in the lie, the doctors likely don't care one whit about the politics of this story. They have much more important things to deal with and if their patients decide to be jerks about it, they'll just work around it.

That's likely true up to a point - of course professionals would have to work around the Fords' bullshit as necessary - but I daresay watching the Famiglia gussying up the facts of the case for the crassest of selfish and petty reasons (i.e. personal gain) isn't something said professionals "wouldn't care one whit about." I suspect such a situation would annoy and/or anger the hell out of them.

Now, I admit I'm freely speculating, but as others have said, this entire episode has had a certain amount of fishiness to it right from the start. Even if the Fords are being more or less on the level here, they have themselves to thank if people are suspicious. It's hardly unreasonable to think that habitual, pathological liars are lying, even when they very occasionally tell the truth.
Not sure why, but I feel compelled to point out this obvious fact:

If this were anybody else, even another politician I dislike and cannot respect, I would never entertain any of these questions. I would view them as just another fragile human being like all of us, feel a bit for what they must be going through, wish them the best and move on.

Rob & Doug have made it impossible for me to do that.

Everything is bullshit and I'm always being played for an idiot. Bomb scare, baby toe, cottage commitments, occasional driver, constituency consultations, prison beatings, vodka & Gatorade, it all has just rolled & spun into one bigass tangled ball of interfucking bullshit.

My heart bleeds for him.

Exactly this. X1000
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