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Rob Ford's Toronto

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No he doesn't. That Forum poll was an anomaly.
The 18-34 group was so small and so different it should have been tossed from the weighting. Raw, unadjusted, the results were in the ballpark of all the other recent polls.

If one is going to put any stock in polls, I'm more inclined to look to 308 (from a CBC article today "Why is Chow Lagging?"):, a website that compiles data from various polls, pegs Chow's support at 22 per cent, behind leader John Tory (43 per cent) and Doug Ford (34 per cent).
Ooooooooo :) :) :) : "NFL's Seatle Seahawks owner Paul Allen Endorses John Tory for Mayor of Toronto"

Rob would probably go on a huge bender if he read that in the Sun!

Doug would try and pander to Bills fans here and get the Pegula family to back him.

Shawn Jeffords ‏@Shawn_Jeffords 8m8 minutes ago
Ford says he doesn't have the big elites donating to his campaign. #topoli

I guess he forgot about his expensive fundraisers.
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Curiously Forum left out the Household Income demo for the last couple of polls...makes it harder decipher any type of trends....kind of makes the information look like GIGO....

I'm not especially a math or stats guy, but dayum that last Forum poll was shaky enough for *me* to spot the FU without even getting that far into it. Other than cost, which can't be much, why would they drop the quicky income sorting question... Maybe enough not answering it to make it's result meaningful?
This Charter thing is so easy for Tory to counter.
Something like:

"I know that managing a company through a chapter 11 bankruptcy and having it emerge as one of the world's largest cable companies, is kind of complicated for someone who's only managed a small business they inherited. If Doug want to sit down for a week or two, I could try and explain it to him."
Yes, surprising that Mammo has not rushed forward too, he is the champion rat! Hopefully he will be defeated but he should never have been elected in first place so who knows!

Mammo endorsed him right away - on the switch-over date (put out a press release). So did Nunziata (John).
This Charter thing is so easy for Tory to counter.
Something like:

"I know that managing a company through a chapter 11 bankruptcy and having it emerge as one of the world's largest cable companies, is kind of complicated for someone who's only managed a mom and pop shop they inherited. If Doug want to sit down for a week or two, I could try and explain it to him."

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 54s55 seconds ago
Minnan-Wong with Tory: The problem we've had in the last two years is that "we haven't been able to get any type of leadership" from mayor.


Ann Hui ‏@annhui 19s19 seconds ago
Tory calls Doug Ford a "very divisive leader", Denzil Minnan-Wong says the "wheels came off" of last four yrs of Ford administration
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Oh gawd, could they get even more distasteful by 1) dragging the Holocaust into it and 2) get the timing of said event completely wrong? Ugh.

And of course SAL has bought the whole name change/conversion scenario, mainly because the debunking thereof is supported by Bernier Farber. And she's supposedly known about Karla's ancestry for years yet somehow never mentioned it in the context of Rob or Doug expressing prejudice. Right.
I guess he forgot about his expensive fundraisers.

Perhaps just a coincidence, but after all of the criticism of the media giving the Fords free airtime every day for everything that they do, it does not seem that the press is even trying to cover his fundraisers, or the cancellations of same, since the first one, in Vaughan, which only got about a inch or so in the Sun.
It essentially amounts to the difference between liars and bullshitters. Liars actually respect the truth. When they lie, they know they could be found out, so they make at least some effort to sound credible. Bullshitters simply don't care, and Thug is an especially reckless example of the species. As it was pointed out a few pages back, he spews so many lies (which tend to be pretty egregious, coming from him), we're still deconstructing one when half a dozen more suddenly appear. With a complient media, weak, gutless 'opponents' who never or rarely hit back (except for Ari Goldkind), and no way to ensure Thug suffers actual consequences for his perfidy...well, whaddaya gonna do?

I've noted several people over the years - including the late Gore Vidal and Alexander Cockburn - who observed that the reason Richard Nixon was ultimately sunk by lies and Ronald Reagan wasn't was because Nixon acted like he was lying when he lied and Reagan didn't. Tricky Dick always sweated and twitched on tv when he was lying. He looked like he knew he was lying, and worse, he knew that we knew it, too. Reagan always looked like he believed whatever crap he was spouting, and he probably did. I'm sure Thug doesn't believe his own garbage, but he surely thinks himself justified to do whatever he likes to get whatever he wants.

[FONT=Times.New.Roman]"it is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. A person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and ofthe liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose."

Harry Frankfort,* On Bull Shit

Prof. of Philosophy, Princeton[/FONT]
GraphicMatt 10:25am via Echofon
Doug Ford is asked if any councillors will endorse him. "Uh, not yet. But i have the endorsement of the people."

Yup, DuhFo has the endorsement of the people in the outer ring. I live in the central city and all of us here are horrified with DuhFo.

For real, we have a divided city now. This poses a real leadership challenge and DuhFo is not up to that. Voters must choose the candidate most likely to try to heal the fractious nature of this new relationship (aka the megacity). This will take brains, not a DuhFo.
And of course SAL has bought the whole name change/conversion scenario, mainly because the debunking thereof is supported by Bernier Farber. And she's supposedly known about Karla's ancestry for years yet somehow never mentioned it in the context of Rob or Doug expressing prejudice. Right.

Well Markovitz...(or any variation of the spelling)
could end up being say Marko, Marks or how about this Banks.....
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