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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Isn't there some protections for discriminations though? Whatever you say in your TOS, you can't kick someone out just because they're gay, or female, or purple, or whatever. Basically, if it's mentioned in the charter, then action taken on you for that reason is illegal.

(as far as I know, with my imperfect understanding of these sorts of issues)

The issue does sometimes arise when someone uses those charter protections to excuse their own behaviour, like if someone was running around screaming "I'm Purple!" in people's faces and jumping up and down naked on tables. Kicking that person out might be challenged on charter grounds, but could be defended by convincing the court that people of whatever colour would be treated the same if they had acted the same. If you only kick out the purple people who act badly, or if you kick out purple people even without them acting badly, you'd be in trouble. But only if whoever bringing the suit could prove that the discrimination was on the purpleness.

Specific section of the charter is 15) 1.
"Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability."

discrimination based on being an asshole is notably absent.
We're talking about America though. Businesses can't discriminate against protected classes in Canada, that's true. You can get in trouble with the Human Rights Tribunal if you, for example, kick a couple out of your bed and breakfast for being gay (happened recently in BC).

edit: You can legally have, for example, women's only gyms though despite gender being protected against discrimination.
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Scarborough rt closed for excessive snow today. All other subway lines running on schedule

This happens every time we get any snow, those linear induction motors on the ICTS Mk1 cars just can't handle ice and snow buildup on the "fourth rail". Lest We Forget, Ford and most of council have decided Scarborough residents should be stuck with this system for an as of yet undetermined number of years. If I lived there, I'd be mad!
And most people don't really care who Atwood is. No knock against her, but that anti-intellectualism, politically incorrect BS took Robbie far.

Knowing and caring are two different things.

This happens every time we get any snow, those linear induction motors on the ICTS Mk1 cars just can't handle ice and snow buildup on the "fourth rail". Lest We Forget, Ford and most of council have decided Scarborough residents should be stuck with this system for an as of yet undetermined number of years. If I lived there, I'd be mad!

Actually, the problem is the main switch at McCowan station.
Scarborough rt closed for excessive snow today. All other subway lines running on schedule

This happens every time we get any snow, those linear induction motors on the ICTS Mk1 cars just can't handle ice and snow buildup on the "fourth rail". Lest We Forget, Ford and most of council have decided Scarborough residents should be stuck with this system for an as of yet undetermined number of years. If I lived there, I'd be mad!

I totally agree and I've always thought subways are better and we should have many more lines. But people have to be realistic. The Scarborough subway is the wrong subway at the wrong time. There isn't the volume to justify it in that area, and it will suck transit funds from everywhere else for years to come.

In an ideal world, we would be working on 10 subway lines at once right now. But we don't have unlimited funds. We're not Dubai, where some conglomerate of rich sheikhs can just decide to manufacture entire islands in the shape of a palm tree in the sea, and pay overtime to get it done in 5 years. Even cities like New York and London that have multiple lines built most of them long ago in a different economic time. It's great to think ahead and build for the future, but right now the money's just not there.
The raison d'être for the Scarborough Subway was solidified in my mind when I read in Doolittle's book that any mayoral candidate "needed the support of Scarborough and North York to win". Now i wonder what York's going to be promised :rolleyes:
We're talking about America though.

If a company operates in Canada (As Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc do. They even have offices here) then they're subject to Canadian Law. Similarly, if I operate a web site that is available and accessed by people in the US, then I am subject to U.S. law.

That being said, I'm pretty sure that the U.S. also does have protected classes as defined in the bill of rights (1st ten amendments) that protect people similarly.
We can only speculate what Doug Ford's relationship with his daughters is like. I don't think a father complimenting his daughter's appearance is in any way sexist. I don't know what Doug's kids look like (other than Krista) but he would probably say the same thing even if they didn't meet the criteria for what is considered attractive by most people. Young people tend to be very sensitive about their appearance and positive comments from their parents about it can be an ego boost. I know I'd prefer the type of parent who would describe me as attractive to people as opposed to one prone to doing things like shaking my hand on the first day of school a la Stephen Harper. It wouldn't make me feel objectified.

What is sexist and patently offensive is the many comments that were made about Robyn Doolittle's appearance. I can't imagine anyone commenting about a male journalist's sex appeal or lack thereof.

This link might provide some insight into how girls are socialized differently than boys re: looks.
"50% of commercials aimed at girls spoke about physical attractiveness, while none of the commercials aimed at boys referred to appearance."
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