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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Doug on the other hand, after his late morning constitutional outburst, was Mr Happy most of the afternoon, sitting back, chatting with councillors, smiling broadly enough to let out the succubus within.

That's because he knew he and his idiot brother would get to put the boots to "gino boy".

P.S. Sweetlou, saw you LIVE on Global yesterday morning, you look so innocent and I thought we should screen cap your pic and say "Ford called her a goon" and then have a rogues gallery of all the Ford goons, Lisi, Bellisimo, etc and caption under their pics "Now who do you think is a goon?"
My observations are similar (was in for most of the afternoon). Rob looked detached and vacant, as always, but there was a lot less of that two-handed sippy-cup slurping and ants-in-the-pants squirming than usual. He didn't wander round the councillors for good and evil either. (A pharmacological assist?)

Doug on the other hand, after his late morning constitutional outburst, was Mr Happy most of the afternoon, sitting back, chatting with councillors, smiling broadly enough to let out the succubus within.
Just wanted to say thanks to sweetlou. Loved your sign!
I haven't been on for a bit, the protest conversation is certainly interesting.

First I really want to give a big thumbs up to East York parade, it was perfect. It seemed like it was organic and sudden which I think stunned everybody on the Ford camp. That is something that has to be done more often, being brave, even if you think you are the only one but boo him anyway and maybe you can get some of the shyer people to join in. The other great thing about EY is that CP24 did their normal pro-Ford analysis with "People welcome Ford back" and when I saw that I was really down, but then I went on twitter and saw the videos and the tweets about EY and the negative reaction he got. Not just that but twitter really called out CP24 in mass (along with other media outlets) that other media outlets started reporting the negative reaction and in turn forced CP24 to go from "positive return" to "mixed reaction"

As for Shirtless Joe, I thought the absurdity of it really caught the media eye. It was something else seeing a lot of the media who never ask any tough question looking at him in shock as he was asking the questions they should have. I thought the whole Shirtless Joe was an interesting take on the media who only pays attention if something is over-the-top and absurd and it's why the Ford's get so much TV time. But shirtless joe worked because it came off as genuine.

As for the Shirtless Horde, I am a bit surprised it worked out as well as it did. I do think you have to be careful that it doesn't look like it's just John Furr and his five friends. Also being shirtless takes away the "sudden and organic" feeling that the East York booers had. It worked pretty well and got some media attention on the wackiness of it. But I do think a mass protest like the one that was pushed hard here for CH is much more effective. I do think "resign" isn't really the thing you want to push, I would push more "You are a constant liar" "You finance the community illegal drug trade" "You shouldn't be above the law" type message. There a lot of specific reason to go after Ford than just the generic resign. How about just giant blown up signs of Ford breaking the law, Ford smoking crack, Ford driving while reading, Ford with gang members, and Ito photos and do the protest somewhere different than CH just to freshen it up a bit.
I really doubt Robbo will be at Corktown Common tomorrow, after he and Drug (and some other cllrs) spent much of yesterday emitting high pitched whines about the cost of every pebble at Sugar Beach and complaining that Waterfront Toronto is a colossal nest of sunshine list ne'er-do-wells/consulting fees/rocks from Kwee-bec and pink umbrellas/can't see it from the Gardiner/wasted $1.5 billion with NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOLKS/yada yada.

This press release states that Norm Kelly and Pam McConnell will be representing city council and does not mention any *Fos.
This press release states that Norm Kelly and Pam McConnell will be representing city council and does not mention any *Fos.

Great news! Now it looks like Rub and Tug realize they can't use Mayoral appearances as stump speeches without facing a backlash.
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I liked the, "Why won't you talk to Gary Giroux" sign.

Rather than simply "the police", as the media asked Doug the other day.

He immediately started on the chief, and then supporting "the front-line officers".

I'm not interested in RoDoFo's opinion of the chief and his officers. I've already heard that.

It's about talking to Sgt. Gary Giroux, and I am glad the sign specified that.
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Actually, it was an *amazing job*, which deserves recognition. What sweetlou and the horde accomplished was unprecedented: for the first time ever, the Fords did not control the message. It cannot be overstated how incredible - and unprecedented - an accomplishment that was.

*blushes* well thanks for the comments, kaboi. It was fun but also a volatile situation - and I've been following the reactions and the growing debate with interest. I'm far from being a radical protestor but I've got a liking for controlled mischief and I've just reached the point of no return with the Fords and this administration. As Pickles noted the other day, sitting in your computer chair typing epics on a Sunday night isn't getting any results when it comes to the Fords. So far, in addition to Joe Killoran's coverage, the two shirtless protests have featured only a few people yet got a huge media buy.

So far the shirtless gig has been all about surprise, starting with Joe Killoran's epic rant and then the two protests. It's generated a huge amount of glee on social media, but with a fair bit of thoughtful negative comment (not counting the Nayshunites). In addition, a small battalion of armchair protestors have Tweeted advice on slogans, signage font, dress code, chanting vs singing, sunblock, buffness, and liposuction. If only some of those people would come out to a Ford protest ...

