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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Votes were later in the afternoon. At the time Ford was in the Speaker's Chair a TTC meeting was taking place.

So, on the most important day in the history of Toronto Council, Councillor Parker stayed away and allowed the Speaker and Mayor to play games? OK, I take back my intimation that he was in cahoots with the Mayor and Speaker, and insert instead the opinion that he's a DUMBASS.
derailments happen from time to time, besides, it isn't an either/or proposition. We can discuss abuse of office, drunk driving, illegal drug use and procurement AND whether the little mayor was gettin' busy in the office. Besides, though it might not be a biggie to you and me, it might be a chink in the Ford Nation armour. You know, those folks who don't think lying and incompetence are a biggie.

This. A cousin of mine has been a card-carrying member of Ford Nation since day one. I've spent hours trying to convince him that this man is not fit for office. After the p**** comment, trotting out his wife, and the allegations of an escort at work, he phoned to tell me he is throwing in the towel and admitting he was wrong and can't in good conscience vote for Ford again. This pushed some sort of button with him.

Who knows what is going to resonate with a Ford Nation member? To me it was minor compared to the rest of the list of transgressions, but if this is what it takes to chip away at his support, vote by vote, then so be it.
Then there's all the anti-left deflection tangents they need to go on.

I couldn't understand that whole mini-series they did on the Kennedy boys. Do they really expect people to hand Ford a pass because a fracking Kennedy was caught drunk driving 100 years ago?
Could someone tell me why these arson stories are relevant to this thread? I totally missed memo on why they're important. TIA.
I am not going to kept going over this but I asked my partner if our daughter was to become a Victoria's Secret model what he would say...he would be proud. I asked him if she wore the same outfit in a banquet hall to sell tickets at a stag and I will be honest...his reaction wasn't the same.

Nothing personal, but I'm hoping your daughter is either 5- or 25+. My two are 16 and 14, and I would be more than a little weirded out if they even voiced a VS ambition. Proud?? Yeesh.
It's not the lack of focus I had the issue with.

Misogyny crept in, as I've mentioned, around the time that stag picture or whatever it was showed up and the discussion turned to whether that outfit meant she was a sex worker or simply a slut (or whether she was just wearing a slut's uniform).
Ok, I see. I'm not sure if you recall, but that picture came up after some posters had already begun lecturing others over the direction the discussion was taking with regards to the Alana information in the ITO. Although I certainly understand where the concern is coming from, I was actually uneasy that we were being urged to give her a pass, while other, less attractive women and men were routinely being dissected in all their glory. Frankly, I don't recall umpteen pages of defence raised for Elaine Basso when she was being called, for all intents and purposes, a crack whore.

When Alana's picture was discovered for Staacked, said picturing having been posted and possibly taken around the same time as her notice in the ITO, I think a few people made somewhat rougher comments, not necessarily as a reaction to the picture, but more perhaps as an exaggerated "Boo-Yah" towards a few posters who had indulged in a little bit of PCer-than-thou lecturing. Mature? No, but for when compared to the par on internet boards generally, practically diplomacy.

As for the rest, I have to confess I didn't see any pervy, one-handed vibe, but not being either a woman nor a heterosexual male it could be too subtle for me to pick up.
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Kelly was a history professor who taught at the elitist Upper Canada College (the socialite John Tory graduated from this elite institution) . Another thing you should know about Kelly is he is a longtime LIBERAL!

So what we got was a slimy smooth-talking LIBERAL elitist as our UN-ELECTED mayor!

I am probably alone on this forum by saying that it sickens me to see the shameless power grab that is taking place at city hall. I am sure that we don't have to worry about Norm Kelly (who looks like he was dug out of a fresh grave) smoking crack, getting shit-faced drunk or doing lines with attractive young ladies. What I DO worry about is Kelly bringing to city hall the culture of Liberal Party corruption that so prevalent at Queens Park which has resulted in $BILLIONS being STOLEN from the taxpayers of Ontario!

