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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Even in the condensed interview Doolittle did a good job of laying out the Ford history and mystique. The Ford's thinking of themselves as the Kennedy family got a lot of laughs.
Anyone with a tv watch The Daily Show? How'd it go?

You can tell that Stewart and Doolittle really believe Ford is going to die soon. The crowd laughed at some things in the way you'd laugh at a cartoon, but they both can see the serious side of what's going to become of Ford if he doesn't get it together. Stewart was astounded at the 40% approval rating and Doolittle knew he was going to react like he was because she cringed a bit as she was saying it but quickly said it doesn't mean all those people will vote for him. I think this book is doing something to him that nothing else has because she's all over the place and she's directly saying he has alcohol and drug problems, she's not dancing around it. She also talked about how after his first year as mayor, he stopped coming to work regularly, his staff didn't know where he was, the rumours about alcohol and drug issues were running rampant etc.
I missed the Newstalk 1010 bit, but it's much nicer to read your summary than it is to hear Doug's voice. Believe me when I say that this is setting the bar re-he-heally low, but I find Rob easier to tolerate in small does. Just an image of Doug Ford is enough to provoke a strong negative physical response in me. My best guess is that it is my mind attempting to adjust to a reality which has Doug Ford in it and on all the media all of the time, saying Doug Ford things and being Doug Ford.

I'd love to make a compilation video of the 50 most inane Doug moments, but I can't face the thought of looking at hours of Doug's face. On those occasionans where I am unlucky enough to be presented with an unmistakable image of Douglas Bruce Ford Jr., my mind serves up the same foul thought, and it is this: Doug Ford almost always looks as though he has just followed through on a fart, but is desperately attempting to steer the situation towards a different reality where he hasn't crapped his pants a bit.

I'm [almost] sorry to inflict this upon you all, but after several years of following the criminal and misanthropic behaviour of this loud and loathsome troop of Fords, I am still in shock that we tolerate this strange and terrible gonzo government-gone-wrong from our elected representatives.

Bring on the charges! It's winter, so if Rob doesn't turn himself in voluntarily, those handcuffs are going to be really cold at the end of the world's worst car chase...

I know what you mean about Doug. I think part of it is that he comes across as physically threatening, so he sort of stimulates your fight or flight response. Rob is awful, but you don't feel like you'd have much trouble with him if he decided to charge at you like a rogue elephant. You sort of know that he'd just end up hurting himself.
Perhaps a lot of the headlines that are being alleged are true.... maybe many more than just "a lot". Has the GREAT melt down already begun???

YES! I do believe he stopped the drinking and maybe even the hard drugs for a little while. But he is clearly, obviously, completely off the wagon, and he's unlikely to get back on it.

In November he was itching for the election campaign to begin. Why? Because the 2010 campaign was probably the best experience of his life. For the duration of the campaign he had a top notch team telling him what to say, when and where to say it, and drilling him over and over til he got it right. And, unlike the actual hard work of being mayor, which he doesn't enjoy, campaigning let him promise the world without having to do anything about it. It was Rob Ford's dream job. For the first time in his life, people responded positively to him, and he won.

But this campaign is off to a rocky start. Twice he's been caught on camera wasted. He has no campaign team to speak of, so while he clearly had speaking notes for the debate last night, I highly doubt anybody drilled him beforehand. He fumbled on Pride and racial profiling, two issues that his 2010 team would have anticipated for a debate at UTSC. And he knows it. My guess is fundraising isn't going well either. I know it's early, but without a team, where is the money going to come from? He has no website, no policy platform, no materials. Just his silly little magnets.

And, unlike 2010, he has the extra worry of an ongoing police investigation, not to mention the media asking him constantly about all the things he does not want to talk about. No getting to feel good about himself this time.

This morning was classic Ford - first Jamie Strashin tweeted that Ford blew off a meeting with a constituent. Then his staff didn't seem to know where he was, before finally announcing that he was sick and wouldn't be in.

So yeah, I think the big meltdown is underway. Whether he was at 3030 last night or not, I firmly believe he followed last night's debate with a bender (again, no campaign team to keep him on the straight and narrow like 2010). And it won't be the last - I highly doubt we'll be waiting long for another video of Rob Ford drunkandorhigh in public.
Originally Posted by animatronic

The city beat reporters just spent their evenings chasing down two rumours that don't appear to have panned out:

1. Rob was going to surrender himself tonight and face charges
2. Rob was going to take his kids and hole up at an airport hotel, on the pretense that TPS wouldn't arrest him if he was hiding out with his family (see - nobody's a better dad than him)

Apparently the intel was coming in from multiple unconnected sources and included some very specific details. Of course the media gets these kind of tips every day, most of which are wrong/false. What's interesting here is that the press clearly believes an arrest is imminent and are jockeying for the scoop. Interesting times.
...the hotel story doesn't make sense either. With a re-election campaign going on he goes and and hides out in a hotel? Sounds more like wishful thinking from people who think Crazy Town has somehow amped up the pressure on him than something logical....

The hotel story makes sense if there was another domestic dispute the the Ford home last night or today. If he thought his wife would press charges, he might well take the kids and go to a hotel.
So yeah, I think the big meltdown is underway.

The thing about that level of fame/notoriety is that it eventually turns around and bites you on the ass. Those "fans" are cheering him on because he's the outlaw and they want to see the inevitable last stand.
The most likely reason why we haven't seen any pics or video of Ford at 3030 is that he just wasn't there. There's one person at the Sun making a (repeated) fuss about it and one brand new person here making the same claim. You'd think Ford's middle name was "fetch".

The other possibility is that he was there and (almost) everyone who saw him is too embarrassed to let the world know that Ford hangs out in our neighbourhood. I know that I'm already scouting for a paper bag to put over my head.

haha, that's sounds a lot like hipster T.O., maybe that's what it is. :p
The entire episode + extended interview will be at Probably mid-day or something like that. Someone needs to post it to the website, but since the episode airs at 11PM they do it the next day.
That link needs Flash, something my tabs (ipad and samsung) don't run.

Honestly, in this day of mobile browsing, why do we still use Flash? Just think of all the content broadcasted online by traditional media firm that is never viewed because of Flash.
That link needs Flash, something my tabs (ipad and samsung) don't run.

Honestly, in this day of mobile browsing, why do we still use Flash? Just think of all the content broadcasted online by traditional media firm that is never viewed because of Flash.

Well you could always watch it on a full-featured device that is not a tablet. As a software developer I don't like Flash very much either but even Google's HTML5 player is still in beta and has a lot of issues sometimes. Setting up streaming to work across all devices without Flash can be a huge bother, and it necessitates re-encoding or at least re-muxing your content. It really is a huge bother, and when the companies are providing these streams *for free* to begin with, there's not much incentive to embark on the expensive development work.

Regardless, I'm sure someone will upload at least the aired part of the interview to YouTube, but I can't even get my hands on the source content right now since it doesn't seem like anyone has bothered to rip and up it yet. I can't find yesterday's episode on any of my less-than-legal sources.

You'll just have to wait.

edit: It's available on the CTV GO iOS application right now, but it requires you to have cable service and sign in with your account to watch. And the app is a real pile of dung. See, even when they get paid for it, media companies don't really create good software.
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Perhaps a lot of the headlines that are being alleged are true.... maybe many more than just "a lot". Has the GREAT melt down already begun???

Well, as he says: he's not going to change the way that he is. So, there you have it.
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