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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Somehow, I ended up on Josh Matlow's mailing list. I read his email blasts anyway as they are usually a bit interesting; much better than most mass communications by politicians. Today, he comments about Ford, merely calling him "Mr. Ford" rather than Mayor.

I'm good with renaming this thread, at least removing 'Mayor' from it.

Funny how he notes that their city, Toronto, is greater than any one person. The vote was near unanimous with Councillors from all wards voting for today's motion.
His choice to separate the 2.8million citizens is unfortunate.
I agree - very interesting. Once again in the National Post serious questions are being raised about the Toronto Police investigation:

Increasingly it is beginning to look to me like Bill Blair's main objective was not to arrest or exonerate Rob Ford. It seems to me Bill Blair purpose was to collect as much damaging information on Ford that he could in order to exert control over Ford. Anyone who has studied the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover will know how this game is played. If this seems far fetched look at the reports today that police on more than one occasion caught Rob Ford driving drunk but let him go (even drove him home). You can bet that in each of these instances Bill Blair would have been contacted and gave the order to hush things up ( I bet this is what happens also when a judge gets pulled over for drunk driving or other offenses which is why there are so many corrupt judges out there willing to return the favor when a cop is before them charged with an offense).

Oh FFS, these so-called experts are full of shit. Read between the lines. Te ITO is long because investigations into sitting politicians are unprecedented. The rules are completely different, and the standard of evidence required for the Crown almost impossibly high.

Peepers, look up confirmation bias. You are suffering it deeply with regard to Bill Blair.
I'm good with renaming this thread, at least removing 'Mayor' from it.
Not that it really matters one way or the other, and I can see renaming as a small yelp of celebration, but I believe this thread was named "Mayor Ford's Toronto" before Ford became Mayor. At that time we were talking about how Toronto might be affected if he was to become Mayor. And now as he becomes less of a Mayor and even through the campaign and the next election we will talk of how Toronto was affected because he became Mayor. If Toronto had been sensible and he never became Mayor the thread would have ended three years ago. The most important factor is that an unsuitable for office man became Mayor. 'Mayor' is the action word here.
Just in:

Man charged in the Christopher Skinner murder was coached by Rob Ford at Don Bosco

Nicholas Swaby was a standout athlete playing football not that long ago at an Etobicoke high school under the tutelage of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

But the 23-year-old now stands accused in one of the city’s more brutal murders in recent memory, Toronto Police said.

Swaby is among four young men now charged for their alleged roles in the unprovoked slaying of Christopher Skinner, 23.
Somehow, I ended up on Josh Matlow's mailing list. I read his email blasts anyway as they are usually a bit interesting; much better than most mass communications by politicians. Today, he comments about Ford, merely calling him "Mr. Ford" rather than Mayor.

I'm good with renaming this thread, at least removing 'Mayor' from it.

The word "Mayor" would be the one thing you can't take away from him. A more accurate title change would be "Mayor Rob Ford vs Toronto"
Regarding Towhey - he is certainly no saint - his now extinct blog basically said that we should do away the Canadian Parliament and all the TTC bus routes. I just think he happen to saw the impending implosion of Ford and made his escape before he can get dragged down along with it (and one would think that no one is better suited to be on the lookout for impending danger than an ex-captain in the CF). And let's not forget the VICE accusations either (and note how none of the parties have served any legal notice yet?)


Oh so agreed. Towhey, being ex-Military semi-brass and all, is probably more used to seeing his orders done then questioned. Or outright ignored. Beyond that, he seems to have a very twisted perspective on civic virtue. Shudder to think of a Towhey-run polis. It would be Bedford Falls run by Blackwater. He slips and slides from his 'witty' twitter persona into a hedgy media dodgeball player. Thank RoFo for shanking him, frankly (for all the wrong reasons). The city missed a bullet when that sh*tbird got sh*tcanned.

As for Kouvalis, why any reputable pol would bring that 'bird' on defies belief. It's almost like announcing,"Yeah, all I want to do is win, I don't care how." Ape law.
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Not to mention the mullet in the avatar...

Oh so agreed. Towhey, being ex-Military semi-brass and all, is probably more used to seeing his orders done then questioned. Or outright ignored. Beyond that, he seems to have a very twisted perspective on civic virtue. Shudder to think of a Towhey-run polis. It would be Bedford Falls run by Blackwater. He slips and slides from his 'witty' twitter persona into a hedgy media dodgeball player. Snake. Thank RoFo for shanking him (for all the wrong reasons). The city missed a bullet when that sh*tbird got sh*tcanned.

