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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Not unlike John Belushi in the Saturday Night Live sketch The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave, Mr. Ford won’t go away. Each time something worse comes out, beyond anyone’s capacity to survive, Mr. Ford staggers, makes it until the end of a day, rallies, and then emerges from his corner the next morning. He has taken their best shot – the elite, the media, the opinion-makers, Colbert, Stewart, Letterman, Leno. The more abuse he and his supporters suffer, the more they hate their abusers, and the more determined they are to stay. Up your nose, Mr. Ford says back. I’m the mayor, you’re not. You call my government dysfunctional, in your so respectable way, because how I do things offends you? I call yours dysfunctional because it doesn’t work.

Each year, the gap between the know-everythings and the know-nothings widens – income, education, opportunity. And each year, the know-nothings have a choice. They can play the know-everythings at their game – information, compromise, opportunity – and lose. Or they can play their own game – outrage, disruption – and sometimes win, or not lose by keeping the know-everythings from winning.
2013 GOOF (Greatly Overhyped and Overexposed Fool) Awards

Worthy contenders, one and all. But this was one of those years where there was one GOOF to rule them all, one GOOF who was so GOOFY the race wasn’t even close.

The 2013 GOOF goes to…

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford! Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap…

The Canadian Chris Farley invoked the rare “Who knows what I do in my drunken stupors?” defense to explain away allegations of crack use.

Ford’s a TMZ homepage unto himself. Multiple reports of a video showing Ford smoking crack. Numerous incidents of Ford appearing extremely intoxicated at public events. Admissions of drinking and driving. Swearing at reporters camped outside his house. A viral video in which Ford rants about a foe and bellows, “I need 10 f---ing minutes to make sure he’s dead!” Allegations of racial slurs and sexually inappropriate behavior.

All of that and more — yet Ford keeps saying what he’s done is in the past (which is technically true), and he’s not perfect, and hey, everyone’s done stuff like this, right?

Well. Not everyone. And among mayors of major cities, probably more like no one other than you, ya big GOOF.

shouldn't 1000 bobbleheads at $20 each raise $20,000 for charity? what's with the almost $8,000 discrepancy?

Ford never suggested that he nor his movers and shakers know basic mathematics, or how to operate a calculator. See, this is how he returns hundreds of taxpayer phone calls every day, and how he saved Toronto a billion dollars etc. etc. etc. Get it? <shudder>
Goldsbie was moved to tears over what Ford insinuated about Daniel Dale? Give me a break.

Why? is this a problem for you? Do you have a problem with a friend feeling saddened for another friend who has been so unfairly demonized? Not possible between two men friends? Getting ready for another of your homophobic rants?
Why? is this a problem for you? Do you have a problem with a friend feeling saddened for another friend who has been so unfairly demonized? Not possible between two men friends? Getting ready for another of your homophobic rants?

I don't think kruk implied anything homophobic. Goldsbie just has a tendency to be a little Overdramatic at times
Why? is this a problem for you? Do you have a problem with a friend feeling saddened for another friend who has been so unfairly demonized? Not possible between two men friends? Getting ready for another of your homophobic rants?

''One Nut'' may just be highly strung , I have noticed though that a lot of the Chap's posts seem to dissolve into some form of recalcitrant behaviour towards others that do not hold the same views as him, Mr ford is not someone to be lauded in any way shape or form.
Joking about RoFo's health (or lack thereof) doesn't mean that people actually wish harm on him, and it doesn't mean that there cannot also be 'high minded' discussions taking place.
''One Nut'' may just be highly strung , I have noticed though that a lot of the Chap's posts seem to dissolve into some form of recalcitrant behaviour towards others that do not hold the same views as him, Mr ford is not someone to be lauded in any way shape or form.

That and his homophobic ravings in previous threads. These "real men don't act like that" he men are the reason women are leery
Doug Ford wants the budget to be at 1.75%, not 2.5%. At the same time, wants no TTC fare increase. To me that means service cuts, TTC and elsewhere.

Hang on a minute!

Surely you're not talking about noted socialist and vocal transit advocate Doug Ford:
Doug Ford said:
“Is your TTC cleaner? Is your TTC faster? Is your TTC cheaper?†Ford asked.

“Speaking of cheaper, they are raising the fees equivalent to the car registration tax. All the answers are, no it is not cleaner, no it is not faster, no it is not cheaper. Has the service been better? No, it’s not, it is still crowded.â€
Well, I can't abide by Goldsbie supposed tear-shedding, and besides it's probably the wrong response anyways - the right one is the lawsuit that got his worship eating his humble pie.

You're completely disingenuous, Bennett000. After making a big show of how the search function on UT doesn't show anyone wishing death on Ford, I, as promised, did my own sleuthing and have returned with the results. Well, I didn't have to look very far (took me about 20 minutes).

There are at least three high-activity UT users who have made comments wishing for Ford's death. Interestingly enough, one is a moderator - AlvinofDiaspar - and has posted multiple times about wanting Ford's death. When you have a moderator of UT posting in favor of Ford's death, that's about as explicit an encouragement that you can get.

Then there's vox:

And MTown:

These aren't "New Users". They're among the most frequent and active users on this thread.

Now, they can say whatever they want. I've got no problem with that. What I've got a problem with is you trying to disingenuously pretend like these things aren't said, when they readily are even by moderators.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't pretend like UT is a place for high-minded discussion and insight when users and moderators alike are engaging in unchecked vitriol and extremism. And to attempt to discredit me as a liar/nonsensical for pointing this out is truly pathetic.

I haven't ever been able to more-or-less-wholeheartedly agree with one of CowboyLogic's posts before, and it's not a nice feeling.

I really, really wish I could find more about this post that I could disagree with.

I really do.

Edited to make clear that I do not think Bennett000 is disingenuous, so that bit I do not agree with. The rest... ack.
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It's not exactly a secret - and if the initial scenario did present itself (i.e. his worship bringing out a gun), my stance on the outcome remains unchanged (that only the individual bringing out the gun shall be harmed, and no other).

Please note that I don't have the slightest bit of an issue with the rebuke(s).

And on the matter of vitriol and extremism - let's put it this way, considering what his worship has said regarding cyclists and death and being in a position to directly influence policy around such - and I quote:

What I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later you're going to get bitten... Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks, not for people on bikes. My heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it’s their own fault at the end of the day.

I think anyone who complains about vitriol and extremism is misdirected in their supposed outrage. If one have absolutely no issue with an elected representative blaming deaths on the plausibly innocent, I am sure said individual wouldn't have an issue with death for someone who has not taken any responsibility with their own health.

As to CowboyLogic, a reminder of this posting suffices (and it is one that he has strangely enough, chosen to avoid):

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I haven't ever been able to more-or-less-wholeheartedly agree with one of CowboyLogic's posts before, and it's not a nice feeling.

I really, really wish I could find more about this post that I could disagree with.

I really do.

Don't be fooled, as this is just another pro-Ford post thinly disguised as righteous indignation.

Or is it just a giant coincidence?
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