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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Doug invoking Jack and Olivia (boosting Chow at the expense of Tory and opening up a potential for splitting the vote and running up the middle) could very well be what was foreshadowed here.

Splitting the opposition vote is just normal election strategy, nothing devious or Fordian about it.
Like it or not, it's a smart strategy, they did the same thing with Joey Pants last election when Ford buttered Pants when he knew he wasn't a threat, which even got Pants in a debate said he trusts Ford more than Smitherman.

If that is a strategy it really starts pushing the conspiracy theory that is stuck in my mind that Doug sabotaged Rob's "camping" since the election begun. Rob strategy this time around was to attack everybody in sight, even if they are not contenders. Now Doug walks in and has all of a sudden a possible much more logical strategy. I know there is a high possibility that Doug is an idiot as well, but it might also explain the totally illogical post rehab anti-press move they did on their first press conference. Did he really want Rob's numbers never to be "that good" so he can walk in and look good in contrast.

By the way I never EVER bought Doug "wanting to go back to chicago" Did his house ever go on sale, doesn't he have daughters still in HS. Are they going to transfer? Does his wife work? Any word he getting ready to leave? Remember Doug lies all the time, and when he said "He's ready to go to Chicago" he also said he would "stand by his brother side after Rob wins re-election" Never take anything Doug says at face value.

I've wondered about this before. Maybe Doug, fed up with Rob's antics, caused Rob to unnecessarily panic and drop out of the race so he could take the helm of the family's political fortunes.
SAL is the queen of the call-and-response school of insults. She has that whole nya-nya-nya thing going in person. When I got into a verbal exchange with her, she ended up mocking my accent. Classy girl herself.

Well, no wonder she's aligned with the Fords, she's an 8-yr. old bully herself. Unbelievable.

She really is no better than the average FN who whines about 'bullying' whenever even the mildest criticism of Ford is uttered, but with an added layer of condescension.

What's all this about being beaten and locked away?

So apparently my lack of "empathy" is due to my having a charmed life. While Sue-Ann, on the other hand, did not. Here is her reasoning:

Sue-Ann Levy ‏@SueAnnLevy 11h
@KnottygirlVP After 20 yrs living in the closet and being beaten and left for dead, I have empathy for others with flaws. Might try it.

It was late and I didn't have time to get into it with her. Suffice it to say I suffered from intense abuse my entire childhood. The fact that she feels she has the right to make assumptions about anyone's life is just wrong. Her reasoning is deeply flawed. I see an emotionally stunted woman. When one has been abused with no escape for long periods, they tend to develop Complex PTSD, which requires a great deal of inner work for many years, and needs to be managed for one's entire life. SAL is emotionally immature and stuck, and guess what? If she ain't gonna work at it, I have little sympathy :).
Does it make much of a difference at this point? He's the mayor in name only, nothing but a powerless figurehead.*** His illness doesn't really change anything at this point.

Actually, he does have powers or roles that come from the Municipal Act or the City of Toronto Act that have not, and cannot as a matter of law, be taken from him - for instance, to declare a state of emergency. It probably would be better for those powers or roles to rest with the DM (which would be the effect of Robbie taking a leave of absence) rather then with someone lodged in a hospital bed undergoing who knows what treatments, taking who knows what drugs, and so on.

***I don't know how many times this thread has been over this point, but again: The City of Toronto Act allows council, by by-law, to delegate to the Mayor some of the powers ordinarily exercised by council - for instance, the power to name the members of the executive committee and the heads of other committees. During Miller's term, council adopted a by-law doing this (let's call it the Delegation By-law). Following the "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine" episode, council adopted a by-law that suspends the operation of the Delegation By-law until the first day of the next term (Nov. 30, 2015). Thus, the powers delegated to the Mayor were 'taken back' by council until the first day of the next term. (That said, council did not change the decisions made by Ford using the delegaed powers before they were 'taken back' - for instance, council did not change the members of the executive committee or the heads of other committees chosen by Ford when he had the delegated powers.)

The new council could do nothing, so that the Delegation By-law comes back into operation, or adopt a by-law continuing the suspension of the Delegation By-law to a later date, or amend the Delegation By-law in some fashion or repeal the Delegation By-law. In all events, any powers of council that council decides to delegate to the Mayor are the 'Mayor's powers' in the sense that they are powers given to the Mayor by council. The "Mayor's powers' that council cannot take away are the various powers given directly to the Mayor by the Municipal Act or the City of Toronto Act - for instance, the Mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipal corporation we refer to as Toronto, and that is not something that council could change. These are the 'Mayor's powers' in a much stronger sense, as they are not conferred in the first place on someone else and they cannot be delegated (although they can be exercised in the Mayor's place by the DM if the Mayor takes a leave of absence, resigns or dies).

