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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Jeffcoat. Unknown if that means more or less votes for Mikey. Maybe it's forgotten. May was a long time ago in Toronto politics.

"That was last night - he's at Oresto Lounge tonight.
50/50 if he makes that 9am press conference"
View attachment 31426

That pic is from last night, there was another from there posted last night, he had that tie & suit on last night, he had a lighter suit and a red tie on today.
That pic is from last night, there was another from there posted last night, he had that tie & suit on last night, he had a lighter suit and a red tie on today.

I was wondering if Graeme and Amin told him to start carrying more ties around on nights he was stupouring so people would be fooled into thinking he went home.

So as far as tomorrow goes, do any of the other candidates have something planned for tomorrow morning?
Warning: Image may be disturbing to some viewers.


More from Joe:

"The Police Board uncomfortable with such a public fight? No comment so far. Maybe reporters will ask to look at Police Act at meeting Thurs?"

"The Police Act also says if a police officer has a complaint against him with the OIPRD then he-she should not engage the complainant"

"Chief reports to Police Board, not to council. He should be asking his board to speak to council if there is a problem with someone on it"
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So, this is Doug speaking through Charlie LeDrew...and paraphrasing here... "I apologize unequivocally". Which. of course, implies a) that he's capable of and/or has equivocated in the past or b) Doug Ford has zero fucking clue what equivocation means (That, or he's blessed with a masterful polysemic ability that eludes 'just folks'). I have dibs on (b in the pool.

Then he double-doubles down, with what is doubtless lack of solid legal advice, repeating his mantra that "Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. And that was my opinion.†And so, the narrow corner of his 'fair comment' defense recedes into increasingly bleak horizons. Every time he decides to open his slim and oddly grimacing mouth, incrimination belches forth. Nice work, fella.
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I was wondering if Graeme and Amin told him to start carrying more ties around on nights he was stupouring so people would be fooled into thinking he went home.

So as far as tomorrow goes, do any of the other candidates have something planned for tomorrow morning?

Soks got his FOI re Ford using his office as camping HQ in 2010 today, it would be fair to assume there will be at least some highlights from that at some point tomorrow.
Just checked DoFo's councillor Web site:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


"anything I might have done that may have caused the error" -- yeah, right. I can't even vote in that ward, so no way could I have caused the "error" of electing that unwiped asshole.
Is that a jar of advils on his desk?

Norm Wilner tweeted it was Excedrin but he may have just been joking.

either way, great optics to have a big bottle of pills sitting right on the desk.

These people obviously just needed to get their 15 minutes and now they got it. Enjoy, folks. It's about all he's good for these days.

(That said, who isn't excited to hear what the 9 am [by which I assume we mean 9:45ish] press conference will be about? Did they finish those Dufferin Bridge repairs yet??)
Don Peat @reporterdonpeat
Mayor Rob Ford is having a 9 a.m. press conference tomorrow at his campaign HQ in Etobicoke #TOpoli

Because the last one went over so well!

Clearly this is another campaign ad, filmed at his campaign office, delivering a campaign speech. Hopefully, they will film it and then provide him with a quote to run it. How many $/minute is that usually worth?
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The restaurant/bar selfies where Ford was spotted drinking water are exactly like the lead up to the Steak Queen meltdown in January. He was back into the sauce way before then, but it was the first public meltdown since his come-to-jesus moment.

We all know he never stopped using during/after rehab, but perhaps the next great public display of intoxication truly is imminent.
One thing I was mulling: a month or so ago, I drove by Neil "IHTWOMRF" Flagg's Sprts Poster Warehouse business. The fact that it was Sunday-wee-morning off hours helped; but my impression was of bleak desolate boondocks out there at the easternmost end of an industrial strip mall at the corner of Queens Plate and Vice Regent (facing the latter) totally hostile to anything like "casual" passerby traffic, and totally impractically located relative to any public transit. (Oh, but of course, it's in Ward 2: might have affected his decision to move out there from Leslie N of York Mills).

Thinking further: never mind Deco for the moment, I wonder if *Flagg's* business is a front for anything money-laundering-like.
Just checked DoFo's councillor Web site:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


"anything I might have done that may have caused the error" -- yeah, right. I can't even vote in that ward, so no way could I have caused the "error" of electing that unwiped asshole.
I guess this is a standard message, but this part seems particularly Fordian. :p Yes, Doug; it's my fault your web site sucks. :rolleyes:
Conspiracy theories about on UT about Neil Flagg?

Personal feud a waste of everyone's time

"What a waste of time.

Waste of the police chief’s time, his staff’s and the city’s too.

Waste of an elected councillor’s time and unfair to the constituents put on hold for a personal, running feud.

And, unbelievably at deadline, it was still going.

Doug Ford told me Chief Bill Blair had yet to accept the apology unless it’s to his approval.

Their public, personal fighting is not helping anybody in the city. But forcing a perfectly written apology from a councillor, who is the mayor’s campaign manager, is such a priority in policing in Toronto?

Is this high school?"
I asked on Twitter when the last time was that Doug called a meeting to address the concerns of Ward 2 residents. It was apparently the meeting about the autistic kids where he showed up an hour late blasted people with mental illness.
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