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Rob Ford's Toronto

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It looks like added the information about Karla's Jewish ancestery. The edit looks innocent enough, and is well sourced - editor does a lot of work, and doesn't seem to have an agenda. Further edits have been made to reference the questions about this ancestry raised in the media; these further edits are by Kaneandhicks - although this is not an experienced editor, and unfortunately does seem to have an agenda, and more clean-up needs to be done.

Doug Sr.'s middle name is Bruce, but isn't Doug's middle name Robert?
How would anyone know what kind of screensaver Ford's computer had - he never used the thing...

Grr - got kicked out while editing. Just wanted to add that my screensaver has been Sherman's Lagoon for as long as I can remember (currently running on Windows 8). Sharks, turtles, swordfish, hunterfish, puffers and prey fish and various others swim calmly across the screen. Animation and sound, pleasant bubble noises and survival-of-the-fittest prey fish screams and puffer fish pops (I have it on mute). Kids get a kick out of setting all the fish numbers to 99 and having the screen fill with screaming carnage. I think Robbie would like it.
The hallway outside our office is lonely. Where are my communist buddies? You know you miss me!

It's too soon after the victory to fraternize with the conquered regime, in my opinion. I would avoid any unofficial interaction, discussions or arguments with them until after the transition of power is complete.
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The hallway outside our office is lonely. Where are my communist buddies? You know you miss me!

It's too soon after the victory to fraternize with the conquered regime. I would avoid any unofficial interaction, discussions or arguments with them until after the transition of power.

I don't think it is wise for him to keep on doing this, unless Rob already promised him a job.
I don't think it is wise for him to keep on doing this, unless Rob already promised him a job.

Lots of offers, he says.

"Offers at Council and Ottawa, and an amazing private sector offer. I will be staying with Rob though."

Ford Nation must be feeling very sad after their defeat. I guess they are pinning their hopes on Doug now at the provincial level.
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Lots of offers, he says.

"Offers at Council and Ottawa, and an amazing private sector offer. I will be staying with Rob though."

Ford Nation must be feeling very sad after their defeat. I guess they are pinning their hopes on Doug now at the provincial level.

Sounds suspect (sour grapes et al) - though I would love to know who supposedly wanted to hire him - it would tell me plenty about the potential employer.

I don't think it is wise for him to keep on doing this, unless Rob already promised him a job.

Pretty sure he has, he said something about having a renewed contract the other day, Rob can keep 3 f/t staff* in his diminished capacity at City Hall. If I were guessing Dan (with a pay cut) and Amin would be the other two. You can't teach *that* kind of loyalty.

*I think they have a staff budget to do with how they like... 3 or 4 full timers and a couple of p/t or 1 or 2 f/t and a half dozen p/t, mix and match type of thing.
I was in court today and there was another trial going on in my courtroom in which the accused, who appeared to have mental health problems and was representing himself, told the judge he was going to subpoena a reporter from the Toronto Sun. On a break outside court several of the police officers were howling with laughter saying the reporter in question was Joe Warmington, and that even if subpoenaed, there was no way he'd show up to court. I'm mildly tempted to go back to see if he does or not.
Pretty sure he has, he said something about having a renewed contract the other day, Rob can keep 3 f/t staff* in his diminished capacity at City Hall. If I were guessing Dan (with a pay cut) and Amin would be the other two. You can't teach *that* kind of loyalty.

*I think they have a staff budget to do with how they like... 3 or 4 full timers and a couple of p/t or 1 or 2 f/t and a half dozen p/t, mix and match type of thing.

What happens to Jerry the driver? Is Rob ok to drive himself now that he will soon be a councillor?
What happens to Jerry the driver? Is Rob ok to drive himself now that he will soon be a councillor?

Nobody has seen Jerry in quite some time. Amin, Graeme and Dan have been around a fair bit. I did see Graeme's tweet about a new contract starting in December. I don't believe the other job offers are legit, would you stay with a guy who's on death's doorstep or get a more secure job?
Two questions: 1.) If Doug is successful in politics, where would you rather see him - as leader of PCPO or as mayor?

Provincial Tories may theoretically have more safeguards, but if this is the same pack of dunderheads who thought Hudak would make a fine choice for leader, who could make inroads into the GTA, and Premier material. Then might as well just give another Liberal majority wrapped in a nice package and lovely card. The OPC really needs IMO to stop considering reptilian candidates disguised in sweater vests or suits. Most voters are mammalian based, and have an aversion to overly reptilian based political personalities. INB4 "well that's specist reasoning".

Cooper said:
2.) In Toronto, how do you rate Doug's chances in a second mayoral run if Rob is no longer in the picture?

4 years can be a long time in politics. But unless Tory bungles it up worse than Rob and beats a kitten on live TV. Doug might become another Sarah Thomson. Impressive enough initially, then became fringe. But who knows, maybe Doug could become the next Ted Cruz if he makes good on his threat to leave Toronto for the brighter shores of the USofA.
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Two questions: 1.) If Doug is successful in politics, where would you rather see him - as leader of PCPO or as mayor? 2.) In Toronto, how do you rate Doug's chances in a second mayoral run if Rob is no longer in the picture?

Leader of the PCPO?: Doug has stated loudly and publicly, that he would flush most of the PC party down the toilet. Good luck in getting the Party to choose you as their new leader!

Mayor? : Doug will be out of the picture for 4 years and won't have any Rob frenzy to capitalize on.

Other thoughts.

Robby and Joes begging for a Deputy Mayor position is pathetic. Rob was the worst mayor ever in the history of mayors. He showed up late and hungover and left early to smoke crack and coach football. He was so bad that his entire council turned their backs on him. He declared war on them. In what universe does that get rewarded with a plum title and position?

Its over. The Buzz surrounding Rob and Doug is dying fast. The days are numbered when anyone will show up to a Doug Ford presser. Nobody outside of Ford Nation really cares about Rob or Doug. The story was always "Holy crap, this buffoon is the MAYOR?" That story has ended.

Mayor Rob Ford's office fish tank is being cleaned. I'm told the fish are being moved to his council office #TOpoli

Those poor fish...

Aw, Mayor Troy wanted those fishies

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