As for Kouvalis, why any reputable pol would bring that 'bird' on defies belief. It's almost like announcing,"Yeah, all I want to do is win, I don't care how." Ape law.

Well maybe I'm cynical but I don't think that mentality is especially rare in politics, particularly on the right.
I agree - very interesting. Once again in the National Post serious questions are being raised about the Toronto Police investigation:

This hasn't all played out. Obviously it's weird they started investigating Ford, amassed 500 pages of not-always-pertinent info...and then arrested Lisi and the dry cleaner. But, call me naive, I still think other things are in play. You can see it in the stuff that's still blacked out.

How is it possible they have nothing with which to charge ford? Maybe that was a political decision, to cut him a break, say, "we have the video" and hope he'll take the hint (which he hasn't)? Why even randomly announce you have the video? Why consult with two lawyers to ask what to say about it when you can, if you want, keep that quiet a while longer? It seems to me that "because the police don't like Ford and want to embarrass him," is an awful shallow answer to explain all that effort.

Is it possible he wasn't involved in Lisi's efforts to get the video? Improbable, but possible. If anything, it's more likely Lisi won't roll on him, though that seems weird to me; Ford isn't exactly Don Corleone.

Is it possible that none of the Project Traveler wiretaps mention the mayor? Mention him buying drugs? Mention him looking for a video? I guess it's possible. What about - a whole week ago! - the news that people were showing up with money and threatening people in Dixon? Were they working for Ford? The mob? Why isn't that in the ITO?

These are just some of the many huge, unanswered questions, any combination of which could explain why you have this voluminous ITO that's not even about the people who got arrested, one of whom only seems indirectly connected to the mayor via Lisi. (Ironically, I think it would seem even weirder if they had this 500-page document and then just jacked Ford up on a DUI.) I think there's more coming, ongoing investigations and it would be wrong to assume Ford is scot free as far as criminal charges. Maybe that's wishful thinking but it's the most logical way to explain the police service's actions, if you ask me.
Which is funny because Doug is a "health nut" and swears he doesn't drink - which he might have the bottle there to offer guests - but how many people will drink straight vodka... I'd prefer beer in an office setting myself. Does Doug have a problem he hides as well?

The "to offer guests" may be the critical element here, if one remembers the Ana Bailao drunk-driving charge--that is, "buying votes" through booze...
I'm good with renaming this thread, at least removing 'Mayor' from it.

Though remember that even if Ford loses his title, his erstwhile Mayoralty will remain *his* Mayoralty--that is, he'll still be on record as Mayor for his interval. It isn't like Lance Armstrong's medals being withdrawn...
This hasn't all played out. Obviously it's weird they started investigating Ford, amassed 500 pages of not-always-pertinent info...and then arrested Lisi and the dry cleaner. But, call me naive, I still think other things are in play. You can see it in the stuff that's still blacked out.

I agree with you and I also think Mark Pugash's comments are important. It seems to me this is the most I've heard the TPS ever say at once about this whole story.

What's down the middle of "targeting" and "covering for"? In my opinion it's a completely warranted and legitimate criminal investigation.

But venture into specifics — like why Mr. Ford’s call to a staff member to come change the light bulbs outside his house or to replace batteries in a children’s toy — and Mr. Pugash declines to explain.

“It may well come out in court,” he said.

“We have been accused of both covering up for him and for targeting him. If people are accusing you of completely incompatible things, the chances are, you’re probably right down the middle.”

The two CD lawyers raise good points. The length of the ITO is WTF?, for one. The plethora of odd, personal details another. But the most troubling is along the lines of "What if this was about a mayor you may have liked?'. That is cause for pause.

Clearly, the ongoing (?) investigation has uncovered so many unsavoury details about Mr. Ford that any argument regarding his fitness to govern is no longer supportable. But, aside from the satisfaction the investigation has brought many of us, are the now revealed actions of the TPS justified? Until we know the ends of said investigation, it remains a worthy question. It really is hard for any skeptical person to know who to believe or trust right now (With the exception of the Fords, whose fractal truth-spraining is becoming intolerable).
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