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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I keep coming back to the doctor not saying how big the tumour is. Did the Fords instruct him not to give the size? Is it really small but they want to get sympathy with the biggest tumour ever?

They haven't even said it's a tumor yet, have they?
Doug Ford’s Duck Dynasty
Dougie is not even a good fake Man of the People. So let’s get Chow and Tory to stop fighting this over-sized Boogie Man.

Toronto’s Wurst Family would have us believe in the divine right of Fords. But as Doug Ford shamelessly gathered his family in front of his teary-eyed mother’s house last night to formally announce his run for mayor – and then had the nerve to ask the media to leave them alone – the scene looked more like reality TV’s Duck Dynasty than the Kennedys.

The sullen one standing in the back wearing the cowboy hat was biggest brother Randy who Doug once told me was the craziest of the fightin’ Fords. He was regaling me with a tale of Big Bro head-butting a fan in the washroom at a pick-up game of hockey. I don’t think Doug knew who I was. (Here’s a tip, Doug, next time Google my name before, not after, we take a trade mission to Austin Texas together.)
I am having a hard time buying this sudden sickness, I think they've known about it for a while.
Remember Rofo's lumpy belly when he came back from rehab? Lotsa comments here on how it looked like he was wearing a corset, (like one you might need after surgery) someone suggested it may have been lap band surgery. Maybe it was a biopsy.
If you look at some of the sweaty Rob pics on canada day, the lower left if his shirt is not soaked through as much. ( bandaged ?)
He was gonna get toe(mar) surgery a few weeks ago but decided to put it off until after the election.
Pure speculation-just lining up dots and putting them in chronical order.
Bottom line: Doug loses, Rob lives, city is "What the Hell?"

Alternative is:Rob dies, Doug loses, city is "Oh Well".

What are the other options? Doug wins and Rob makes a miraculous recovery? I'm not seeing that one. Honestly, I think we're at the point where we can all take a deep breath, light a cigar, and start thinking about the actual future of this city. it still seems scary (because Doug's a scary guy). but I don't think there's a lot of danger left. If there is, you can all join me in Vancouver in six months and we'll all have a barbecue and laugh about it.
Ford still b.eing in hospital is fishy - my Dad had a diagnosis of cancer and was sent home. Unless Ford's detoxing/in extreme pain (in which case they would do surgery), he should be waiting at home (instead of taking up a real person's spot)

Someone who was at the hospital said Rob was walking around. Sorry can't remember, either Doug or the councillor that went to get the papers signed on Friday. Rob was walking around on Friday. Doesn't mean he isn't in real pain, but it also doesn't mean he's suffering so badly that he can't even get out of bed.
They haven't even said it's a tumor yet, have they?

No. That's what I mean. Some of us here I think inadvertently take what's written/suggested/theorized here and then use that erroneous information to spin out other theories. Like whoever said the cops beat up Basso. No evidence or even credible claims of that at all. Or that Stintz was crying. That was one guy's twitter account who said that, and it ended up filling ten pages here. Never corroborated. Never addressed by her. Now both are being used as evidence that the Fords might have blackmailed/bought off/ whatever the doctors and/or hospital staff? Crazy Town is right, but the Fords aren't the only ones living there.

I guess my ultimate position is that I personally feel they're sketchy and based on the brazen info definitely get into illegal stuff, but on the whole are grossly incompetent and completely incapable of ever successfully executing any sort of grand master plan of the sort theorized here late on a Saturday night.

P.s. I also think it plausible that Doug is running as a way to show he can keep calm, cool, and collected in the face of a certain loss, and thus perhaps show the Tories that he's worthy of consideration for a provincial gig sometime. I don't think he expects to win, much less wants the job.
Someone who was at the hospital said Rob was walking around. Sorry can't remember, either Doug or the councillor that went to get the papers signed on Friday. Rob was walking around on Friday. Doesn't mean he isn't in real pain, but it also doesn't mean he's suffering so badly that he can't even get out of bed.

They don't let you lay in bed all day. They get you up and walking the halls the day after major surgery. The stay for a biopsy should only be a few days. They are going to have to do something early next week or kick him out with some pain meds. He was running up stairs a week ago. So either do something, or go home and rest in bed at home. Its not supposed to be SpaHab where he can hide out for the next 6 weeks
Like many on this thread, I was not surprised in the least by the whole switcheroo things (Etobicoke Screwjob?). The fact that the media refers to it as a "breathtaking turn of events" confirms that most of them are mouth breathers who are constantly distracted by whatever new shiny object the Fords dangle before them.

Does anyone recall November 5th, 2013? I'll refresh your memories. Rob Ford goads the media into finally asking him "the right question" (nevermind that they'd asked it multiple times before) and says "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine." At which point, he is whisked into the office where he is holed up for the next several hours while several Ford Family members and hangers on enter and leave. At the end of the day, Rob emerges to give a "speech" that was utterly pointless except to tell us that a) he wasn't resigning, and b) DOUG KNEW NOTHING. I wrote this at the time:

My suspicion is that this plan has been in the works since at least then. And what better way to preempt the media from scrutinizing you than to consistently say (but not entirely say) that you wouldn't be running again? Only to get in the race with 6 weeks left. It always irked me when journalists would claim that Doug wasn't running. Which just goes to prove what I always say:

The first rule of Ford Club is - Assume they are lying
The second rule of Ford Club is - Assume nothing other than that they are lying

Sorry to see you'll no longer brighten my Twitter feed. I hope you keep up the good fight here.
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