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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Pardon me if this has been posted or is just stupid, but is it weird that Ford and Lisi's licence plates are so similar?

Rob Ford...: BNWR691
Sandro Lisi: BNWH091

just coincidence? :confused:
Something that might be pretty significant just happened: the Fords lost the vote on East Bayfront community housing issue 37-2. Not sure if his whole exec was present, but if Norm Kelly voted against it might suggest that he's straying from their increasingly lonely camp.
It's also amazingly well sourced. Everyone is so link happy it's incredible. Not only do you get the details of every small instance of the administration, you also get links to news stories, videos, council minutes, anything a really serious bibliography would need.

You'd just have to cut out a whole host of speculative bullshit.
Something that might be pretty significant just happened: the Fords lost the vote on East Bayfront community housing issue 37-2. Not sure if his whole exec was present, but if Norm Kelly voted against it might suggest that he's straying from their increasingly lonely camp.

Even Norm Kelly knows when to put on his life jacket.
Allegations against Mayor Rob Ford: Will even more problems be made public?

What is that last hanger in the closet that Rob is referring too?

So far the allegations are:
1) Smokes crack.
2) Smokes marijuana possibly while working or at workplace
3) Drinks too much, possibly at work
4) Sexually harasses staff and others
5) Physically assaults staff
6) possibly drink drives
7) possibly does cocaine
7) possibly uses escorts
8) has staff do liquor runs for him
9) has staff do "personal assistant" type jobs for him, i.e babysit, buy things for him, etc
10) had a friend with criminal record get a job as high school football coach by using a false name to pass police background check
11) offers random women whom he smoked marijuana with outside a bar a job with the city.
12) Attends functions as mayor while inebriated
13) Lies to the public, lies to the police. [i.e the Toronto Sun reporter "car chase", etc]
14) Turns out the the garbage contract was given out to a company whose owner donated to his campaign [source:] as well as fraternizing with owner of the holding company. Not illegal or wrong, but seems fishy: they offered lowest bid, but now they are suing to get paid more.
15) hangs out with criminals and bought illicit drugs while mayor, yet he says he has zero tolerance for drug and gun crime.
16) Uses his position as mayor to get special treatment: i.e try to visit prisoner after hours, asking police to do a license plate check.
17) comes to work late, leaves early.

That's all I can think of so far. How much worse can this get?

The above information was reported in the media, or documented in the ITO or admitted by the mayor or alleged by city of Toronto staff or the mayor's associates. I take no ownership on the veracity of these claims....I don't want to be sued.

EMP and Everyone: I have been following the Rob Ford news from the past week and ask if noting this list will any more personal problems be made public?

It seems to me Rob Ford's problems are at the point of spiraling out of control and AT THE VERY LEAST he should take a much-needed leave from office and
perhaps seek rehab help for either/or substance or alcohol abuse...

I made a post yesterday 11/13 in the "Rob Ford-Time to Go Rally" section with my thoughts and it seems that I should have posted it in this section - where
it should have gone in the first place...

I feel that if the TPD releases the video that they say that they have of him allegedly smoking crack he will finally have to bend from the intense pressure from
all sides and do something and finally seek help or resign...

I learned of the coming TV show with Rob and Doug Ford and I thought "You have GOT to be kidding..." What will this show contain?
I cannot get "Bob and Doug McKenzie" out of my mind remembering their Canadian comedy...but unfortunately this situation is no joke...

I compared and posted Wikipedia links to two US mayors that have had similar problems - one this year and the other in January 1990...

The Marion Barry (Washington,DC) incident in which he was caught smoking crack in a drug sting (Jan. 1990)

The Bob Filner (San Diego,CA) sexual harassment allegations earlier this year in which he was forced out of office...

Mayor Rob Ford's Wikipedia page: which has been updated to show some of
the current accusations against him...

I feel that Rob Ford does have the right to defend himself-as anyone accused of any illicit activities should-but with
the compelling strong evidence agains him how much ground will he have to stand on here?

This is looking to become an ongoing embarrassment to Toronto and its citizens and I ask how much can the City
of Toronto take? If this was occurring in a US city I feel that this situation would be much different...

Thoughts from Long Island Mike
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You'd just have to cut out a whole host of speculative bullshit.

