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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Memo to Chow/Tory campaign teams:

Subject: Attack advertisements

Photo of Doug Ford on phone calling Kathleen Wynne.

Audio: Phone ringing.....connect....."The number you have reached is out of service, please try your call again"

Voiceover: "City politics require a Leader who can work with all levels of government, on October 27 vote for ....... , someone who will work hard for Torontonian's for a better future."

I don't get it, that makes it seem like Doug is trying to get in touch with Wynne, but that she's not willing to listen to him. That gives entirely the wrong message to what you're suggesting.
The fact that Doud senior managed to insert his name into each of his son's tells me something about his personality. I know that it's not uncommon but combined with everything else we know to be true about the family dynamics it's rather telling.
Several people have suggested here that the main reason Thug isn't "really" interested in being Mayor is because Deco is in trouble, and he's needed back at the helm there, but is that actually the case? Can anyone point to evidence of this claim?

"Ford family business ‘a nightmare’ since Doug handed managerial control to Randy, ex-employees say"

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The rest of the organized crime theories are just conspiracies. I wouldn't put any stock in them personally. This isn't Brazil or Russia. If this family was really tied to cartels or drug lords the RCMP or OPP would undoubtedly step in.

I agree, if there was that kind of criminality, we would have heard about some huge, criminal investigation with the city's top investigators, overseen by the provincial police.
Does anyone have screen grabs? I did a Google search of the site and only one page mentions it, so I wasn't able to open a cached version. And waybackmachine doesn't seem to have anything.

Shawn Leon spends large on internet reputation services. He keeps a cocaine importing charge (8kilos)
under wraps. There were complaints boards about Greenestone Muskoka that are posted and dissappear overnight. The property that is now Greenestone Muskoka has been an executive retreat (failed) an executive colonoscopy centre (was never properly permitted as a medical clinic) He had an unlicensed masseur giving"treatment" to patients. His kitchen staff were smashed on the job, in front of patients there for substance abuse. Payroll went unmet regularly . Suppliers went bankrupt waiting for payment. He was not paying compensation when a staff was seriously hurt. And yet all these issues are not searchable now. So no surprise his colonoscopy stuff has been taken down. All Shawn ever wanted was a product to trade publicly. Its a penny stock now. He wants to be the wolf of wall street he's more like the muskrat of Medora swamp. Disclaimer.Im a disgruntled ex employee.
Shawn Leon spends large on internet reputation services. He keeps a cocaine importing charge (8kilos)
under wraps. There were complaints boards about Greenestone Muskoka that are posted and dissappear overnight. The property that is now Greenestone Muskoka has been an executive retreat (failed) an executive colonoscopy centre (was never properly permitted as a medical clinic) He had an unlicensed masseur giving"treatment" to patients. His kitchen staff were smashed on the job, in front of patients there for substance abuse. Payroll went unmet regularly . Suppliers went bankrupt waiting for payment. He was not paying compensation when a staff was seriously hurt. And yet all these issues are not searchable now. So no surprise his colonoscopy stuff has been taken down. All Shawn ever wanted was a product to trade publicly. Its a penny stock now. He wants to be the wolf of wall street he's more like the muskrat of Medora swamp. Disclaimer.Im a disgruntled ex employee.

Yep, another scumbag in the Ford circle.

(1) conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute five kilos or more of cocaine from September 1991 to February 1992;

(2) possession with intent to distribute five kilos or more of cocaine on or about September 16 and 17, 1991;

(3) possession with intent to ship and distribute five kilos or more of cocaine on or about October 29 and 30, 1991.
So much of this sordid tale has focused on Rob Ford's relationship to "gangs" which are pretty low on the food chain but make great headlines and photo ops. The bigger worry is the Ford family's possible relationship to higher order organized crime and their relationship with the TPS. Did Doug, during his alleged hash dealing days, make life-long connections with organized crime and dirty cops? Likely. Is it easy to step away from those connections? Doubtful. What does his constituency assistant do at city hall, the blackjack dealer from the Deco mailing address house in Florida with a long rap sheet (charges mostly dropped). Why did Deco need a Florida mailing address? I think Friday shows Doug is panicking. The questions we should be asking are why is this family so important? They ain't exactly world-class oligarchs. Whose interests do they represent beyond their own? What possible deals are in the works? What would Doug not want exposed in the mayor's office? Who is protecting these hillbillies? Their sense of personal entitlement is the least of our concern because more important people are feeding it. We need to start focusing on the bigger fish. After the election, I'd like the Premier to call a Charbonneau-style inquiry into corruption. Otherwise, we'll never get our city back from whatever forces are really in charge of city hall.

i think this is, alarmingly, probably a fairly accurate estimation of the issue. that people are frightened of the Fords is beyond dispute, and i have no doubt there are bigger forces at play here. it would certainly explain why no one has ever flipped on these sociopathic bullies. one can only hope that there are investigative journos out there who are slowly digging into the real story.
I've considered Doug to be the bigger bully than Rob.

