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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Hey all - I've lurked for a while reading this thread, but wanted to jump in to offer some info that I have also heard that Renata is an alcoholic. A family member of mine is a long time police officer and I point blank asked him a couple weeks ago when Ford was going to get arrested. He said that there was a time they were almost able to get him on domestic violence charges but Renata couldn't keep her story straight - she told three different versions to three different officers. I couldn't get the sense if it was her being reluctant to continue with it or if she genuinely didn't remember each time she told her story. He didn't say anything about pills, just that she was a raging alcoholic and they fought all the time/police were called to their house all the time.
The fake sign campaign took a lot more than a 'stock photo' and a lot longer than 20 minutes to materialize. For one thing, that's not stock photography. Secondly, they were professionally designed. I don't know why you would seek to minimize the effort by saying you are "pretty sure" you could do something comparable? And as far as the price of 'a round of drinks', that would allow you to pay for ONE poster sized print. However the campaign consisted of uh, more than one sign. In all likelihood the total cost to the creators was somewhere in the range of 2-3K.

I appreciate the effort and outlay of resources by the people who made this happen. Most importantly, they actually did this: as Ford likes to say, actions speak louder than words. I didn't do this; the people who did do deserve recognition for what they achieved.

However, your points don't add up to much. Firstly, whether or not it's stock photography isn't really relevant, unless there's something about these particular faces I'm missing. Secondly, "professionally designed": what does that mean, exactly? Do you know what I do for a living? Yes, I'm pretty sure I could do something comparable - would you prefer if I said "absolutely sure"? I could say that, if it would help - and it wouldn't take me a great deal of time. I don't think twenty minutes is an exaggeration. I'm not sure why you find that idea so repellant. Yes, one poster-sized print would cost the same as a round of drinks, but again: none of this is unattainable stuff.

I'm not seeking to minimise what they did: if anything, that they achieved the reach & impact they did with limited outlay is notable, even laudable. The posters were discussed internationally. That's really something! Just please don't pretend that the skills & resources required for the design and printing are in some way beyond the reach of mere mortals.

Do you have a connection to NoFordNation?
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Something widely known amongst reporters and left blacked out in the ITO is she entered a rehab program last summer (to mixed results from what I hear).

I thought the purpose of rehab was to get someone to stop using something entirely. 'Mixed results' suggests it didn't work and she's still using something ... maybe she quit one substance but not another?
I'm still holding out until the end of the day on Friday. If nothing happens by then, MM has some explaining to do.
I tried to do a search of this thread but the advanced search function seems not to be available any more. MM has predicted Ford in handcuffs on multiple occasions, including way before the crack scandal. While I believe that MM is privy to some insider info on occasion (he used to have a source in Ford's office), I also think that his own enthusiasm and desire for Ford to do the perp walk colours his predictions somewhat.

It does seem unbelievable how much Ford has gotten away with without being arrested or being forced to resign. Look at so many other politicians who resign as soon as a scandal breaks. But not our Robbie. It's scandal after scandal and he's still here.
I think he's either been fed bad information or got a little high on being an internet celebrity.

I will be very happy to eat those words if it turns out I'm wrong.
I appreciate the effort and outlay of resources by the people who made this happen. Most importantly, they actually did this: as Ford likes to say, actions speak louder than words. I didn't do this; the people who did do deserve recognition for what they achieved.

However, your points don't add up to much. Firstly, whether or not it's stock photography isn't really relevant, unless there's something about these particular faces I'm missing. Secondly, "professionally designed": what does that mean, exactly? Do you know what I do for a living? Yes, I'm pretty sure I could do something comparable - would you prefer if I said "absolutely sure"? I could say that, if it would help - and it wouldn't take me a great deal of time. I don't think twenty minutes is an exaggeration. I'm not sure why you find that idea so repellant. Yes, one poster-sized print would cost the same as a round of drinks, but again: none of this is unattainable stuff.

I'm not seeking to minimise what they did: if anything, that they achieved the reach & impact they did with limited outlay is notable, even laudable. The posters were discussed internationally. That's really something! Just please don't pretend that the skills & resources required for the design and printing are in some way beyond the reach of mere mortals.

Do you have a connection to NoFordNation?

The usage of stock photos is relevant because you claimed you could pull off the signs for the cost of a round or something like that. The rights usage fees for stock photos would be fairly significant. Unless you meant you were going to use them illegally.
The usage of stock photos is relevant because you claimed you could pull off the signs for the cost of a round or something like that. The rights usage fees for stock photos would be fairly significant. Unless you meant you were going to use them illegally.

There are decent stock photos that are extremely cheap, relatively speaking. He said he could print it for the cost of a round.
The rights usage fees for stock photos would be fairly significant. Unless you meant you were going to use them illegally.

