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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Just this one short segment of Kathy's re-appearance could make a novel in and of itself! The whole saga (of which we only know a part) would be a 10-8934984739809&%$E&#$%^ part series.

Lest we forget, is she not also Mikey's ( the "hair apparent" ) mother?

And why did Mikey only take his uncle to rehab, and not his mom?
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Twent-five (or six) days until our Ford and saviour returns...

reporterdonpeat 9:08am via HootSuite
“I have no comment on that ... Our family is committed to serving the people" Doug Ford on whether he'd run for mayor.
All this conspiracy theorizing is stupid. Simply put Rob wanted to get wasted, his choice of venue was the one that afforded him the most privacy, his sisters. He got videoed while gacked and decided that a trip to rehab would be good for his image and it will also shield him from the world press.

Any talk that Doug and Kathy orchestrated this is the kind of regressive thinking I would characterize as belonging to Ford Nation types.
Lest we forget, is she not also Mikey's ( the "hair apparent" ) mother?

And why did Mikey only take his uncle to rehab, and not his mom?

If Mikey is the heir apparent (or even the hair apparent), again it doesn't ring true that DoFo would put Mikey's mom into a video set up to get Rob. On the other hand, all the alternative explanations are very far out of the orbit of planet wack these days.
Simply put Rob wanted to get wasted, his choice of venue was the one that afforded him the most privacy, his sisters.

Right. Privacy. I guess that's why Kathy let some unknown 20-year old stranger record 8 minutes of him huffing on a crack pipe in her home.
Right. Privacy. I guess that's why Kathy let some unknown 20-year old stranger record 8 minutes of him huffing on a crack pipe in her home.

He wasn't unknown to Kathy, she called him.
Though a Metro Chair died in office in 1973 (Ab Campbell)--and following amalgamation, Scarborough Mayor (and probable reelectee) Frank Faubert was elected to Council only to himself die in office, if that counts...

Thanks! I was going to mention Chairman Campbell, but technically he was retired. ( Retired due to ill health and died soon after. )

I had entirely forgotten about Mayor Faubert.

As for the discussion on Ford's intelligence, I'm with those who think he's genuinely a moron.

When I applied for a job with the City, applicants were required to take and pass a civil service examination as part of the hiring process. Each job classification / title had it's own corresponding exam.

It sounds undemocratic to say so, but sometimes I wish they would do likewise with politicians.

If Mikey is the heir apparent (or even the hair apparent), again it doesn't ring true that DoFo would put Mikey's mom into a video set up to get Rob. On the other hand, all the alternative explanations are very far out of the orbit of planet wack these days.

Thanks. Time for me to buy another roll of tinfoil! :)

The "hair apparent" is a "Sopranos" malapropism.
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I agree that the most logical explanation is that Rob was just following his impulses and cravings, but the idea that "he" decided to go to rehab seems unlikely because 1) it looks like Doug and Diane(?) were setting things in place earlier, and 2) the Monday night audio doesn't suggest to me that Rob had any idea he was being shipped out.

All this conspiracy theorizing is stupid. Simply put Rob wanted to get wasted, his choice of venue was the one that afforded him the most privacy, his sisters. He got videoed while gacked and decided that a trip to rehab would be good for his image and it will also shield him from the world press.

Any talk that Doug and Kathy orchestrated this is the kind of regressive thinking I would characterize as belonging to Ford Nation types.
We're going to have 3 more weeks of conspiracy theories, so get used to it.

Ok, fine, here goes.

Kathy, at Doug's behest called Rob to report she was having a problem with her sewer. Rob, being the "go to guy" for all things sewerish called Sandro the Rat (who better to help with sewer issues) to meet him at her home. Little did Rob know that Kathy had already arranged for one her regular sources of crack to pop by at the same time. Rob shows, Sandro's already there. The booze flows, the crack pipe gets hit on and Rub after too many hits gets paranoid and suggests they are about to be raided and flushes a bunch of rocks down the toilet. Minutes later after gaining his composure he realizes the idiocy of this act and sends the rat (Sandro) to retrieve those plastic wrapped rocks from the bog. Sandro, in an unlikely spirit of defiance refuses which incenses Rub and a homoerotic beating ensues. Meanwhile, Kathy calls Tug to inform him things went "according to plan" and asks the drug dealer to contact the Star and Gawker to shop this new video.

The rest is history.
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Twent-five (or six) days until our Ford and saviour returns...

reporterdonpeat 9:08am via HootSuite
“I have no comment on that ... Our family is committed to serving the people" Doug Ford on whether he'd run for mayor.

I believe Dofo is "thinking" about running BUT he might wait to see how his pal Hudak does at the polls June 12th before deciding. You can probably imagine that if Dofo announces he's going to run for Mayor before election day that Toronto based Liberals and NDP'ers will polarize on making sure the OPC's get shut out as much as possible in the GTA ridings - and if the Liberals form another government (which is a strong possibility) that Dofo knows there is no way he will get elected splitting the Right wing vote with Tory against a left leading electorate. Actually Dofo is a greater risk to Tory than Rofo is - just based on the sanity factor alons.
I think it's very likely that there was in intervention staged, and that this is a hail mary campaign saver orchestrated by Doug.

The video being staged seems to have many holes in it, specifically what's in it for Lisi and Kathy? A setup video could easily have been made without having them in frame. I guess Lisi could have been setup by Doug too, as a way to get him "shook" and away from Rob for good. But Kathy? Why Kathy? I guess Doug could have been doing the same thing to her as Lisi? Maybe Rob had been going back to Kathy as a basement party partner who he felt he could trust, and Doug wanted to cut that off too? Could the video actually have been shot at an earlier date than reported?

I think the audio being staged is more likely, although still not that likely. Doug would have known the video was coming out, why would they need the audio? Maybe to steer the conversation back to the more socially accepted alcohol issue? If it is true, I think Doug may have had this audio for some time, waiting to drop it if needed to initiate the hail mary. Does anyone have the specific timestamps on the audio that they hear Doug? Why would he let audio come out that trashes the CPC? To get back at Hudak? Also, why would he let the part about Stintz come out? He could have put the last 3 minutes (which is less offensive politically) out, and it would have had the same effect.

Or another simple explanation is that an intervention happened before the 24th, Rob agreed to go to rehab, Doug searched for one in Chicago, Rob saw the writing on the wall and went on a bender knowing that rehab was coming.

It's all a bit too complicated to actualy believe in though, just interesting possibilities to fill the time before the next meltdown. The one thing that is sure is that the way it went down stinks, something happened that we are not privy to.
We're going to have 3 more weeks of conspiracy theories, so get used to it.

At least they could be plausible ones not based on the Ford brothers being controlled by mobster/drug dealer/alien overlords.

If you want a conspiracy theory, try this: The Globe gets a call from the dealer who shot the latest crack video. They contact Ford for comment and/or rebuttal, as is the usual practice. Doug (possibly with the knowledge of Rob, but possibly not) has someone tape Rob's usual drunken rantings. Remember, this is just days later. They release the audio to the Sun with the help of their pal Warmington, guaranteeing it will be as soft a landing as possible. Rob announces he is taking a leave to deal with his "alcohol" problem. The Globe is preempted and the crisis is deflected. If the video comes out, it will be "in the past" before Rob was "clean". What they couldn't have predicted was how quickly the Globe moved this time (and that it would pay for those screenshots).

I don't think there is any conspiracy here, but if there was one, that is the most plausible.
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