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Rob Ford's Toronto

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wow. Am I romanticizing my youth, or wasn't there a time that a mayor like Ford would not have been welcomed by the people at the Rivoli? we keep wishing he'd go some place where people would boo him or at least not cheer and clap. where is that place? even the "elites" at the Theatre Centre gala in January posed for pics with him. :confused:

The OCAP office.
Bike Pirates
Any AA/NA meeting.
apparently he has moved on from the rivoli:

Mike Briggs ‏@briggsymtb 24m
My sources tell me Rob Ford is partying at Jack Astors in Toronto. We have pics!! Not ours but our source. #heisdrinkingpoplol

Mike Briggs ‏@briggsymtb 12m
My buddy Laura with the Mayor #loldrinking pop?
I can imagine a lot of recovering addicts seeing Rob Ford on tv insisting he doesn't have a substance abuse problem and feeling that grim flicker of recognition. I'd imagine AA/NA would be pretty well-versed in his denial tactics.
If he's there for help they should accept him. it's part of their mission and charter.
(if he's there to condescend to "other addicts" while insisting he isn't one, then yeah, kick his ass)

I meant RF showing up to a meeting drinking and/or being drunk/drugged up..... and still insisting that he doesn't have a problem.
I wish people would start posting photo-bombs of them stepping in front of him just as the pic is taken. You'd still get to be in a picture with a famous thing, but get to give him a bitch slap at the same time.
I'm starting a twitter campaign in jest to raise awareness about the dangers of selfies with Ford.

Aptly titled "Friends don't let friends take selfies with Rob Ford."
Incidentally, going back to this post...

Keep in mind that some of the esteemed cornerstones of the Spacing-esque realm of municipal discussion come from said suburbs--and have a more nuanced perspective as a result (Matt Blackett from Willowdale, Ed Keenan from Lawrence/Markham, etc)

Dave Meslin is also from Willowdale and, hey, so are the guys from Rush so respect the suburbs!
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I'm starting a twitter campaign in jest to raise awareness about the dangers of selfies with Ford.

Aptly titled "Friends don't let friends take selfies with Rob Ford."
great idea!
the photo bomb is a great idea too.

"Photo bomb, don't selfie!"
Wow. You sound like everyone's nightmare of a right-winger. You understand how taxes work, right? And that civilization can't function without them? But sure, let's just let everyone give to whatever they feel is personally worth their time. That'll work out real well.


I didn't say all taxes aren't necessary. Where did you get that idea? Social 'assistance' like welfare isn't a must. If anything, such things prevent people from taking control of their lives and having the confidence to be independent and productive. The poor have been exploited by the left for decades. No one is being helped by receiving money they have not earned. That has created a culture of people who are dependent on the government for help. Why not empower oneself and stop relying on others? This type of emotional manipulation has been very effective in garnering support for the the liberals and NDP. 'Those conservatives are such bad guys'. 'They don't want to help you and give you free stuff'...Conservatives are compassionate people -- arguably even more so than many on the left -- we just have different ways of looking at the world. That doesn't make us evil. Now I do agree that some people actually do need some social assistance; handicapped people for instance; the blind, the deaf, etc. Simply having a low income doesn't make one obligated to receive other people's money. That is an illogical notion and an entirely emotional argument. Taking money from those that have more and giving it to those with less isn't fair, just because the former can afford it. That is asinine.

"Yeah, it is. I could care less how nice he is to his family. That's meaningless. What's meaningful is people who can understand and sympathize with people they don't know, and possibly have little in common with. That's one of the problems with conservatives--the inability to think outside their immediate circle."

What does that have to do with what I said? All I mentioned is that he is probably a good person outside of his political career. I don't even like his political views. You're starting a conversation I wasn't even attempting to have. How do you know that conservatives don't think outside their immediate circle? What do you base this assumption on? I make an effort to give whatever change I have in my pockets to homeless people when I'm downtown. My mother, who is extremely conservative, gives money to homeless shelters on an annual basis. Conservatives actually do a lot of charity work. Just because we disagree with socialism, that doesn't mean we don't care about the poor. Where does this kind of black and white thinking come from? That is equivalent to Ford Nation logic.

"That's reasonable enough. I'm just pointing out the confused thinking that leads to things like Mafia bosses and drug-dealing outlaw bikers thinking they're "good people" because they love their dog and spoil their grandkids. Good people put themselves in the shoes of people they don't know and have nothing in common with. It's basic empathy. Treating your family well is no real judge of character at all, in the big picture."

That's a false equivalency. I don't support law breakers just because they love their families. You're all over the place. Tim Hudak, isn't in the mafia or hanging out with bikers. All I insinuated is that he's most likely a good father and husband, and a friendly person. The end. Perhaps Tim Hudak does put himself in the shoes of others, outside of the political realm? He's a politician. He appeals to his base, the same way his opponents do. You should put yourself in his shoes. Sometimes politicians support things they don't even agree with because ultimately, their goal is to remain in power. They do and say what their base wants to hear, whether they believe in whatever that may be.
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Ripped, I'm glad we have someone here to speak for the voiceless. The rich bashing can at times be unbearable. Are you familiar with Tom Perkins? He's like this century's Raoul Wallenberg.

You're not voiceless. Make your opinions heard. Don't be bullied into silence.

No, I haven't heard of him.

What is weird is this assumption that all conservatives are wealthy. I come from an upper middle class family, but we're far from being rich. Many conservatives are actually dirt poor black and Mexican people. We're not all white guys with with homes in Lawrence Park.
You're not voiceless. Make your opinions heard. Don't be bullied into silence.

No, I haven't heard of him.

What is weird is this assumption that all conservatives are wealthy. I come from an upper middle class family, but we're far from being rich. Many conservatives are actually dirt poor black and Mexican people. We're not all white guys with with homes in Lawrence Park.

Uh, I'm pretty sure Crazy was being sarcastic there. Did you follow the link? Are you really in agreement that the rich are being persecuted like the Jews were in Nazi Germany?
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