Royalty-Free images from Corbis or whatever are reasonably cheap. At that resolution, $400 or so, but an agency might have a volume licence, so no extra fees for using a couple new ones.

They're usually not as good as the Rights managed ones, but you can usually dig through and find something usable if you're on a budget.
I just finished writing the liner notes for a Ford-themed record due to be released in a couple weeks, and while we all know how damaged and corrupt this mayor has been, just sitting down and cataloguing his various misdeeds and controversies is something else. It truly is astonishing that one man can barrel through so much by virtue of shameless alone. The sheer extent of his wrong-doing is numbing when you start trying to quantify, and yet I'm sure I still missed a number of things that should have been included.

On the evening of May 16, 2013, I was at home in downtown Toronto, sitting at the same desk I'm sitting at right now, listening to records and browsing the internet while I waited for Coulavin and Milo to collect me. We were going to see ex-Radio Birdman guitarist Deniz Tek play a set just down the street, but literally a couple of minutes before my friends arrived, the net lit up with some incredible allegations on American gossip website Gawker.

According to Gawker's John Cook, he had flown down to Toronto just a few days before, then met in the city's NW projects with some Somali gangsters and their “community organiser†mediator to discuss purchasing an iPhone video of mayor Rob Ford smoking crack and making various bigoted remarks on camera. While cagey with the video, the phone's holders did allow Cook to watch the full minute in the back of their car, parked in a strip mall lot. The report was soon corroborated and fleshed out by a pair of journalists on the Toronto Star website, both of whom had seen the sordid little segment themselves but had kept mum whilst the newspaper worked on building a more substantial story. I love Radio Birdman, but I also already disliked Ford a great deal, so it was almost reluctantly that I left my house for the gig, impulsively checking my phone for updates all night.

As most will know, Ford had been a divisive figure in his tenure as a city councillor for years prior to a surprise victory in the October 2010 election that made him mayor. His predilection for ignorant statements and embarrassing public displays, often alcohol-fueled, was well-established, and there were already a documented drunk driving incident, hints of drug abuse and disconcerting rumours of trouble at home. Ford's first 30 months as the city's chief magistrate were far from free of drama themselves, full of absurd clashes with local media, misuse of office, an unprecedented hostility toward his ideological opponents and even a flagrant disregard for municipal regulations that saw him briefly lose his seat in a decision eventually over-turned on a technicality. While the mayor's various and ongoing controversies were never far from the public attention, a pair of humiliating incidents late that winter seemed to signal worse problems looming still. In mid-February, very drunk Ford had to be asked to leave the Garrison Ball, a military charity event attended by senior brass and the federal Minister of National Defence, due to his extreme inebriation. Two weeks later, a local businesswoman accused him of groping her while spewing creepy comments, going on to add that his condition seemed more in line with cocaine abuse than the mere drunken idiocy he was at that point more renowned for. Two and a half months later, in light of the Star's reporting, her comments appeared to carry some weight.

The next day, Ford refused to address the allegations of the night before, and he maintained this silence for a week. Such behaviour in a Canadian mayor was unprecedented; some expressed worries that the disgraced mayor might kill himself, while others simply hoped that he would do the obvious thing and resign, or at least announce that he recognised his substance abuse problems and would be taking a leave of absence to address them in rehab and therapy. When Ford called a press conference for the following Friday, this is exactly what most expected to happen, and there was some sympathy for his plight and well-being, even among such fervent detractors as myself. Instead, Ford issued a pathetic denial constructed so awkwardly that its very wording only gave new weight to the claims it purported to deny. And at this point, Mayor Rob Ford, who had long nourished a (very much mutual) vendetta against the liberal Toronto Star that already extended to an effective ex-communication, and his sleazy thug brother cum babysitter cum mouthpiece, Etobicoke councillor Doug Ford, only stepped up their attacks on the press, calling legitimate journalists “pathological liars†and “maggotsâ€, a grotesquely undignified campaign that led to Ford inferring that one Star reporter was a pedophile, in an interview with disgraced criminal windbag Conrad Black. That the accounts being filed by these journalists were, by the mayor's own belated admission, entirely true, did nothing to inspire any sort of remorse or real apology from the utterly shameless Ford brothers (other than the pro forma apology a looming lawsuit produced, of course).

Shortly after this municipal debacle, SFH recorded the song that you'll find you on the topside of this here single, topically titled “Mayor On Crack?†The band wrote and released the track quite specifically for online/Youtube release; I heard it and immediately thought it would make for a great 45, but it takes two and a half months to get a record pressed nowadays. In the long hot summer of 2013, I was still sufficiently naive to assume that the odds of Ford still being mayor by the end of a 45's production phase were slim to none. After all, he might be hanging on desperately now, but surely he had some shame, some dignity, some lingering, rudimentary understanding of the respect he was obliged to show for his office and for the city he represented-- surely he would have to resign or step down before long, right?


