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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Doug Ford is done. He's unliked, has no campaign structure and no room for growth. Every minute wasted fighting him means less time spent trying to keep Rob out of Ward 2.

I agree, everything Tug's doing seems like he's just going through the motions.

I would love to see Andray defeat Rub but cancer boy will get the sympathy vote from the simpletons of Ward 2.

Whatever Jude is uncovering won't mean anything to Ford Nation, the only thing that would impact their support is Tug being caught in a gay tryst with some twink, like Ted Haggard was.

Digging into @KelFord_'s posts through, it appears that not only is she dismissing Goldkind on the basis of his appearance (i.e., not handsome enough to vote for), she also dismissed Andray Domise for being 'transparently all full of himself. Look at me, my clothes LOL'. In other words, too handsome/concerned about appearances. Hypocritical, much?

Also she thinks the problem with Domise is 'you haven't said ANYTHING worthy of a politician looking after our money. @MichaelFordTO spoke more'. This is some serious trolling.
Doug was dreadful. Mowed through Matt's questions with an unstoppable droning of talking points from 2010, much retelling of Ford fables going back to the fictitious $744m opening budget pressure, all bound up with flat-out lies (work 18 hours a day every day, love the people of this city, "shook hands with" the father of the autistic teen, rescued the city budget from the brink). He would have come across as patronizing and pompous except he just sounded flat-out tired of the whole charade.

Wow. I just listened to the interview. This is the Doug Ford we knew couldn't be kept under wraps for long: the intolerable loudmouth bully. He really couldn't have been ruder. Not to mention the lies! Wow. Wow. Wow. You can see Silverstein through the glass throughout, and while he's good at keeping his face impassive throughout, you can see him sinking by the end. Not sure he'll be able to stuff the Angry Doug genie back in the bottle, unless he withdraws him from all future debates.

For a summary of the lies, the Star got this up pretty quick:
This is awesome.

Doug Ford basically doesn’t say a single true thing during his Metro Morning interview
This morning’s interview with Doug Ford on CBC’s Metro Morning was an amazing demonstration of the mayoral candidate’s ability to bluster. Under withering questioning from host Matt Galloway, Ford not only refused to engage with reality, but actually substituted his own alternate-universe take. At one point, Galloway confronted Ford with the fact that his city council attendance record is among the worst (which is absolutely true). “I was in the chamber,†Ford replied. “I had one of the best attendance records for showing up, being there.†Asked about his consistently inaccurate claims about the city budget, Ford accused Galloway of being ignorant of the city’s finances, which are public knowledge. “I’ve never had an interview that someone’s been so disingenuous to me in my life,†Ford said, disingenuously.

Steve Kupferman just wrote something that 99% of Toronto's print journalists wanted to write but were told not to because keeping Tug in the race will sell more papers.

I am amazed that not one tv personality has called him out and said "that's a LIE" when Tug does his usual obfuscating. If I were a journalist I would preface each piece with Tug by saying "and now we go to that bripkin Tug Ford to listen to some alibosh".

P.S. Gellet Burgess coined some wonderful words that I use frequently, Conman Black uses them often, especially when it concerns an igmoil.
TorontoStar 12:05pm via twitterfeed
Doug Ford served at debate with what appeared to be legal documents.

I guess we can go out on a limb and assume this was Jude's thing, eh?

And I know someone posted TO Life's thing but Daniel Dale also posted a list of things Doug lied about this morning. It was a bad performance, no doubt, but I dunno if any Ford Nationals listen to Metro Morning. If Doug is going through the motions, you really have to ponder the psychology at work, to put yourself through such a prolonged and public humiliation for what? To prove a point?
I guess we can go out on a limb and assume this was Jude's thing, eh?

And I know someone posted TO Life's thing but Daniel Dale also posted a list of things Doug lied about this morning. It was a bad performance, no doubt, but I dunno if any Ford Nationals listen to Metro Morning. If Doug is going through the motions, you really have to ponder the psychology at work, to put yourself through such a prolonged and public humiliation for what? To prove a point?

Too bad he wasn't served *during* the debate. That would have been something.

Just noticed this exchange on twitter. Someone putting the dots together?

Jude MacDonald ‏@judemacdonald 13m13 minutes ago
@Jpags you don't follow me, so I can't reply by DM.

Jennifer Pagliaro ‏@jpags 13m13 minutes ago
@judemacdonald Sorry! Try now.
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