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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Speaking of other offices, whatever happened with that lawsuit involving Doug/Deco in New Jersey? I thought there was supposed to be a trial in early November if a settlement wasn't reached.

That's a good question about New Jersey.

I'm guessing Doug settled, if for no other reason than to make it go away in the media.

Unfortunately Dougie probably did settle, in no reality would he purposely air family business.
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Ford Nation is still a strong force. Tory moving to the left as his budget seems to be doing is going to embolden the Ford supporters.

*Though*...remember how much of the Ford voting base (community housing residents, et al) is the sort which otherwise ordinarily *does* vote Lib/NDP left.

Ford Nation as a hyperideological entity, rather than as a "social" entity, is actually a pretty limited bunch; a bunch of Arthur Smithermans and Canada Free Press linkbaiters and what have you...
From the "John Tory must go" FB page --proof of some borderline Marc Lepine/Adam Lanza types out there

Michael Weinberg This Tory ahole is a lieing sack of shit!!!!!!!! We should seriously get a bunch of people and go to the city hall and show this POS mayor that were not gonna do any of the shit he says we gotta do!!!!!!!!! this was my first time ever I was old enough to vote and I voted for Doug ford bc I read on the rob ford FB page that Rob and Doug ford are basically the same mayor and then there was a scam and somehow that Tory guy who I had never even heard of pretty much became mayor!!!!!! I wish Ford Nation would go jihad on this ahole and behead him in front of our city!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He deserves that!!!!!!!! GO FORD GO!!!!!!!!! Ford raaaaaawks!!!!
Like · Reply · 1 · January 19 at 11:40pm
Michael Weinberg No way Daniella u pinko leftard!!!! I got a f'in parking ticket yesterday and I was barely even parked for like 10 minutes!!!!!! I yelled at the ticket guy who said it was no parking and then I was like telling him go read I hate the war on mayor rob ford (it's this awesome FB page by this guy neill flagg) and then he didn't say anything so I told him to F off hahahahaha hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Someone should behead this tory asshole and do it all city hall so us ford nation could watch and laugh and I bet you anything rob ford who used to be the mayor would be cheering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F Tory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like · Reply · January 26 at 6:29pm
Just because I can, I reported the page to Facebook. It probably won't make a difference though.

The media went at least three days without asking Rob's opinion or mentioning him aside from his new Instagram account and web page, which was barely noticed.
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Why is there a "Tory must go" group? I'm wondering if I missed the part where Tory has acted irresponsibly, criminally, maliciously, dangerously, and/or foolishly.
I mean, what is their main problem with him? (I am in no way going to actually explore the contents of said group's postings...please, it's my weekend)
Why is there a "Tory must go" group? I'm wondering if I missed the part where Tory has acted irresponsibly, criminally, maliciously, dangerously, and/or foolishly.
I mean, what is their main problem with him? (I am in no way going to actually explore the contents of said group's postings...please, it's my weekend)

Well, those who lead their own irresponsible, criminal, malicious, dangerous, and/or foolish lifestyles need a place to vent, esp. now that the dewd who "enabled" and "empowered" them is no longer in charge...
I got a f'in parking ticket yesterday and I was barely even parked for like 10 minutes!!!!!! I yelled at the ticket guy who said it was no parking and then I was like telling him go read I hate the war on mayor rob ford (it's this awesome FB page by this guy neill flagg) and then he didn't say anything so I told him to F off hahahahaha hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

To make the whole thing a little more sporting, I would issue parking enforcement stun guns to use at their discretion.
There's also Neil Flagg's more-creatively-named parallel group

LOL. "Tory's own company (Rogers)"

What'd I do to myself? I clicked your link and almost had an aneurism trying to process what I was seeing. It. Was. Painful.
In some of today's vernacular: I can't even.

Edit: Ok, I need to go to bed. I just seriously f*cked up....I replied to some of the nonsense people had posted on there. I fed some seriously thick trolls.

Never clicking dangerous links again.
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