As the year progressed and the plot steadily thickened, new incidents seemed to occur on a near-daily basis, each more ridiculous than the last. Nagging questions remained about the death of Anthony Smith, seen in a photo with Ford outside a local crackhouse and murdered not long after under circumstances that hardly precluded connections to the crack video, while others in the Ford milieu were pushed from high-rise balconies, shot outside their apartments, beaten in home invasions and brutally attacked in jail. The Globe ran extensive revelations about Doug Ford's drug-dealing past. Rob showed up for a local food festival, hammered and almost certainly having driven himself there. His close friend and drug dealer Sandro “The Rat†Lisi-- a singularly distateful specimen himself, boasting an extensive record of vehicular assaults and violent behaviour toward women-- was arrested, and a succession of ITO releases detailed police surveillance capturing Ford in ever-worse circumstances, meeting Lisi for mysterious envelope exchanges, pissing in schoolyards and drinking in public parks.

There were revelations of drunken, abusive behaviour at bars, at home and in his own City Hall office, sexual harassment of his staff, a covert exchange of drugs for his lost phone and a disturbing video of Ford violently threatening to rip out the throat of an unnamed enemy. He knocked over an elderly female colleague at a council meeting, then made incredibly lewd remarks about his own wife at a press conference. He made a strange, unexplained late night attempt at visiting one convict buddy in jail while issuing other convicted criminal friends with reference letters on city letterhead and securing violent thugs positions working with youth. Other friends were hired at city hall, their lack of qualifications and inflated salaries conspicuously at odds with the tired rhetoric of efficiencies and gravy trains. Former allies and long-time enablers on the mainstream right moved to distance themselves from both Fords, thankfully stopping Doug's provincial aspirations short and resulting in yet another embarrassing spectacle when the gate-crashing mayor was snubbed by a visiting Prime Minister. He lost his football coaching job and his weekly radio gig, and a planned TV show was unceremoniously canned by the station after one episode.

When police chief Bill Blair confirmed in late October that investigators had found and viewed the crack video, Ford was even stripped of all the powers that council could take from him, and he continued to flail on, rarely deigning to arrive at work before lunch time or stay more than a couple of hours. When yet another ITO released in November cited gangsters discussing video of Ford on heroin, it became plain that there was absolutely nothing that could make this corrupt, amoral, drug-abusing, work-shirking thug give up his position, and that we were to endure another year of non-leadership before a better candidate might take his place. At that point, I emailed Warren to arrange the release of this record.

Months later, as I write this on April Fool's Day, campaigning for October's municipal election is well underway, and Ford has yet to resign. The clown act has barely slowed down, with our mayor apparently taking drugs at a Vancouver bar, humiliating himself on an American TV show, deliberately provoking incredibly ill-considered public wars against the police department (who Ford claims to support more than anyone even as he refuses to accept their requests for an interview related to ongoing serious criminal cases) and the gay community. The sheer number of scandalous, noxious, moronic and criminal acts and incidents surrounding this contemptible slob and his circle of family, friends and associates would be comical were it not truly depressing to see him appearing to get away with little in the way of real consequences.

Well, get away so far, at least. As the rumours of Ford's misdeeds have taken on a significantly darker tone over just the past few days, so too have rumours of an imminent arrest grown surer and more insistent. Credible sources speak of police action within days or weeks, and those of us who have grown mightily sick of seeing our city's highest office occupied and degraded by this porcine bobblehead, this sneering, whining, moral blackhole of a man, can now hardly wait to see him face the judgment that must surely result from such corruption. Otherwise, this will be a long and painful year for Toronto. We've got a mayor on crack, we want to give him the sack...and soon we will. Anything else?
Yep, totally true. My only point was that it would cost more than a round of drinks to produce and execute those posters. The only mention secret squirell made to cost was the printing, suggesting that was the only part of the process with a price tag which isn't true.

Anyway, has rob been arrested yet?
Hey all - I've lurked for a while reading this thread, but wanted to jump in to offer some info that I have also heard that Renata is an alcoholic. A family member of mine is a long time police officer and I point blank asked him a couple weeks ago when Ford was going to get arrested. He said that there was a time they were almost able to get him on domestic violence charges but Renata couldn't keep her story straight - she told three different versions to three different officers. I couldn't get the sense if it was her being reluctant to continue with it or if she genuinely didn't remember each time she told her story. He didn't say anything about pills, just that she was a raging alcoholic and they fought all the time/police were called to their house all the time.
Wow, lots of new people have a religious belief about Renata being a drunk.

Why, I never...don't that beat all.

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