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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Why are so many of you eager to hop on board the pundit/whatever "consensus" that Tory is the presumed winner? Why the perceived urgency to coalesce around him already? It's still a long way from Election Day. There's no rush. Chow's campaign has been more "disappointing" than Tory's, only insofar as expectations were that much higher for her. Tory is about the least inspiring political figure imaginable.

Vote for whoever you think would be the best, most effective mayor. And encourage others to do the same. That is all.

Well put, and also applies to all those writing off Soknacki as nothing more than a spoiler. It's been surprisingly harsh at times.

The fact is, the race is quite likely going to change substantially after Labour Day. We've seen what we've seen so far, but we have no idea what's to come. And in our relentless media cycle, tides can turn pretty damn fast. Twitter pundits are all "It's OVER for Chow" right now---do they think she's just going to be like, "Oh well, I guess they're right, might as well pack it in"?
I'll hold my nose and vote for Tory if I have to, but it's pretty sad if on election day our only choices are between a conservative and a mentally ill super-conservative. I mean, for an allegedly progressive city, that's pretty bad.

Tory sounded like a progressive on his radio show who was all about evidence-based policies. I even got the impression that he'd be soft on unions. But maybe his advisers would steer him to the right if elected.
Why are so many of you eager to hop on board the pundit/whatever "consensus" that Tory is the presumed winner? Why the perceived urgency to coalesce around him already? It's still a long way from Election Day. There's no rush. Chow's campaign has been more "disappointing" than Tory's, only insofar as expectations were that much higher for her. Tory is about the least inspiring political figure imaginable.

Vote for whoever you think would be the best, most effective mayor. And encourage others to do the same. That is all.

The withdrawal date is September 12 at 2pm. Those who withdraw after the 12th will still wind up on the ballot.
Tory sounded like a progressive on his radio show who was all about evidence-based policies. I even got the impression that he'd be soft on unions. But maybe his advisers would steer him to the right if elected.
I wouldn't be surprised if he shifts further to the centre in the next few weeks to try and poach Chow votes.

I agree however that he would most likely govern from the centre-right. No way in hell he'd have a Gord Perks or Janet Davis on his Executive Committee. And he'd likely pack his office with ex-PCO and CPC staffers.
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Tory sounded like a progressive on his radio show who was all about evidence-based policies. I even got the impression that he'd be soft on unions. But maybe his advisers would steer him to the right if elected.

He would have to walk a tight-rope on council - even Rob Ford didn't get to really govern from the right with that limiter.

Don Peat ‏@reporterdonpeat 35s
Mayor Rob Ford walks out of the council chamber as council recognizes Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly for his work #TOpoli

Ann Hui ‏@annhui 46s
McConnell: "Councillor Norm Kelly was chosen as the Deputy Mayor at the right time, in the right place" #topoli

Stay classy.
Wait till he find out about their welfare state, level of taxes, government operated vinmonopolet, congestion charges at Oslo, public funded Opera House, etc.


As long as the vinmonopolet located closest to his house has late hours, he's ok with it. He's not an idealogue, after all, as long as he can get his hands on the vin whenever the urge strikes.

Is it my imagination, or do I remember reading that the Weston el-cee has some of the latest hours of any in the GTA? I recall this but I can't find a source and now I'm not sure if I dreampt this up.

Late hours or not, he was looking fine the day this little keeper was snapped --
Lol. Once upon a time I watched a rugby game at the University of Waterloo. Their sports field couldn't have had a more charming setting: it took place in the fall as the leaves were turning, right next to a picturesque little lake. Only one problem: the lake featured a very robust population of geese and the field really couldn't have been more covered in excrement. It had also rained, turning all those nuggets giant disgusting mess.

By the end of the match all thirty players were covered from head to toe, their uniforms a sodden reeking mess that even tightly tied construction grade garbage bags couldn't quite restrain on the ride back to Toronto.

Still to this day I cannot understand how anyone is willing to play varsity at Waterloo.

Off topic, I realize, so I'll bring it back: am dead curious to learn how Ford's players wound up rolling in goose poop.

The Waterloo and Bosco players may live to regret their close encounters with bird poop. It can lead to partial or complete blindness many years later. (I know someone who has lost some vision due to the fungus in question: )
Well, the Globe story reveals why RoFo didn't bother requesting a judicial review -- he "failed to respond to repeated request for arguments on why the records should be kept secret, and [the] Information and Privacy Commissioner’s office closed the case earlier this month." Hard to convince a judge the decision was wrong after that lapse.
Tory sounded like a progressive on his radio show who was all about evidence-based policies. I even got the impression that he'd be soft on unions. But maybe his advisers would steer him to the right if elected.

It really depends on which day you caught Tory's radio show. It's a cliche to say he will bend whichever way he thinks gets him the most support on that day, but the cliche exists only because it's the truth. I vividly remember him defending Ford's smaller-government policies as mayor when RoFo's ship first started sinking -- he said he just needed to straighten out his "personal behaviour". He later changed his tune on this, but, well, duh.

Maybe I'm biased because of the days that *I* happened to catch his show, but, hey, little red apples.
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Is it my imagination, or do I remember reading that the Weston el-cee has some of the latest hours of any in the GTA? I recall this but I can't find a source and now I'm not sure if I dreampt this up.

Open Sundays till 6 pm and all other days till 11 pm. Most others close at 10 or earlier. Even the big flagship store at Summerhill closes at 10.
Well, the Globe story reveals why RoFo didn't bother requesting a judicial review -- he "failed to respond to repeated request for arguments on why the records should be kept secret, and [the] Information and Privacy Commissioner’s office closed the case earlier this month." Hard to convince a judge the decision was wrong after that lapse.

Exactly the way Doug whined and complained about the Globe's hash dealer story, then failed to attend the hearings of the Ontario Press Council :)


"The press council said Doug Ford declined its invitation to come in as a complainant at today’s hearing"
Let's not forget RoDoFo has never even sued any of the papers/reporters - despite having threatened to do so after each bombshell. They got two lawyers and can't even get their act together? Har har.

Mindblowing. These fucking guys.

Don Peat ‏@reporterdonpeat 2m
Doug Ford says Mayor Rob Ford assured him being a councillor was a "part-time job" before he ran #TOpoli
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