Oh just parsing it and annotating would be a months long research project. But it's still awesomely centralized. I'm obviously new around here but I went back through the first hundred pages or so last night and its enthralling (well to a politics nerd like me anyway)

I've just received confirmation that tomorrow City Council is going to proclaim Norm Kelly "Interim Mayor" which technically is not against the rules. Ford would still be Mayor but there's nothing to prevent changing the Deputy Mayor's title. Norm Kelly will also receive the Mayor's office budget.
I don't remember anyone complaining when Eves became premier. Probably because we were getting rid of Harris.

We've seen enough party leadership changes in the past few decades (Mulroney/Campbell, Martin/Chretien, Harris/Eves, etc.), that the Wynne issue is truly coming across as a Benghazi-level righteous indignation faux-scandal.

I hate this line, it's the worst one yet. If you look at the history of Ontario, almost every Premier over the last 60 years (most of them PC's) resigned throughout their term and a new leader was appointed, most of them went on to be re-elected and most of them served out the terms before calling for said elections. This is how it works and it's actually called the "Tory regeneration technique". It was a tactic created by the Progressive Conservatives and has been a part of our politics for the better part of a century.
This is not something to be angry about, it's the way it works. It's especially not something to be concerned about since we don't vote for Premiers we vote for local representatives of political parties.
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Oh just parsing it and annotating would be a months long research project. But it's still awesomely centralized. I'm obviously new around here but I went back through the first hundred pages or so last night and its enthralling (well to a politics nerd like me anyway)

In all seriousness, and as bad as Ford has been, I think this whole episode has been incredibly good for civic engagement. I have never known more about our city councillors, more about Canada's criminal justice system and the relationship between the police and the courts, never known more about how warrants are issued or the fraught relationship between the province and municipalities, I have never written as many letters to my representatives, and I have never participated in a political protest. Reading back over the thread, I'm kind of ashamed I didn't get involved earlier.

We've all gone through this together. And though it's hard to believe now, I earnestly think we will be stronger as a city for having survived Ford.
I've just received confirmation that tomorrow City Council is going to proclaim Norm Kelly "Interim Mayor" which technically is not against the rules. Ford would still be Mayor but there's nothing to prevent changing the Deputy Mayor's title. Norm Kelly will also receive the Mayor's office budget.

That deserves an old school booyakasha
In one hundred per cent honesty if I ever write a book about the Ford years I will be using this thread as my number one memory jogger for every tiny bit of minutiae regarding what went on. There is not a press conference, not a newspaper blurb, not a gaffe, not a boring council meeting with one tiny spark of something said that isn't documented and commented upon at length in its pages. It really is a pretty incredible historical resource, like the worlds most detailed oral history.

I agree. The Ford saga will most certainly become a case study for a variety of subjects (politics, journalism) for years to come. This thread should be permanently archived.
In all seriousness, and as bad as Ford has been, I think this whole episode has been incredibly good for civic engagement. I have never known more about our city councillors, more about Canada's criminal justice system and the relationship between the police and the courts, never known more about how warrants are issued or the fraught relationship between the province and municipalities, I have never written as many letters to my representatives, and I have never participated in a political protest. Reading back over the thread, I'm kind of ashamed I didn't get involved earlier.

We've all gone through this together. And though it's hard to believe now, I earnestly think we will be stronger as a city for having survived Ford.

Yeah the closest Canadian equivalent I can think of at least in recent years was the federal Liberal leadership race that eventually chose Stephane Dion a few years ago. That was mesmerizing and I learned a ton about party procedure through the campaign and right through to that convention, which was an awesome spectacle (the result notwithstanding). The 2008 US presidential election or the 2000 Florida recount crisis also spring to mind as non-Canadian examples.

EDIT: And of course those, even the drawn out 2008 election, were all miniature in duration as compared to the Ford saga.
I've just received confirmation that tomorrow City Council is going to proclaim Norm Kelly "Interim Mayor" which technically is not against the rules. Ford would still be Mayor but there's nothing to prevent changing the Deputy Mayor's title. Norm Kelly will also receive the Mayor's office budget.

I was wondering when they'd get around to doing something like this, but I was never sure Kelly would be willing to go for it. I guess it's gotten that bad.
Here's the meeting notice:
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I agree. The Ford saga will most certainly become a case study for a variety of subjects (politics, journalism) for years to come. This thread should be permanently archived.

Absolutely. This thread will be a treasure trove for many researchers. Craig and Ed, make sure you back this thread up the next time there's major changes to the forum.
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