See link:

Sibling rivalry in the mayor’s office: Rob and Doug Ford's relationship close but fraught

The brothers have had physical fights in the mayor's office and went weeks without speaking, according to a source familiar with the relationship.

They share a nickname (“Jonesâ€), not to mention a last name, and interact publicly with a jocular, brotherly warmth. When scandal threatened to devastate their family, they stood together.

But privately, Rob and Doug Ford (Open Doug Ford’s policard) have a tense and sometimes distant relationship that frequently erupts in angry shouting matches and even physical altercations, sources say.

Now, as Rob lies in hospital with an abdominal tumour and Doug takes his place on the mayoral ballot, their complicated filial dynamic has taken on renewed relevance for a city held in thrall by the Ford saga.

“It’s a love-hate type relationship,†said one City Hall staffer, who remembers visiting the office of Mark Towhey, Rob Ford’s(Open Rob Ford’s policard) former policy director and then chief-of-staff, and hearing Rob and Doug screaming at each other in the background. “Mark didn’t even flinch. He was used to it. It was loud … But for everyone in the office, it was business as usual.â€

(Towhey, who is writing a book about his time working for the mayor, could not be reached for comment.)

The brothers sometimes go weeks without talking, said another person familiar with the Ford relationship.

It’s a classic sibling rivalry, the person said, fuelled by high-stakes power politics: despite being mayor, Rob continues to feel overshadowed by his older brother, long the family’s golden boy and president of the family label business.

“Rob’s always resented Doug’s success,†said the source.

The tension sometimes explodes in physical confrontations, they said: shoving and occasional punching, sometimes in the mayor’s office at City Hall.

A senior Conservative insider said Friday there has long been “a struggle within the family†between Doug and Rob over who should be mayor.

That tug-of-war even predates the mayor’s crack cocaine scandal, first revealed by the Star in May 2013 — let alone his latest health scare.

Another Conservative stalwart who knows both brothers well said it was noteworthy how competitive they were during their “Cut the Waist†weight-loss challenge a few years ago and how publicly mean-spirited Doug was toward Rob when the mayor failed to lose much weight.

“Sometimes with Rob you get the impression that‎ main reason he liked being mayor was that his brother wasn’t the mayor,†said the second PC source.

Any bad blood between the two is tempered, in part, by a cagey mutual admiration, with both recognizing the other’s political gifts. In a recent interview with the Star, Doug praised his younger brother’s occasionally mystifying populist appeal.

“He’s such an interesting guy,†Ford said. “I can’t figure him out some days, and he’s my brother. I find him interesting as a study. I always say, ‘If I could get into that brain of yours and figure out what’s going on …’â€

Rob, meanwhile, seems in awe of his big brother, no matter how oppressive he may find him. “He’s 10 times smarter than anyone I’ve ever met,†Rob said on AM640’s John Oakley Show in 2013. “And no matter again how the media wants to spin it, Doug is the hardest working, smartest guy. He builds a multmillion-dollar company by himself down in Chicago, creating jobs. And it’s not Daddy. He did it on his own.â€

With files from David Rider

I've considered Doug to be the bigger bully than Rob.

See link:

That last bit reminds me of talking with an ex girlfriend's father, who told me that he was a millionaire when he was my age, and why wasn't I? I replied that probably because I hadn't been given half a million pounds and introduced to all his father's business contacts like he had.
Doug's bitterness shines...

ivortossell 11:11am via Twitter for iPhone
“I want to thank Olivia for her phone call, her thoughts and her prayers… I have no comment about John Tory at all.”
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The Doug Ford for mayor campaign will kick off Monday.

A day after Rob Ford ended his re-election campaign for health reasons and Doug Ford jumped into the race, the new candidate said his focus was on his brother’s health battle this weekend rather than the looming political fight.

Doug Ford’s first full day as a mayoral candidate on Saturday included breakfast with former deputy mayor Doug Holyday and visiting the ailing mayor in Mount Sinai Hospital with brother Randy Ford.

“(Rob’s) doing all right,” Doug Ford said as he arrived at the hospital. “It’s a real tough battle right now.”

A Forum Research poll done Friday put Councillor Ford in second place in the mayor’s race with 34% while John Tory remains in the lead with 41% and Olivia Chow trails him with 19%.

"Then: Doug Ford says St. Clair right of way is a "disaster" for emergency vehicles"

"Now, let's hope Doug stays healthy or the sister will have to step it up a notch... And wouldn't that be fun???"
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Orbanzied Crime in Southern Ontario

I agree, if there was that kind of criminality, we would have heard about some huge, criminal investigation with the city's top investigators, overseen by the provincial police.

Published on Thu Oct 04 2012 Toronto Star report on the Charbonneau Commission:

"Ontarians watching this unseemly spectacle should not be complacent — especially those tempted to assume that Quebec is somehow more prone than other provinces to this sort of thing. The evidence is quickly mounting that we have a bigger problem than we thought right under our own noses.

At the Quebec inquiry, a police Mafia expert let it drop that Peel Regional Police may be investigating government contracts awarded to organized crime groups."
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