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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I really don't think Doug has given up. Far from it. He thinks he is a brilliant campaign manager and political strategist who is finally getting the chance to run a campaign without outside interference. He clearly gets the importance of "face time" - hence the sending Rob to TCHC buildings to campaign inappropriately during working hours. He referred to their "ground game", so I'm assuming that Ford also has an assistant jotting down contact info as he knocks on doors. Clever, though totally inappropriate. Assuming they get their suppporter list back, they'll make calling those people the main focus. And the promotion of Rob Ford selfies and other news-making antics is also seen as an easy and powerful way to keep Rob Ford's name on voters' lips.

That the rest of the campaign has stalled really only demonstrates Doug's weak grasp of policy, which is the flip side of face time. The Fords on their own have never been capable of more than broad platitudes and catchphrases. That's how they can, with straight faces, promote the idea that they stand for the poor while voting against every single program targeting low-income residents. Until they get a legitimate policy advisor on their team, I can't really see their campaign getting an actual platform.

So. What may seem like giving up is really just a poorly run campaign.

I agree, I don't think Doug's given up. But I do think he's canny enough to know the odds are against them, and so he's working the angles and pushing Rob's only strength: playing to the base with face time, dust-ups over wedge issues, and mindless repetition. They've given up any pretense of policy or feigned interest in actually governing. If by some miracle Rob gets re-elected, the campaign will simply continue as is, lurching from one attention-getting mess to the next. Doug still thinks they have a shot if they keep doing what they're doing. He believes in the power of notoriety---we've given him every reason to. I bet anything that he believes they can spin that notoriety into something bigger, no matter what the outcome of the election. And like others have observed, I agree he's most likely set his sights on the massive U.S. market for outspoken idiot conservative types on TV and especially talk radio.
... I'm assuming that Ford also has an assistant jotting down contact info as he knocks on doors. Clever, though totally inappropriate. Assuming they get their suppporter list back, they'll make calling those people the main focus.

Question: If Rob has built up his contacts "database" through his work as a councillor/mayor, should he be allowed to use it for electoral purposes? It seems to me that data is a product of his office, and therefore an "office resource" that should not use for campaigning. Thoughts?
With all that has transpired he will crash after the election. It's doubtful he could go back to coaching football. He's a political hot potato now and will probably be shunned by people he thought were his friends. I don't think he has begun to grasp what's ahead.

Of course I could be completely wrong and he'll be hired to host some sports/opinion show. We are living in strange times where even the worst characters are given cushy tv gigs.

I actually think he has grasped what is ahead, and he's terrified. Have you ever noticed how passionate he becomes when asked about how he feels about being mayor? He practically tears up about how much he loves it. Yet we all know he really doesn't love it - he hates the work, the people and the responsibility. So what gives?

There's a desperation in it that makes me believe that passion is entirely about his fear of a future in which he is not mayor. His entire adult life has been propelled by fulfilling his parents' ambitions, seeking their approval...and staving off the emptiness inside that comes from never having a say about any of it. Deep down I think Rob Ford fears he will be nothing without politics, so he is clinging to it now more than ever. In fact, I think it's a big part of why he hasn't resigned.

We all can see he has absolutely nothing else going on - no skills, no ambition, no aptitude for work. He couldn't do a TV show, even one about sports - he's too ill informed and wouldn't be able to stay current. Not to mention, the only thing that stops him from launching himself down the rabbit hole of full-on addiction is this mayor thing. He knows what's coming if he doesn't win and he's terrified.
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I actually think he has grasped what is ahead, and he's terrified. Have you ever noticed how passionate he becomes when asked about how he feels about being mayor? He practically tears up about how much he loves it. Yet we all know he really doesn't love it - he hates the work, the people and the responsibility. So what gives?

There's a desperation in it that makes me believe that passion is entirely about his fear of a future in which he is not mayor. His entire adult life has been propelled by fulfilling his parents' ambitions, seeking their approval...and staving off the emptiness inside that comes from never having a say about any of it. Deep down I think Rob Ford fears he will be nothing without politics, so he is clinging to it now more than ever. In fact, I think it's a big part of why he hasn't resigned.

We all can see he has absolutely nothing else going on - no skills, no ambition, no aptitude for work. He couldn't do a TV show, even one about sports - he's too ill informed and wouldn't be able to stay current. Not to mention, the only thing that stops him from launching himself down the rabbit hole of full-on addiction is this mayor thing. And he knows it.

Spot on. Subtract his political career from the equation and he's a luckless, graceless, lifelong loser. If that's what people identify with, I really can't think of anything sadder.
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Scott MacIntyre was right in that it was filmed at Payman's mom's house. I know the family. But he might have been wrong about the timing. He was apparently on a mix of booze and crack.

Does Payman live with his mom, i.e., is it the address given for him in the ITO?
Question: If Rob has built up his contacts "database" through his work as a councillor/mayor, should he be allowed to use it for electoral purposes? It seems to me that data is a product of his office, and therefore an "office resource" that should not use for campaigning. Thoughts?

