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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well at least they're nothing if not consistent. Fofam, particularly Thug seems to always choose the option of "Doubling Down" when it comes to stupid mistakes.

In the end, I think Doug will be more to blame for the election loss than Rob.

Is that at all surprising though, given RoFo's refusal to resign over far worse crimes?

Not at all. It is just amusing to watch. If one of Tory's volunteers did that, he would be thrown under the bus.
It confirms the guy left when asked. It should have ended there and they could have locked the door and called the cops. Of course, that's what you or I would do, but this is Ford Nation, so a thumping ensued, then the cops were called.
All the parties involved seems idiotic to me. Benoit seemed to want to get into a confrontation, Byers seems to have a violent outburst. I loathe Fofam, but Benoit's antics doesn't help, looks to me it wasn't a case of 'Oh I just innocently walked in to the office only once, and I immediately got beat up', his little stunt is neither funny or clever. It's a good start that Byers is charged, but let's get real here. FoFam seems to have a history of thuggish behaviours. But that doesn't automatically mean Benoit's stunt was all that innocent.

Agreed. Bonehead moves all round. Volunteers need to stay calm if they want to work in a campaign office during a heated election. Boneheads are guaranteed to walk in the door.
Yes it does seem idiotic but that's exactly the sort of thing that Ford Nation drives people to do. As I said long ago I am surprised no one has baited Rub or Tug. If I had the chance I would, get right up in their face and let hurl with the kind of invective they're known for dishing out, call Rub a useless cocksucker who's father would call him a loser, call Tug a spineless weasel, they'd react with violence, we've seen it before right in council. I'd gladly take a few punches to see these clowns carted off in cuffs even if the charges ended up dropped, just to show that they are NOT above the law in spite of what it seems.

While I hear ya, the example of that fracas in council is exactly what I'm thinking of. Now I was actually a bit giddy when someone from the gallery seemed to unnerve MINO when they yelled out, "How do you know Anthony Smith, you lying scumbag?!". But Rob and Thug are not always predictable when they're in bull in porcelain shop mode. Rob ran over councilor Mcconnel, and she almost split her head open if her head hit the table edge iirc. To date she may still have physical trauma, not to mention if this was any other place Rofo would have gotten his ass thrown out for committing violence in the workplace.

TL;DR: The circus bear might not hit the person that is baiting them. Their targeting computers seems to have crap aim.
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There's no way that the volunteer will go on trial - someone will convince Benoit to step back (probably his lawyer), which gives the cops and/or crown an excuse to drop charges in exchange for mutual apologies. In a month or two this will all go away.
There's no way that the volunteer will go on trial - someone will convince Benoit to step back (probably his lawyer), which gives the cops and/or crown an excuse to drop charges in exchange for mutual apologies. In a month or two this will all go away.

Good thing you said lawyer, I was going to guess Colonel Mustard in a ski mask with a bag of Mc-punches.
Whether you’re running the city or just trying to make a little dent in the fine print of an obscure policy, civic engagement involves contemplating the gap between the things you’re doing and the even more substantial things you could be doing, if only you had the time or the resources or the talent or a more conducive political climate and a more cooperative bureaucracy.

In the end, the system worked by Jonathan Goldsbie @ NOW
TL;DR: The circus bear might not hit the person that is baiting them. Their targeting computers seems to have crap aim.

You're a 100% correct but they are predictable regarding violence. That's why I said get right up in his face, much like John Furr did. At a nightclub or on the street there are loads of opportunities to engage him.

His antics in council and his comments about Stintz proves there needs to be a MAJOR overhaul in rules/regs, but they won't do it. This means that we can be guaranteed in the future another Mayor who basically flaunts rules/regs.

Had Stintz been even mildly intelligent she would have launched a motion in council to claim that the presence of Rub in chambers constituted a hostile work environment and unless he was removed she'd sue for "emotional duress".
There's no way that the volunteer will go on trial - someone will convince Benoit to step back (probably his lawyer), which gives the cops and/or crown an excuse to drop charges in exchange for mutual apologies. In a month or two this will all go away.

Doug, as stupid as he is, could insist that this volunteer fight the charges. Or, he could back down like with Blair.
As this story develops, I'm leaning towards giving the volunteer a pass on this. Apologize and forget the whole thing. Its Doug's comments in response to this story that I take issue with.

I take issue with the Frod's responses, too. Kinsella tweets something inappropriate, Chow dissociates herself from it and drops him. Here we have both Frods condoning not only violence, but property damage and theft.

But I do not give the volunteer a pass. According to the victim, his expensive camera was smashed and his microphone was stolen. The print edition of the S(t)un has a photo showing a huge black and purple bruise on his back. The charges seem most appropriate. And even if Benoit gets an apology from Byers or the Frods, charges should not be dropped. The public in general needs to be protected from people who employ violence in response to even the mildest actions or words they deem provocative. Who knows who else Byers may have attacked in the past, or may attack in the future, if there is no significant penalty now? The comments under the S(t)un's online article are thick with people claiming Benoit "got what he deserved" -- these people, too, need to see that there are consequences for such actions, lest they are tempted to commit such crimes themselves.

We've seen Slut Walks all over the world condemning attitudes about women "deservedly" getting raped because of "provocative" clothing. Do we need a Rob-Ford-Mask-and-Video-Camera Walk to protest Byers and his supporters?

BTW, anyone heard any news on the charges against Banerjee?
Not that he is likely to but he should pursue the matter in civil court - even if he doesn't win, there'd be a chilling effect on their campaign volunteers.

You're a 100% correct but they are predictable regarding violence. That's why I said get right up in his face, much like John Furr did. At a nightclub or on the street there are loads of opportunities to engage him.

I think it's somewhat sheer luck that a "selfie" hasn't gone bad yet. It's like playing russian prince roulette in an escalade. The longer the "game" goes, the higher the chance someone can get a hurtin'.

His antics in council and his comments about Stintz proves there needs to be a MAJOR overhaul in rules/regs, but they won't do it. This means that we can be guaranteed in the future another Mayor who basically flaunts rules/regs.

Absolutely agreed. I remember one co-worker of mine being canned on the spot for drinking alcohol on work premises. Another was fired for shoving another co-worker. I had to sign a contract that while I was employed by company X, I can not behave in any manner that would reflect badly on them, especially if I was officially on the clock or wearing\representing their brand\logo\name. So I'm kinda getting pissed off at the lack of pushback anytime MINO starts spewing "I run this place like a business". Maybe it will happen more now that the camping season is in high gear. Heck maybe even tonight at the latest debate. But I don't want to get my hopes up that much.

Had Stintz been even mildly intelligent she would have launched a motion in council to claim that the presence of Rub in chambers constituted a hostile work environment and unless he was removed she'd sue for "emotional duress".

She might even have a plausible case, sadly that boat has long passed.
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