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Rob Ford's Toronto

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A twitter account for someone interested in Toronto and Ontario politics. That's all that I know.

Thanks. I hope the question didn't sound snarky. I was just wondering if he has inside knowledge, or is just an observer like the rest of us.
You know, there is something rather bizarre* about holding a press conference to "announce" you're not running for office, wouldn't y'all say?

Doubly so if Thug genuinely is steamed that Toronto's big media opted not to send their heavy hitters to cover a non-newsworthy non-story. Your 15 minutes are up, asshole, and in reality they were your disgusting brother's 15 minutes, not yours'. Never yours'. You were just piggybacking on them. Best get used to it.

*and narcissistic and delusional, natch!

So Dougies gonna announce or not the intention to run for the Provincial PC's and he's pissed Queens Park reporters rather than City Hall reporters were there. OKAY THEN.
Siobhan Morris @siomo
This makes very little sense. Doug Ford tells City News he'll run for PC leadership if the party doesn't win in 2018.
Siobhan Morris @siomo
After a long leadership race, I can't fathom the PCs turfing their leader after one campaign unless the loss is super abysmal #onpoli

The lady makes a good point.

Siobhan Morris @siomo
Doug Ford says the pollsters in the municipal vote mislead the electorate #TOpoli
Siobhan Morris @siomo
Doug Ford told City News earlier today he was sure he made right call not to run for PC ldr. Now tells Ryan Doyle he isn't sure #topoli
Siobhan Morris @siomo
Doug Ford "I don't like changing my mind" (on whether he'll jump into PC leadership race before Jan 30 cut off) #TOpoli #onpoli

It didn't take him long to start waffling!
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I'm not convinced that Doug was ever sincere about running for PCPO leader. His consistent pattern has always been lies, diversions, and full-frontal BS, why would this be any different? Doug thinks he's Dr Joe Goebbels, or at least a modern day version of him.

This is just noise, and Doug needs to generate it to make a place for himself in the story. If he stayed quiet for several months and then came out of the wilderness talking about a PC seat at Queen's Park, no one would really care. It wouldn't get enough attention to gain any traction.

Coming off the meryl race, the PCPO leadership shtick was a red herring to keep his name in the news and build the Ford Nation myth. I think Doug would be quite happy with a PCPO backbench seat just like good old Dad.

With a backbench seat, he could still peddle influence, disingenuously stir up shit, do Ford selfies with folks, and paint a veneer of respectability on a family that deserves none. Rob was more interested in fame; Doug is more interested in power. I think he sees more power available from Queen's Park than City Hall.

Not such a bad deal, especially when you get paid for it, including downtown parking space for your coal-roller.
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...By agreeing not to run for the leadership and to back Elliott he probably extracted a promise to let him run for a seat and then land a cabinet post. With no time wasted on the wrong side of the legislature. Doug's banking on Elliott winning in 2018 and then only sticking around for a single term (she'll be 67 in 2022). At this point Doug swoops in and grabs the premiership (as an "unelected" premier no less - oh the irony) That's pretty much the only explanation that makes sense.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.

There's no way Doug is passing on the race without some kind of promise of future favours from Elliott. A shot at MPP, with a promise of an important role, seems the most likely guess.

That said, the Fords don't really make deals. They do what they want, when they want. There's a lot of days between now and Jan. 30 and I wouldn't rule out Doug making a last minute bid.
Rob won't show up for work, and when he does he will be ignored. Thankfully.

Rob will be gone by April.

Pleomorphic liposarcoma (PLS), the rarest subtype of liposarcoma (LS; see this term), is an aggressive, fast growing tumor located usually in the deep soft tissues of the lower and upper extremities. It is characterized by a variable number of pleomorphic lipoblasts and, in contrast to dedifferentiated liposarcoma, it lacks any association with well-differentiated liposarcoma (see these terms).
Doug Ford says there will be a dual mayor system in Toronto with his brother as councillor & John Tory as mayor.

Let's me see:

  • Deputy Mayor Rob Ford—no
  • Chair of any committee for Rob Ford—no
  • Chair of Etobicoke Community Council for Rob Ford—no
  • Deputy position for any of the committees for Rob Ford—no

Maybe John may ask Rob to assist the committee in charge of 311. What committee would that be?
I'm not convinced that Doug was ever sincere about running for PCPO leader. His consistent pattern has always been lies, diversions, and full-frontal BS, why would this be any different? Doug thinks he's Dr Joe Goebbels, or at least a modern day version of him.

You're too right; I can't decide whether the funny wins in the fight against the scary. The only silver lining would be if Doug has had some serious emotional pain and sleepless nights, slowly figuring out that Rob would never ever pick up all the skills of Dr Joe's boss.

With a backbench seat, he could still peddle influence, disingenuously stir up shit, do Ford selfies with folks, and paint a veneer of respectability on a family that deserves none. Rob was more interested in fame; Doug is more interested in power. I think he sees more power available from Queen's Park than City Hall.

Yes. I can't argue against any of that.
You know, there is something rather bizarre* about holding a press conference to "announce" you're not running for office, wouldn't y'all say?

Doubly so if Thug genuinely is steamed that Toronto's big media opted not to send their heavy hitters to cover a non-newsworthy non-story. Your 15 minutes are up, asshole, and in reality they were your disgusting brother's 15 minutes, not yours'. Never yours'. You were just piggybacking on them. Best get used to it.

*and narcissistic and delusional, natch!

Ford Family news cycle to promote there agenda. At the announcement this morning did people notice Diane manoeuvring to stay in the shot behind Doug? Is she showing who is behind the decisions of the Ford Family Compact?
Are Neil Flagg and the gang still being silent about Doug not running? I would check, but that page makes me feel stupid when I read it...
Are Neil Flagg and the gang still being silent about Doug not running? I would check, but that page makes me feel stupid when I read it...

Not much:

Hate The War on Mayor Rob Ford shared a link.

6 hours ago · Edited

Complete 11-minute Doug Ford press conference here. Some notes:

- Said Rob is disappointed he's not running.
- Said he will campaign for Christine Elliott.
- Primary motivation seems to be: burnout from municipal campaign, and lack of heart to go up against Jim Flaherty's widow.
- Sounded quite sure he will run as PC candidate for Etobicoke North in 2017. Said politics is certainly in his future again but at this time of his life he just needs a little break.
- Our speculation: Christine Elliott reached out and pulled his heartstrings to convince him not to run, plus probably indicated he would be cabinet material if PC Party forms next government.

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