If Doolittle is to be believed, Rob gathered those contacts by returning phone calls from home, after work hours. He may take that to mean it's not a product of his office (in the sense of the physical premises as well as referring to the position he holds), but I don't know if it would legally be seen that way.
I actually think he has grasped what is ahead, and he's terrified. Have you ever noticed how passionate he becomes when asked about how he feels about being mayor? He practically tears up about how much he loves it. Yet we all know he really doesn't love it - he hates the work, the people and the responsibility. So what gives?
He loves that he was chosen. People love him (or so he thinks). I don't think he got a whole lotta lovin' as a child, so the whole thing of being popular and elected is a really big deal for him.

He also loves the title. I'm the Mayor. Whoo hoo. You're right, he hates the work and I don't think he still has any real idea of what a Mayor does beyond putting on the chain of office and getting to sit in the big chair.

The man's needs are simplistic. Show him you love him and let him be "the big man", and he's happy. Otherwise, he's a whiny, petulant, entitled twit.
I agree, I don't think Doug's given up. But I do think he's canny enough to know the odds are against them, and so he's working the angles and pushing Rob's only strength: playing to the base with face time, dust-ups over wedge issues, and mindless repetition. They've given up any pretense of policy or feigned interest in actually governing. If by some miracle Rob gets re-elected, the campaign will simply continue as is, lurching from one attention-getting mess to the next. Doug still thinks they have a shot if they keep doing what they're doing. He believes in the power of notoriety---we've given him every reason to. I bet anything that he believes they can spin that notoriety into something bigger, no matter what the outcome of the election. And like others have observed, I agree he's most likely set his sights on the massive U.S. market for outspoken idiot conservative types on TV and especially talk radio.

Reality TV is clearly the "Plan B" for these guys. Rob has no marketable skills, would never get hired by a think tank and couldn't possibly be a political commentator. No sports league will ever let him near kids. Unless he can cash in on his fame, on October 28th he's headed over to Deco to sit in an office filled with coloured foolscap paper and some safety scissors.

So off to reality TV it is, except for one major problem - Rob is boring as hell in real life. He can't string together a sentence, and he won't be able to rely on catch phrases. SunTV shut them down after one episode because of their complete inability to come up with usable content. Besides, what would they base the show on? Rob's immediate family is highly unstable, his friends are all (active) criminals and his personal interests are generally illegal. They would need to rely on his filial ventriloquist, but even he's one dimensional and boring. Plus, what producer wants to deal with that bag of rage on a daily basis?

If Rob insists on going the fame route (and assuming he stays out of jail), the path will be:
1a. Electoral defeat; or
1b. Pull out of the election due to criminal charges/commie conspiracy
2. Failed political commentator gig
3. Failed reality TV show ( aka Deco Hunters, Real Husbands of Etobicoke or Honey Ro Fo)
4. Appearance on Celebrity Big Brother Canada
5. Celebrity DJ/party host at Tryst
6. Scene in Vivid Entertainment's 1/4 ton of Fun gonzo porn video
7. Hand jobs for crack in the Steak Queen washroom

Given his options, those Deco safety scissors probably aren't looking so bad...
Reality TV is clearly the "Plan B" for these guys. Rob has no marketable skills, would never get hired by a think tank and couldn't possibly be a political commentator. No sports league will ever let him near kids. Unless he can cash in on his fame, on October 28th he's headed over to Deco to sit in an office filled with coloured foolscap paper and some safety scissors.

So off to reality TV it is, except for one major problem - Rob is boring as hell in real life. He can't string together a sentence, and he won't be able to rely on catch phrases. SunTV shut them down after one episode because of their complete inability to come up with usable content. Besides, what would they base the show on? Rob's immediate family is highly unstable, his friends are all (active) criminals and his personal interests are generally illegal. They would need to rely on his filial ventriloquist, but even he's one dimensional and boring. Plus, what producer wants to deal with that bag of rage on a daily basis?

If Rob insists on going the fame route (and assuming he stays out of jail), the path will be:
1a. Electoral defeat; or
1b. Pull out of the election due to criminal charges/commie conspiracy
2. Failed political commentator gig
3. Failed reality TV show ( aka Deco Hunters, Real Husbands of Etobicoke or Honey Ro Fo)
4. Appearance on Celebrity Big Brother Canada
5. Celebrity DJ/party host at Tryst
6. Scene in Vivid Entertainment's 1/4 ton of Fun gonzo porn video
7. Hand jobs for crack in the Steak Queen washroom

Given his options, those Deco safety scissors probably aren't looking so bad...

Just gotta keep him out of jail, that's all.
If people in Timbuktu are watching Ford Nation, how does that help Rob's electoral chances? (I know it's a rhetorical question...)

Not rhetorical at all. It's all part of taking Ford Nation to Ford Globe.

Dougie's getting set to be Premier of Ontario. Robbie, as we know, will be Prime Minister of Canada. Little Mickey is getting prepped to take over Etobicoke North. And the Global part will be when Kathy becomes Secretary General of the United Nations.

You read it here first, folks.
The Rob Ford narrative is only interesting BECAUSE he's the mayor. Otherwise he's just another spoiled brat rich kid with racist and homophobic views and substance abuse problems who is prone to violent and odd outbursts. His charisma is dependant on him being the wacky in office. Without the common enemy of council, he has nothing to rail against. Sun News knew what they were doing: big ratings on day one, but no follow up after everyone sees how dull it all is.
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