Also a lot of debate from the media themselves as you pointed out. The ones who've shown up to the protests seem to have rather enjoyed the distraction, but you noted Ivor Tossell, Tabatha Southey and I believe also Daniel Dale have all been clutching their pearls.

Today, City Slickr posted a carefully crafted column in which he pulled apart a number of yes but/no but threads before coming down in favour of shirtless-horde-like activity. He's been more nuanced on Twitter.

Not surprisingly, I agree with City Slickr that nothing much else has worked to this point and that we shouldn't be paying so much regard to the reaction from the Ford Nayshun base. The Eglinton protest rattled Ford's team and my guess is they will make future events & pressers hard to find. Doug's rants suggesting the shirtless horde smashed his car window are a case in point. So what's next - should there be more protests aimed at Rob and what form should they take, or is it time to find a ward or meryl candidate to support?
I haven't been on for a bit, the protest conversation is certainly interesting.

First I really want to give a big thumbs up to East York parade, it was perfect. It seemed like it was organic and sudden which I think stunned everybody on the Ford camp. That is something that has to be done more often, being brave, even if you think you are the only one but boo him anyway and maybe you can get some of the shyer people to join in. The other great thing about EY is that CP24 did their normal pro-Ford analysis with "People welcome Ford back" and when I saw that I was really down, but then I went on twitter and saw the videos and the tweets about EY and the negative reaction he got. Not just that but twitter really called out CP24 in mass (along with other media outlets) that other media outlets started reporting the negative reaction and in turn forced CP24 to go from "positive return" to "mixed reaction"

As for Shirtless Joe, I thought the absurdity of it really caught the media eye. It was something else seeing a lot of the media who never ask any tough question looking at him in shock as he was asking the questions they should have. I thought the whole Shirtless Joe was an interesting take on the media who only pays attention if something is over-the-top and absurd and it's why the Ford's get so much TV time. But shirtless joe worked because it came off as genuine.

As for the Shirtless Horde, I am a bit surprised it worked out as well as it did. I do think you have to be careful that it doesn't look like it's just John Furr and his five friends. Also being shirtless takes away the "sudden and organic" feeling that the East York booers had. It worked pretty well and got some media attention on the wackiness of it. But I do think a mass protest like the one that was pushed hard here for CH is much more effective. I do think "resign" isn't really the thing you want to push, I would push more "You are a constant liar" "You finance the community illegal drug trade" "You shouldn't be above the law" type message. There a lot of specific reason to go after Ford than just the generic resign. How about just giant blown up signs of Ford breaking the law, Ford smoking crack, Ford driving while reading, Ford with gang members, and Ito photos and do the protest somewhere different than CH just to freshen it up a bit.

I have some protest ideas myself, but the fact that I'm not willing to go out and protest makes me keep my mouth shut...usually. I think that the crack smoking, drunk driving, gang members, ITO, etc. is a bit tired for 75-80% of the population that won't be voting for RF, and also to the 20% that support him. If I was to protest, I think I would focus more on trying to show how idiotic the Fords are in general and throw it back in their face, ie. "we were paid by Chow and Tory to be here", "you're 100% perfect - any criticism is just 'political'", "80% of the taxpayers DON'T WANT YOU to save us", etc. If I put more time and thought into this I could come up with something better, but you get my drift.

Anyone want to help out here?
That's because he knew he and his idiot brother would get to put the boots to "gino boy".

P.S. Sweetlou, saw you LIVE on Global yesterday morning, you look so innocent and I thought we should screen cap your pic and say "Ford called her a goon" and then have a rogues gallery of all the Ford goons, Lisi, Bellisimo, etc and caption under their pics "Now who do you think is a goon?"

Ha ha, thanks but please no!
Rob Ford Disruptive in Rehab:

Yup, rehab was amazing...

TorontoStar 10:09pm via Twitter Web Client
Star Investigation: Mayor Rob Ford was ‘disruptive’ in rehab, sources say

“Ford broke things, got into fights with other residents,†said one source with knowledge of the mayor’s time in rehab at the resort-turned-drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Muskoka.
“Ford stopped people from sharing their stories, which is key to a successful rehab experience,†said another source. “Other residents felt intimidated. They felt he was a bully. He was always saying he did not belong there.â€

Not a recent cartoon, but Toronto Star cartoonist, Theo Moudakis, sums the latest revelations succinctly.


  • RobFordInRehabHellForOthers.jpg
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So Ford "broke things" and got into arguments with other patients. Crap, he sounds like my teenaged son. I do get that rehab sucks and all, but I've undergone my own "group therapy" etc for other reasons and generally the moderator will shut you up or have you take a time out before it gets to that point. Mind you, it wasn't rehab, so may be different.
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