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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I got anxiety just reading that. It sounds like the creepiest party since Dennis Hopper got Dean Stockwell to sing In Dreams into a trouble light in Blue Velvet.

I have not yet stopped shuddering from the David Lynch reference. That guy could make a very scary movie of The Ford Story.

There could be an unwatchably intense scene of Doug and Mom pushing all of Rob's buttons.

And there could be an unbelievable scene with a coked-up Rob flipping out and ranting that "I'll rip [somebody's] f---ing throat out!!!" Oh, wait, ...
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That dude was our QB. Our team was one of the worst in Etobicoke that year. I'll always remember Rob's bizarre coaching antics! He was even wilder then than he is now. One thing that stands out is him often being doubled over, hands on his knees spitting up after a mild amount of exercise or getting too worked up about a play haha. Maybe it was his asthma.

RoFo has asthma? Hmmmm. Maybe we could pipe pollution into his office, so he gets sick and has to take a leave of absence....hypothetically, of course.
Goldsbie was moved to tears over what Ford insinuated about Daniel Dale? Give me a break.

Erm, that's not what he said at all. The article goes to great lengths to describe the whole mindf*ck associated with trying to be a journalist and stay objective while reporting on the Fords -- who've basically declared you to be an enemy combatant and they have no ethical restraints against you. You just picked out that one thing out of all that -- that's all you got from the article?
I guess you missed the part where the Hitler comparisons were rebuked by several people? Also, who wished death on Ford, and was acknowledged and/or encouraged?

You're completely disingenuous, Bennett000. After making a big show of how the search function on UT doesn't show anyone wishing death on Ford, I, as promised, did my own sleuthing and have returned with the results. Well, I didn't have to look very far (took me about 20 minutes).

There are at least three high-activity UT users who have made comments wishing for Ford's death. Interestingly enough, one is a moderator - AlvinofDiaspar - and has posted multiple times about wanting Ford's death. When you have a moderator of UT posting in favor of Ford's death, that's about as explicit an encouragement that you can get.

Actually my only concern would be the bullet hitting the innocent after completing an admirable job.


Too bad he didn't die from it right there and then.


Then there's vox:

But here it is: I can't wait until Rob Ford dies in a drunken car crash or suffocates on his own vomit, which my actuarial tables say are statistically the 2nd and 3rd most likely ways for him to die next to a massive coronary. If it's a car crash, I just hope he only kills himself in the wreck and doesn't hit anyone else, because that would make it sad.

And MTown:

This is all getting to be rather depressing.
I'm afraid I eagerly await their deaths as those in Britain did of Thatcher.

These aren't "New Users". They're among the most frequent and active users on this thread.

Now, they can say whatever they want. I've got no problem with that. What I've got a problem with is you trying to disingenuously pretend like these things aren't said, when they readily are even by moderators.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't pretend like UT is a place for high-minded discussion and insight when users and moderators alike are engaging in unchecked vitriol and extremism. And to attempt to discredit me as a liar/nonsensical for pointing this out is truly pathetic.
Erm, that's not what he said at all. The article goes to great lengths to describe the whole mindf*ck associated with trying to be a journalist and stay objective while reporting on the Fords -- who've basically declared you to be an enemy combatant and they have no ethical restraints against you. You just picked out that one thing out of all that -- that's all you got from the article?

The way I interpreted his, "moved to tears" sentiment was in relation to Dale specifically. However he meant it -- being moved to tears by Ford's antics is absurd. I can understand the frustration that he and other reporters must be feeling; but to actually cry about it? Get a grip. He'll only be in office another 10 months. A grown man crying over this shows a tremendous lack of coping ability.

And no, that's not all I got from the article, but I found it so farcical that I wanted to comment. One other pertinent bit of information from the article that I forgot to acknowledge; Raine Maida has the most ridiculous singing voice. Pft, and you thought all I gathered from the article was Goldsbie's eye sweat.
Dunno why this hasn't been posted yet--Jonathan Goldsbie's eyewitness account of the Rob Ford family Xmas party; definite grist for reflection and discussion

I had to have a Chuckle at this article, what a disgusting parody of a Human Being this creature is, he actually revels in rubbing the Toronto ratepayers faces in the muck with his crude and bombastic behavior , i thought that i would include a link to the ''Australian'' newspaper '' yes , owned by our boy Rupert. The ''Australian'' is a purely political rag, and one does not grace it's pages if one is an non-enity , he also was given air time on the ABC the Australian Government owned TV station, also not a small feat, i would venture to say that the reputation of Toronto has been besmirched near and far because of this crude and morally deficient Human Being.

But on saying this the Man was voted into office and is still there so what does that say for the Voters of Toronto Caveat emptor.

I had to have a Chuckle at this article, what a disgusting parody of a Human Being this creature is, he actually revels in rubbing the Toronto ratepayers faces in the muck with his crude and bombastic behavior , i thought that i would include a link to the ''Australian'' newspaper '' yes , owned by our boy Rupert. The ''Australian'' is a purely political rag, and one does not grace it's pages if one is an non-enity , he also was given air time on the ABC the Australian Government owned TV station, also not a small feat, i would venture to say that the reputation of Toronto has been besmirched near and far because of this crude and morally deficient Human Being.

But on saying this the Man was voted into office and is still there so what does that say for the Voters of Toronto Caveat emptor.


It's because of Rob Ford that the thylacine is extinct.
but to actually cry about it? Get a grip..

The entire incident suggests that Goldsbie is too invested in the drama of all of this and probably shouldn't be covering the Ford stuff anymore. There are several things in this article, including the 'crying', that make it seem like the Ford's mania has rubbed off on him and that his reporting is now unreliable. I'm going to be thinking back to this article every time I read something by him from now on. He should have had the good sense to not attend.

The first canadian place may need help =)


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