Of course, whether out of ignorance of the law or deviousness (or the usual Fordian combination of both - ignorant people who are devious), Rob and Doug tried to spin it that the by-law passed by council that suspended the Delegation By-law is illegal and/or an affront to democracy. Needless to say, it is neither (no more than it is an invasion of Kuwait).
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Wait maybe Rob was telling the truth when he said his "heart bleeds" for this and that. He might have meant literally. I am not going to fake sympathy for this guy, faking sympathy would be as pointing as Robs "my heart bleeds" speeches and than doing nothing or actually campaigning for those things he claims to be saddened to continue happening. I am a pretty sympathetic person in general, for people I know and don't know. The problem with Ford is that we ALL KNOW what type of horrible guy he is. Before we have sympathy for him, lets put some context with the man

~He said people with aids have it it's their own fault and didn't want to give funding to help them
~Said Cyclists who die is their own fault, without even looking at the specific circumstances of the accident
~Voted against funding nurses from the Province to keep up his "one tax payer" reputation. He didn't give a sh*t about the people who would need them.
~Voted against school breakfast for underprivileged kids. Then walks around like he the king of helping them
~Campaigned against public transit for Downtown that could help benefit others around the city to get to a Downtown hospital easier (you know the same one his fat ass is currently in)

~voted against women shelter, when there are talks of domestic violence calls coming from his house
~voted against rehab centre, when he himself is on drugs
~voted for tough on crime measures. Wanting to lock people up, when he himself participates in criminal activities & gets away with what he wants to ruin others who did the same thing.
~Brought "War on the Car" myth to the city, made every motorist feel like a "victim" at the expense of every pedestrian and cyclist and put citizens at risk. Pushing for rejection of any method that might actually SAVE lives so he can play the political victim game with a voting block.

With all these reasons, he shown again and again he doesn't care for others unless it can benefit himself. He will literally hurt 65% of the population if it means in can squeak into power with pandering to 35% of the people

These are all important things to remember. A healthy Rob Ford is actually a DANGER to other peoples' lives. It's all well and good to wish him a speedy recovery as long as he goes away, which I do. If this happened in the middle of his term, though, or if he hadn't dropped out of the mayoral race, I can't say I'd be so inclined to wish him well, simply because of the damage to other peoples' lives a healthy Rob Ford can cause.
Splitting the opposition vote is just normal election strategy, nothing devious or Fordian about it.
It's about part the course these days. It's a distraction tactic. Oh and long time no see Kat :) How are things?

Yes that's me and thank you :). I'm a new Twitterite and only because of you know who.

Well, no wonder she's aligned with the Fords, she's an 8-yr. old bully herself. Unbelievable.

So apparently my lack of "empathy" is due to my having a charmed life. While Sue-Ann, on the other hand, did not. Here is her reasoning:

Sue-Ann Levy ‏@SueAnnLevy 11h
@KnottygirlVP After 20 yrs living in the closet and being beaten and left for dead, I have empathy for others with flaws. Might try it.

It was late and I didn't have time to get into it with her. Suffice it to say I suffered from intense abuse my entire childhood. The fact that she feels she has the right to make assumptions about anyone's life is just wrong. Her reasoning is deeply flawed. I see an emotionally stunted woman. When one has been abused with no escape for long periods, they tend to develop Complex PTSD, which requires a great deal of inner work for many years, and needs to be managed for one's entire life. SAL is emotionally immature and stuck, and guess what? If she ain't gonna work at it, I have little sympathy :).
No problem, your twitter page is simple and very nice. Love the cat. So sorry to hear what you went through as a child. I can tell you have come out much stronger from it. :)
Doug's house is not, and never has been for sale. It was just renovated and expanded a few years ago. As for DoFo K4, they are all out of high school now.

Doug is rich enough that he can maintain several residences in Chicago, Florida, and Toronto. Why sell your house when you can just buy another? Ya gotta have someplace to stay when you come visit Mom!
I've wondered about this before. Maybe Doug, fed up with Rob's antics, caused Rob to unnecessarily panic and drop out of the race so he could take the helm of the family's political fortunes.

If you really want to get the old conspiracy juices going, think back Greenstone and maybe they did find out about it, and told Doug (the money guy) about it who in turn didn't tell Rob or anybody else. If Rob gets sick and drops out, well Doug can fill it in, if worse comes to worse and Rob expires. Well Doug has to take the leadership role. I wonder who will get most of Robs assets, will it go to his wife/kids or his dear dear brother. Of course that would be too evil, even for Doug. right? Right!!

I see mute Mike making a lot of appearances at the hospital to visit Uncle Robbie. Has anybody seen anything from the lovely nieces yet? Or do only family members with current political aspirations visit Uncle Robbie?
If you really want to get the old conspiracy juices going, think back Greenstone and maybe they did find out about it, and told Doug (the money guy) about it who in turn didn't tell Rob or anybody else. If Rob gets sick and drops out, well Doug can fill it in, if worse comes to worse and Rob expires. Well Doug has to take the leadership role. I wonder who will get most of Robs assets, will it go to his wife/kids or his dear dear brother. Of course that would be too evil, even for Doug. right? Right!!

I see mute Mike making a lot of appearances at the hospital to visit Uncle Robbie. Has anybody seen anything from the lovely nieces yet? Or do only family members with current political aspirations visit Uncle Robbie?
They wouldn't tell Rob? He was the patient. That's not very plausible.
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What's with the tilting head back? I see Rob tends to do that a lot.

I see mute Mike making a lot of appearances at the hospital to visit Uncle Robbie. Has anybody seen anything from the lovely nieces yet? Or do only family members with current political aspirations visit Uncle Robbie?

Haven't seen any nieces at Mount Sinai. Only a nephew. No sign of sister Kathy either.

And what about Doug's voice?...
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