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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Dunno. I'm in Michigan and getting that message on both links. You're in the US too, and can access them? Weird. Maybe YouTube thinks Michigan's a whole different country or something - ooh, or can tell I'm an expat from TO. Cue Twilight Zone music. :)
(Oh wait. That's been playing ever since the whole RoFo saga began unfolding, hasn't it? )

Oops, my bad. I was posting from a phone last night and didn't see you were from Michigan. Sorry, i'm in Canada.
If Ford can't even plan ahead and get a liquor permit for a party, how can anyone expect him to be competent enough to be mayor of a city!

I imagine that there are many on this thread who are significantly more knowledgeable about such matters, so I'm putting out a request.

As many of you know, the search feature on this otherwise fantastic forum really sucks.
Sometimes using Google to search is better than a forum's own search engine.
Just type into the search, urbantoronto and some key words ( whenever possible, users names to help to narrow the search parameters).

I asked about the role of the bylaw officers and parks supervisors, and whether they have the ability to shut the event down in progress.
You should ask something like, "if there's no situation in which the rules can be broken, and there are no penalties why have any rules at all? Why do you even have a job?"
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What exactly does the robo call say? I suspect that there are only 2 outcomes -- that it is considered a telemarketing call by a nomination contestant (which would be considered campaigning), or it is considered a non-exempt call, which knowing the ineptness of the Ford campaign team, has then probably broken a number of CRTC rules. If it is the latter, a fine by the CRTC would be forthcoming.

A robocall went to someone who works at NOW Magazine and it was recorded. You can listen to it here (scroll down to near bottom of page)
I wondered this myself. In reading the official language, my best guess is that the rules apply specifically to telemarketers and because Ford is not selling anything, he's not bound by them. It doesn't say this explicitly, mind, you, it's just my interpretation.

From what I can gather by asking if someone is supporting him it would be considered a political call (campaigning), Since these calls are govern by CRTC they will not be tied to campaigning for the event as the city can only deal with the event itself not the invitations leading to it. So as usual the Fords have found a way around the laws. I believe there is someone else behind the scenes pulling the major strings in all of this. Doug may be pulling Rob's but Someone who knows how to walk on the fine line of the laws with out really breaking them. Someone that knows how to use every little loophole to their advantage is really running the show. I do not think either Rob or Doug are smart enough to do that. This is just IMHO
Chow uses FordFest to highlight lack of permits for community groups.

I am so glad that more Torontonians are standing up to these buffoons. I am sure the other candidates would have complained about Ford Fest in a park, but I think the pressure put on them by everyday folky taxpayers pressured them to deal with the situation.

CBC Report June 23, 2014:

"Mayoral contender Olivia Chow used the controversy to highlight barriers that non-partisan groups face when booking city parks for public events. She spoke just outside a park in East York on Wednesday touting a campaign promise to "cut red tape" for grassroots organizations looking to hold events on city property.

While answering questions, Chow contrasted the Fords’ experience with those of community groups looking to hold events on city property. She gave the example of Sabina Ali, who, according to Chow, received a permit for a community bazaar*late on a Friday afternoon for an event that was scheduled for that weekend.
"And she started early, she tried and tried and tried, and it was quite difficult," said Chow.
"Because he is a mayor, maybe it is really easy for him to get the permit," said Ali, who attended the announcement. "For the groups like us*— the grassroots organizations — it is a little bit challenging."
Something in the eyes.

Just based on family resemblance,he's a Ford for sure. It's something about the eyes....... he looks just like Uncle Robbie in my favourite picture. (Which I can't post, because I still can't figure it out)

Yesterday I just happened to be talking (by phone) with a psychologist in B.C. who works with substance abuse patients and whose wife works with children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. He said he and his wife had been discussing the fact that both George W Bush and Rob Ford's facial features display characteristics of fetal alcohol. This observation was based on the closeness of the eyes to the bridge of the nose. (See Acrossthewater's photo.)

He also said there is no way Ford will make it through to October 27 without serious lapses in sobriety because rehab can only work if it is the patient's choice to enter the treatment program. Being ordered to go to rehab by a politically ambitious family and a campaign team does not bode well for success.
From what I can gather by asking if someone is supporting him it would be considered a political call (campaigning), Since these calls are govern by CRTC they will not be tied to campaigning for the event as the city can only deal with the event itself not the invitations leading to it. So as usual the Fords have found a way around the laws. I believe there is someone else behind the scenes pulling the major strings in all of this. Doug may be pulling Rob's but Someone who knows how to walk on the fine line of the laws with out really breaking them. Someone that knows how to use every little loophole to their advantage is really running the show. I do not think either Rob or Doug are smart enough to do that. This is just IMHO

Had the same thoughts myself. I'm guessing Hotmail lawyer is also advising on the legalities around camping and how to skirt the rules.

After all, he is the best lawyer in Canada.......
I recall reading about all the people who left/quit city hall when Ford became mayor but I can't find it now but did find this, which is interesting IMO.

The secret list of civilians the Ford administration supposedly wanted to sit on city boards and agencies.
This one caught my eye. Remember the denial about Rob being at Tims before his trip to the spahab. I wonder if she pulled any strings for that denial. (I believe the young woman did see him.

Lindsay Colley
Appointed: Not initially, but later appointed to replace Stephen Dulmage.
Who she is: Colley is the manager of sustainability at Tim Hortons Inc.
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