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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So the letter published in the Sun is a complaint on BOTH the fishing trip and the "I am disappointed" comment?

Apparently, yes.

The complaint against Bill Blair is in two parts and was submitted by Toronto city Councillor Doug Ford.

Ford’s criticism involves a fishing trip that Blair allegedly went on last year with Police Services Board member Andy Pringle.

The second part came out of an Oct. 31, 2013, news conference at which Blair said he was disappointed in Mayor Rob Ford.

However, other articles say that the OIPRD will not confirm the details of the complaint.
The Star was not able to confirm whether these grievances are the subject of the OIPRD complaint investigation. Councillor Ford did not return requests for comment Monday, while an OIPRD spokesperson and police board chair Alok Mukherjee declined to speak on the matter.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss anything concerning an investigation that may or may not be taking place,” said Mukherjee.
I think the point is they opened the investigation because they determined there may be misconduct.

Also, the TPS board might be kicking things back OIPRD for the sake of an independent review. With councillors on the board, there's no way it could make a ruling without appearing to be influenced by local politics. It's a no-win situation for them, especially with the complaint coming from a councillor.
This is actually pretty disgusting - the Ford's are hoping to damage the credibility of the chief to discredit the ongoing investigation. I imagine this is retribution for the leak about Apple disclosing the contents of Sandro Lisi's phone.

I honestly can't wait for the Fords to be removed from our municipal discourse. It will be dark, dark days for Toronto if Rob Ford is re-elected.

This is the dirty campaign that was promised. It's going to get worse.

Haha, is he cracked up as well?
“I’m not at liberty to discuss anything concerning an investigation that may or may not be taking place,†said Mukherjee.

I may or may not have enough existing ability concerning eating at home (before the courts, obviously)
An addition to the "Cab drivers support the Fords" meme:

I was in a cab today, and the driver was complaining about the streetcars. He then mentioned that he supported Rob Ford, and boy was it on! I wasn't in the best listening kind of mood, so our discussion wasn't all that friendly.

Anyway, what killed me was the Greek (not Italian!) cabbie then said: "All politicians lie. At least, with Rob Ford, he is like a baby and you can tell when he is lying."
So basically, he said RF is an imbecile, and better the imbecile you know, than one you don't!

What kind of culture do we live in?

I need to print out the Ford Lies list and hand it out to all cabbies.

Do you still tip them after they do that? I always tip cab drivers but if one ever went on an unsolicited pro-ford rant to me I'd pay the fare and not a penny more. It's nasty and spiteful but I don't really care. I'm not paying EXTRA to listen to that crap.
What is next? Rob Ford complaining that Apple is a leftist conspiracy, just because Apple has access to Lisi's iPhone history, Apple probably probably having access to the crack video, and that a large number of university students have MacBook Pros (a good number of which are progressively-minded)?

Rob Ford can call me a commie all he wants, just because I typed this post using my 15" MacBook Pro with Retina Display.

I notice a slight correlation between preferred operating system and political views.
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So, is Doug crazy? One of the outcomes of a Office of the Independent Police Review Director review is that it could go to a disciplinary hearing...and my understanding from is that such a thing would be open to the public, and both sides get to present which point I am assuming that Blair would have to bring forward the video as evidence....

I assume that even before it got that far there would have to be a number of other people at the IPRD who would have to watch the video as part of their investigation.

In any case this may not go anywhere as the police may decide to give reasons to delay the proceedings for longer than 6 months (if they think they will be pressing charges).
Everyone should take a second and read what the oiprd is commencing!

Wait for investigation into Blair's comments about rob ford's drug use caught on tape. If I were an investigator, why is Blair disappointed in ford, what could ford have done to make Blair comment as such, does Blair have proof of slob's disappointing behaviour, please provide evidence of such, shall we call witnesses, interview affected peoples ( this is the best one).

If the ford gumbas think they're being smart filing these complaints, they're quite wrong. Proper investigations dig quite deep:)

I would suggest drug ford just opened a can of worms/ Pandora's box because another investigation into the ford realm, via Blair's alleged conduct, has been triggered.

Recall how brazen 2 started......from project traveller!
I am well aware of the fact that criticizing someone for their outward appearance is shitty, and that the following sentence makes me a shitty person, but holy cow that family has some unfortunate genetics.

The more unfortunate genetic traits are the various self destructive pathologies that they all seem to carry.
This should be interesting...

"@TODAYshow: Today on TODAY: Toronto mayor Rob Ford speaks to @MLauer in an exclusive live interview on @TODAYshow"
So who thinks Doug is positioning himself to slip into the mayoral race if Rob gets arrested? How else to explain his all-out media blitz since the campaign "started"? He's been everywhere, in the news every day for weeks, sucking up the spotlight from the guy he's supposedly working for. Maybe it's just deflection, but seems more purposeful to me.
For those who missed the Today show, it was just Ford ignoring the questions so he could get to the same talking points we've heard 1,000 times. He looked like a trained dog.

What changes have you made in your life?
I'm losing weight and going to the gym and I'm knocking on doors and campaigning and we're going to win on Oct. 27!

Have you been in an effective mayor since losing your powers?
I led the charge on the ice storm! I also did a bunch of other things like build a subway and get a deal with the unions! All since November!

Are you still drinking?
Not like before. I can't wait to debate my opponents! Can't wait!

But, OK, there was the video of you speaking Jamaican...
I drank and enjoyed myself. Hey, maybe you're perfect but I'm not. [amusingly, they showed clips of the old interview before the new one and he said this EXACT thing to Lauer.] I'm going to keep campaigning and keep going to the gym (he mentioned the gym at least 3 times, maybe 4).

Same ol same ol. Dead man walking.

EDIT: Just to that Ford has played the "I lied because everyone lies..." card, it's fair to ask him - after ANY answer - "Are you lying right now?" Interesting choice to put yourself in that box but he essentially admitted he's "a liar" so might as well hit him with it.
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