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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The residents of that ward feel a drunk-driving crackhead represents them...I just don't get it. Maybe handing out free hot dogs really trumps everything else.

It really does. The idea that somehow we all grow into adults is a big lie. highschool never ends, we just get fatter and more tired. In highschool, the guy who handed out the lollipops and had the best buttons/stickers always won the student council votes. The kid who was smart simply got to be valedictorian and go on to have an equally academic adult life. Keep in mind too, many Ford supporters don't have the twitter, or the desire to investigate further than what they argue about at the bar.

Fords have always run around based on fear. Doug literally scared the bejesus out of everyone who would listen. And he did it while bribing minds and wallets.

I'd love to be on the team opposite Ford next round to help whoever it is to fight a better fight. No one felt low enough to take on a fat dickhead.

that's my 2 cents.
Yes. The Ford Nationalists will vote for anything with a Ford name attached to it, knowing that even if it's a vegetable, it'll a) vote how Doug / Rob / Diane wants it to and b) that it will simply follow Rob's lead and vote no on anything of any consequence. They don't care that it's an insult to the ability of government to operate, because they don't care if government operates if they aren't getting their own way. See the Republicans in the US for details, particularly the Tea Partiers. They either get their way, or government gets shut down. They're happy either way, because they don't want effective government, they want everything to crash and burn.

Let's be frank, the phenomenon is cultish.

Cultish indeed. I think the obvious thing that is getting skipped over here is that when Rofo passes and a bi-election occurs it will be Doug Ford who steps forward to retake that seat.

On another my ward the right wing candidate realized 5% of the vote and Sarah Thomson netted 9%. I am so going to latte hard today...
Strongly agreed on almost all, except for one point that isn't quite a disagreement. More like, tell me your take on whether the pros outweighs the cons on it. I've pondered it too, but I'm somewhat wary about it, but I'm not adverse to changing my stance on the matter.

That is party politics at the municipal level. On paper I'd prefer to keep it without a party system, I do like the concept that a councilor and mayor is beholden to the citizen, just as much as to council and rules and laws.
On the ground reality, party self identification does happen on a wink wink nudge nudge say no more, there is a party participation going on, and not limited to Rob screaming NDP NDP NDP only. Rob was touting his connection to his BFF Harper, Thug openly musing (or deludedly alluding) about leadership of the OPC, Tory's Liberal endorsements. basically it's badly kept secret there is a party politics aspect to municipal politics. I'm not outraged, I know all levels of government do need to work with each other. In theory at least. :p

But how would it be implemented in your opinion. As well, how would it avoid a potential problem of candidates\councilors not having enough independence, ie: back bencher toeing the party line syndrome.

Mayor stays the mayor and appoints a cabinet. Council divided by parties and leader of largest coalition becomes house leader (or appointed by mayor?). Next highest becomes opposition leader. Mayor gets veto power for <2/3 votes. In practice works like US congress except cabinet comes from house. Or something like that.

Point is, imagine how different the last four years would have been with an official opposition and an assigned leader to hold Ford to account. Imagine a weekly question period. Imagine Giorgio trying to win a nomination battle.
Let's be frank, the phenomenon is cultish.


The CP24 on the street interviews from "FordNayshun" this morning look like a bunch of rejects from Central Casting. If you use George Carlins "half of the people are half as smart as half of the average (dumb) people" then the DoFo polling numbers sound about right.
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Jimmy Fallon just ran out of material, as did all US comedians.

Wait 'til they hear Mikey.

/knows he's too far down on the food chain to get any real traction, but I think it's now pretty clear why he wasn't allowed to speak until last night.

(damn you guys were busy last night, just now caught back up...)
What are the chances that we will see ranked ballots? What are the steps required?

I'm kindof OK with Rob winning, only because Ward 2 will get what they deserve for being so utterly selfish. Also, it means that this thread will still live on as he continues to bungle and smash his way through life.

I'm more pissed about Mikey getting in than Rob. Only because it means that even when the cancer excises RoFo, we're not in the clear. I can't see him being competent at all, just based on age and experience. As a parent, I wouldn't be happy to have someone like him representing me when it comes to my children. Again, it shows how thick and selfish some of the residents in that Ward are.

It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Rob dies, does Mutey or Drug run in the by-election? If Mutey, who clearly would win, do we hear from him? Probably not, because it's clear the Ford's own that Ward. But if he decides to parlay that in the Ford Mayoral nomination in 2018, he will have to speak.
Also, let's keep in mind the COI case filed by Jude. There are great ramifications for RoFo if he loses it, which is likely.

Let the watch start on that front!
Well, my guess of Tug only garnering 14.7% of the vote was not even half right. Mutey being elected, Rub winning with the words of Ali G Toronto is full of "spasticated bell ends".
Yeah. Most likely prednisone.

My daughter was on prednisone for 18 months for a medical condition but it took months for the puffiness to emerge, not weeks. Even then, it was not as bad as Rob's puffiness. Then again she's much younger and has not abused her body with alcohol and drugs. It really puts into perspective for me the difference healthy choices make when dealing with illness. Too bad Rob will probably die never figuring it out.
Also, let's keep in mind the COI case filed by Jude. There are great ramifications for RoFo if he loses it, which is likely.

Let the watch start on that front!

Doug is also named in that lawsuit, so even though he lost, he couldn't run in Ward 2 again.
My daughter was on prednisone for 18 months for a medical condition but it took months for the puffiness to emerge, not weeks.

I was on it for a few weeks after surgery and I got moonfaced pretty quick. Everyone reacts differently.
What are the chances that we will see ranked ballots? What are the steps required?

The provincial Liberals need to pass a law that allows municipalities to choose between FPTP and ranked ballots. Still a bit sketchy on details, but it looks like the only alternative under consideration is an instant runoff style. Given the number of people who run in municipal elections it may be limited to a 1-2-3 ballot (vs going down the whole list). There are about a dozen variants of proportional and ranked ballots, so there could be more options approved.

Once that law is passed, Toronto Council will need to approve the change in ballot style. They requested the change a few years ago but they still need to approve. Given the strength of most councillors' mandates this time around there is a good chance that they won't be self-interested enough to shoot it down.
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