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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I just saw the CP24 clip - he delivered the line without any bluster - I'm leaning towards the fact that he might not be lying based on how he mentioned confidentiality of those in the program - this sounds like something the program would have warned him against violating.

Yes, confidentiality is something that is a RULE at the Rehab I went to (Donwoods Institute). We had a woman lawyer out one of our group members crimes she researched online, she was asked to leave. Turns out she was a disbarred Boston Lawyer facing fraud charges for selling parking spaces in the Beacon Hill area she didn't own.
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The UK is part of the visa waiver project (I know, I'm from the UK too). This article explains it:


She tried to get in under the visa waiver programme as is common, but was refused entry because of moral turpitude (admitted use of drugs), and told she would have to apply for an actual visa in future because of that. It was the admission of using coke that got her denied entry, not the absence of a visa.

My bad: I mixed up Esta (visa waiver) with visa. Thanks for correcting me (and the other reportage I read on the subject).

But the point turns out to be basically the same: she 'failed' Esta (failed to get a visa waiver) and so needed a visa that she did not have (so, strictly, she was refused due to the absence of a visa, the need for which was caused by the absence of a waiver), and so was excluded without having to deal with a US immigration officer's discretion.* In Ford's case, in contrast, there is neither a visa nor a visa waiver precondition for him to enter as a visitor; he had only to face a US immigration officer's discretion. (Of course admitted hard drug use was the root cause, but the point I was trying to make is that her admission of hard drug use was dealt with as part of the visa system - of which the visa waiver scheme is a part.)

On a somewhat related subject, think of the irony of Lawson 'failing' Esta due to an abundance of candour versus a lying weasel such as Ford being allowed in for the Kimmel show.

*IIRC there is no US border control facility in the UK, so she would have been turned away by the airline's check-in system because she had neither a visa waiver nor a visa.
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I don't really know how accurate the "RoFo denied entry to the US" story is ... Immigration's policy is basically crimes of 'moral turpitude', drugs qualify but he's never been convicted of a drug crime and he IS the mayor of Toronto... I'm not sure he actually got denied. I think he just didn't go.

Never been convicted of a drug crime? Respected* member of society? Doesn't matter. U.S. Customs and Border Protection can deny entry for any reason, and admission of prior drug use is certainly enough.

Based on what I've read this morning, it does seem that he voluntarily withdrew his application to enter, lest he be denied. "Have you ever been refused entry into the US?" is not a question you want to say "Yes" to when you're trying to enter the US, so it seems someone advised him to get his act together(!) before attempting US entry. Presumably time + lawyers + money can smooth this over, but trying it now might lead to the dreaded refusal, deportation and future denial.

* in Rob's case, you can add some air-quotes round the word "respected", of course
Hahaha (confirming that Rob is in rehab somewhere, for something, for some length of time)

BenSpurr 10:23am via TweetDeck
Doug: "You're going to have to trust me on this one."

There are no words that can explain my incredulity at that statement, enough so that I feel a spoof account couldn't come up with as much chutzpah as he seems able to do himself.
The Sun is now quoting 'sources' saying Rob is in rehab in Guelph, but the facility spokesperson says they don't have his name on the list.
The Toronto Sun is reporting that he may be at Homewood in Guelph. I was thinking that would be a possibility. It's supposed to be an excellent facility.

Notice the use of anonymous sources................. One day I would like to make these asshats apologize for their hypocrisy. Anonymous forces weren't good enough when it was the Star (which of course were proven to be correct) but when it comes to the lying liars Ford and their mouthpiece Joe Warmington, anonymous sources are A-Okay. F them.
Surely the competent Toronto Police Service knows where their star suspect is.

Yoohoo Jimmy! What's your thoughts?

I can't for a second believe that the dim-looking M D Ford could lose surveillance with the 'stang and RoFo in it fleeing. As long as they knew which plane he (allegedly) was on, they would be able to figure out the final destination, be it Hamilton or elsewhere. Once the plane landed, surely the TPS could have local authorities keep tabs on RoFo, RIGHT??? He is still the subject of an investigation, isn't he? I can only imagine if they let him slip away, only to retire to Cuba, hosting a hit Reality Television Program for the rest of his days.

Can someone with more knowledge (rather than just a hunch) confirm that when you're declared inadmissable to a country, that the immigration dept send your details explaining that you're being sent back to their opposite numbers in the home country?
So, if Rob is really at some sort of fat farm, as Doug's comments suggest, how easy would it be for him to bring in enough booze and drugs to keep him out of withdrawal? Makes me doubt that he is in any kind of program at all.
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Notice the use of anonymous sources................. One day I would like to make these asshats apologize for their hypocrisy. Anonymous forces weren't good enough when it was the Star (which of course were proven to be correct) but when it comes to the lying liars Ford and their mouthpiece Joe Warmington, anonymous sources are A-Okay. F them.

i suspect their "anonymous source" is JW.
The Sun is now quoting 'sources' saying Rob is in rehab in Guelph, but the facility spokesperson says they don't have his name on the list.

Of course he's not on the list; the spokesperson isn't allowed to disclose that info.

Homewood seems likely - Ford can pay for a fuller program and I'm pretty sure he's not using the EAP.
Also, considering that nobody knows where Rob is or what he is doing, will his absence at today's council meeting be excused?
My bad: I mixed up Esta (visa waiver) with visa. Thanks for correcting me (and the other reportage I read on the subject).

But the point turns out to be basically the same: she 'failed' Esta (failed to get a visa waiver)

She will have already had an ESTA (you don't apply for it each time you fly, you apply and it lasts for a couple of years, my current one runs out in late 2015) since she visited the US recently before her admission of coke use. She turned up at the airport with a valid ESTA from her previous trips, but because of her admission of coke use, she was refused entry by an immigration officer. If you read the Guardian article, it makes it clear that the DHS turned her away on moral turpitude grounds because of her admitted use of coke. There's a similar article from the Daily Telegraph here if you want a right wing paper's version of it, and the same thing is mentioned:

The US Department of Homeland Security’s custom and border protection department declined to comment.

But a spokesman said foreigners who had admitted committing drugs offences in the US or another country were deemed to be liable to be refused admission.

Foreigners on the inadmissible list can apply to the US government for a temporary waiver that allows them into the country but the process is bureaucratic and time-consuming.

Or there's one from the Independent:

The US Department of Homeland Security said it did not comment on individual cases.

But a spokesman said foreign citizens who had admitting committing drugs offences could be deemed “inadmissibleâ€.

“In general, an alien found inadmissible will need a waiver of inadmissibility,†he said. “Depending on the basis of their refusal they may be eligible to apply in advance of travel for a temporary waiver of inadmissibility. The waiver application process can be lengthy.â€

That makes it clear she was refused entry because of her admittance of drug use.
*IIRC there is no US border control facility in the UK, so she would have been turned away by the airline's check-in system because she had neither a visa waiver nor a visa.

There is at the larger airports, when I moved from the UK to the US I had to go through US immigration in the airport before I got to enter the waiting area for the flight.

The other point you make however (RoFo didn't need an esta as a Canadian visitor) is correct though - I don't think you need a visa waiver if you're Canadian entering the US, do you?
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