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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Oh FFS, stop milking it for drama already Joe. He has been diagnosed with cancer - like a zillion other Canadians, some with far worse prognosis, and some having to deal with it multiple times. It doesn't take Rob Ford to somehow put a human face on the disease, or that his suffering is special.

I concur. And I still find the machinations craven. Also most Canadians without his kind of money would have the added financial stressors to deal with as well. I nearly went broke paying for hospital parking when my grandfather was in hospital for four months last year.
It's not just like any of us returning to work. There is an entire ward of citizens who rely on their councillor to take care of things that directly affect their lives. It's selfish and irresponsible for him to stay in the race when he doesn't know if he can serve his citizens or not. I read in the Star this morning a quote from a "family source" that they decided Rob should stay in the race so he'd have something to live for. Once again, it was all about Rob. Not about the citizens he supposedly serves.

Does that same reasoning apply to the rest of us? If I get sick, should I quit my job because I don't know if I can serve my employer properly?
Am I being selfish and irresponsible knowing that I might not be able to do it properly?
Nope. You keep going til you can't.
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^Actually, it does. Rob Ford is the new Terry Fox. I propose: Ford Nation Vote for the Cure.

That out of the way, I think Rob Ford should consider options other than chemo/radiation--a horrible ordeal that slowly poisons you to death. He should become--like his brother--a vegetarian, perhaps even just a raw vegan diet, abstain from all processed foods, sugars, diet "pops", alcohol, red meats etc.

Thats why dreamer is part of your handle.
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What Rob Ford doesn't need, however, is stress. Stress and cancer are bad news.
I knew someone that went through what RF is going through--same doctor, roughly same stage of cancer. Zane Cohen may act like a rockstar but he isn't g-d.

Don't want stress, don't lie and get yourself into an investigation, don't milk the media for publicity, don't do selfies and don't "work" as a mayor or councillor. The current state of his stress is his responsibility and his alone.

Nobody is god, but I would certainly trust a medical professional more than someone telling me that going vegan will cure cancer because chemotherapeutic agents are toxic (which they are, with reasons).

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Joe Warmington

TORONTO -- While people around the world were watching, so was Mayor Rob Ford.

From his hospital bed.

While Dr. Zane Cohen was detailing the mayor's health crisis to the media, Ford was in his 14th-floor room in Mount Sinai with the TV on.

"He did have it on," said his nephew, Mikey Ford. "He was taking it all in but not saying much."

It was a lot to take in.

And what is there to say?

The mayor has cancer. The doctor said he needs two bouts of chemotherapy before the mayor's medical team considers the prospect of surgery.

That was the bad news.

The better news is there is hope. This was a welcome development because ever since word came down that the mayor was in hospital, the feeling has not been positive.

Warmington's writing truly is a blight on journalism in the English language, a tumour ravaging defenceless paragraphs.
I think the 'Lade may be parked for a while, L-D, but we now have messages from Doug's Lincoln to look forward to.

"Just a simple Lincoln Navigator suddenly thrust into the limelight"

Speaking of potholes, I remember some of the worst being on Post Rd and The Bridle Path. My understanding was that the homeowners liked it that way because they discouraged commuters from using their streets.

Not just commuters but travelling salesfolk as well.
Stress isn't just work related--it can be in the form of depression, anxiety, family problems, the Toronto Star harrassing you :p, etc.

Having seen the effect of chemo etc first hand, I would say no if it came to that situation.

As for the high price of hospital parking--why not park for much much less in Kensington Market or an area residential street, go for a 5-10 minute walk and enjoy the Baldwin Village atmosphere? (Or park at Keele Station--$4.50 for entire day's parking, plus $6 return on the TTC is still cheaper.)
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I concur. And I still find the machinations craven. Also most Canadians without his kind of money would have the added financial stressors to deal with as well. I nearly went broke paying for hospital parking when my grandfather was in hospital for four months last year.

Protip, just park where the ambulances are. Make sure you have a "Ford Mayor" sticker on it though, that's like an all access pass. Make sure you walk, swagger almost, and act like you own this town (because once elected, you do. It's just like a Don Bosco football coach volunteer position, in that it's actually a job for life entitlement). If anyone asks or hassles you, tell them one of your family member has cancer. It helps if you have a columnist\"journalist" to act as your personal scribe. If anyone really hassles you, yell and threaten how biased and racist they are. Oooh, also try to shame and cower any critics that doesn't defer and shuts up out of respect. For cancer.

If a regular everyday folk like the Fords can do it, why can't you? Unless you're some sort of elitist or something.
Wait, wait, wait ...

I haven't been paying attention to Rob Ford's past cancers.

Are you saying that he previously faked a tumour?!?

Yes. Called an infected appendix and surrounding tissue a tumour. Also lied about getting a lung biopsy ( or wormington made it up) In addiction and recovery there is a saying sober up a horse thief you got a sober horse thief. Liars with cancer are just sick liars.
Stress isn't just work related--it can be in the form of depression, anxiety, family problems, the Toronto Star harrassing you :p, etc.
Having seen the effect of chemo etc first hand, I would say no if it came to that situation.

You can't create a circus by choosing to run in a race and then somehow avoid dealing with the media. It comes with the job - you can't suck and blow at the same time.

Refusing conventional medical treatment is a personal choice - RoFo can go that route, and clearly he didn't.

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