Yup, you're right, Peepers. You're alone.
Kelly was a history professor who taught at the elitist Upper Canada College (the socialite John Tory graduated from this elite institution) . Another thing you should know about Kelly is he is a longtime LIBERAL!

So what we got was a slimy smooth-talking LIBERAL elitist as our UN-ELECTED mayor!

I am probably alone on this forum by saying that it sickens me to see the shameless power grab that is taking place at city hall. I am sure that we don't have to worry about Norm Kelly (who looks like he was dug out of a fresh grave) smoking crack, getting shit-faced drunk or doing lines with attractive young ladies. What I DO worry about is Kelly bringing to city hall the culture of Liberal Party corruption that so prevalent at Queens Park which has resulted in $BILLIONS being STOLEN from the taxpayers of Ontario!

Well Ford liked the guy enough to make him deputy mayor ;)
Ok, I see. I'm not sure if you recall, but that picture came up after some posters had already begun lecturing others over the direction the discussion was taking with regards to the Alana information in the ITO. Although I certainly understand where the concern is coming from, I was actually uneasy that we were being urged to give her a pass, while other, less attractive women and men were routinely being dissected in all their glory. Frankly, I don't recall umpteen pages of defence raised for Elaine Basso when she was being called, for all intents and purposes, a crack whore.

When Elana's picture was discovered for Staacked, said picturing having been posted and possibly taken around the same time as her notice in the ITO, I think a few people made somewhat rougher comments, not necessarily as a reaction to the picture, but more perhaps as an exaggerated "Bo-Yah" towards a few posters who had indulged in a little bit of PCer-than-thou lecturing. Mature? No, but for when compared to the par on internet boards generally, practically diplomacy.

As for the rest, I have to confess I didn't see any pervy, one-handed vibe, but not being either a woman nor a heterosexual male it could be too subtle for me to pick up.

That's a valid point about Elaine Basso. And it's true there probably is to some degree a subconscious (or not so subconscious) reflex to favour the pretty girl (right up until it's "she's in lingerie she's a slut or a whore"--there often seems to be a point where once a pretty girl is called pretty enough times, a certain segment of people, guys and girls, will start pushing back with the perceived character attacks). On the other hand the Elaine Basso discussion didn't last for dozens and dozens of posts over days, everyone moved on much quicker to other, juicier tidbits. Beyond that, it's hard to argue "come on, be hard on the girl BECAUSE she's pretty," which I'm not saying you're doing, but that's out there too.

I'm also not trying to be the PC police. I'm a long way from that, actually. I'm just saying two days later and we're still talking about it (and seriously, a lot of the discussion is still of the is-she-or-isn't-she-a-whore variety). It's prurience beyond relevance. It's also, as someone else pointed out, the sort of character- and morality-judging many of us find so distasteful in Ford and his ilk.
From Now:

Rob and Doug Ford terrible at television, governance
Sun New cancels Ford Nation after single stupid episode

"Maybe they’re destined to roam the Canadian broadcast media landscape like Caine in Kung-Fu, ruining different radio and TV stations each week. Or maybe they can just buy bullhorns and yell into each others’ own assholes for an hour every week, which would give the same basic effect as their AM 1010 radio program and Sun News show, without bothering anyone else.
God bless Ford Nation!"
Either Sun TV is on the brink of collapse or there's another reason we're not hearing about why this whole TV show happened and then stopped.

I think it's a combination of both. Sun IS hurting bad. They've been saved from the brink by Quebecor several times already.

Second, the Globe stated that Canadian Tire was quite upset about the unauthorized use of their logo in ads during the show. Having sold the airtime without vetting the client could make them culpable in any lawsuit CT might make against the infringers, Rockwell Tools. Best not to risk it and just try and distance yourself as much as possible from the whole affair, like flushing your weed at your house party when someone "thinks" they saw a cop car roll by.
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