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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Unless the wiretaps reveal Ford participated in a cover-up of the crack video, I am starting to worry that he will escape unscathed:

- If the police are now pursing "bigger fish", then Ford won't get charged with anything. Keep in mind that the police already know the contents of the wiretaps, and have NOT charged Ford.

- If the wiretaps reveal Ford soliciting drugs, there will be no lasting negative effect. Everyone knows that he smokes drugs, so obviously he is acquiring them somehow.

- The last video is just a re-hash of the drug theme.

There's still the Anthony Smith shoe. The Project Traveller notes clearly demonstrate that the cops are at least looking to explore the possibility of a connection between Ford and Smith's murder. That he's refused on advice from counsel to even participate in a question and answer session with them will only get their blood up further. As has been pointed out, the fact that two guys have been shot, one fatally, and another tossed off a balcony, and all can be connected to the Ford video, certainly suggests some sort of connection, or one hell of a funny coincidence. I think a very large bombshell is still waiting to go off here.
That's exactly why the pressure and heat is needed---to make him stumble, go off script.

The whole "don't do this or that, it'll only solidify his base" thing is so insane to me.

I'd go so far as to say this attitude is what the Fords prey on, and what led to him being elected in the first place. He's a bully, and everyone knows you don't defeat a bully by playing meek and refusing to sink to "their level". The most effective way to get rid of him is to stand up to him and give him a taste of his own medicine. Time and time again, councillors have simply let him have his way because they're afraid to stick their neck out and that needs to change.
Just a dirtbag who's been trying to play both sides for months.

Agreed. Major league jerk-off. Less of a Ford Nationalista/populist, more of a true-believer libertarian type. In other words, the sort of conservative who thinks the main point of conservativism is, "it's virtuous to be a selfish douche."

According to Mammo (I know, I know, take it from the source), when it comes to the homelessness issue, Towhey "didn’t believe in spending money; they just wanted us to go bash heads on the curbs." I can believe that.
There's still the Anthony Smith shoe. The Project Traveller notes clearly demonstrate that the cops are at least looking to explore the possibility of a connection between Ford and Smith's murder. That he's refused on advice from counsel to even participate in a question and answer session with them will only get their blood up further. As has been pointed out, the fact that two guys have been shot, one fatally, and another tossed off a balcony, and all can be connected to the Ford video, certainly suggests some sort of connection, or one hell of a funny coincidence. I think a very large bombshell is still waiting to go off here.

And there are still a number of people whose testimony could be the final impetus to actually charge him---from both his network of criminal friends and his office.
Hi gang, found this forum a while back & have been avidly lurking ever since. Something has been puzzling me about Ford for a long time & I still can't figure it out. Given his history (not to mention Randy's & Kathy's), why would Nick Kouvalis & the other Conservative backroom boys have picked Rob Ford (and if rumours are true, ordered John Tory not to run) as their "guy"? Did they think he'd just be a puppet? It seems to me they must have known how things would have turned out. What I am missing?
Someone posted on FB that the negative media attention the city of Toronto has received directly as a result of Ford's shameful behaviour as Mayor has equaled the level of negative media attention the city received during the SARS crisis.
Trying to find a source for this info.
Wouldn't be surprised if it is true, though.
edit: apparently overheard on cbc, so no link.....maybe tomorrow they will do an article.
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Someone posted on FB that the negative media attention the city of Toronto has received directly as a result of Ford's shameful behaviour as Mayor has equaled the level of negative media attention the city received during the SARS crisis.
Trying to find a source for this info.
Wouldn't be surprised if it is true, though.
edit: apparently overheard on cbc, so no link.....maybe tomorrow they will do an article.

I don't think you can compare the negative impact of SARS with the unprecedented worldwide coverage of Rob Ford. SARS hurt Toronto by driving away tourists. Rob Ford has done just the opposite. The other night on Piers Morgan NY Times writer Frank Rich said watching the Ford saga unfold made him want to jump on the next flight to Toronto - Piers Morgan agreed saying he would love to visit our comedy clubs right now. Thanks to Rob Ford the eyes of the world are on Toronto like never before. This is our time in the limelight! I believe that this has been a coming of age event for the city. Up till now Toronto has been a city without legends. No question this has been horribly embarrassing for Rob Ford and his family but for Toronto as a whole the positives far outweigh the negatives.
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Toronto city council must tell disgraced Mayor Rob Ford to leave: Editorial

Toronto city council should demand that disgraced Mayor Rob Ford leave office. Even if he won’t listen, it would register the city’s disapproval.
Published on Tue Nov 12 2013
Toronto city council has a choice. It can keep wringing its collective hands and pleading with a hard-drinking, crack-using con man to step aside voluntarily as mayor. Or it can demand – not ask, demand – that action be taken to oust Rob Ford from the office he has disgraced and does not deserve to hold.

Regrettably, this council doesn’t seem up to the challenge

Council is to address Ford’s situation on Wednesday with a motion from Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong requesting that the mayor take a temporary leave of absence to deal with his “personal issues” and then return, presumably hale and hearty, to lead the city forward. This is nonsense. It’s long past time when Ford should be allowed to apologize, go through the motions of seeking treatment, then come back to burden the city with his tainted presence. And the point is moot, because the mayor is steadfastly refusing to do even that.

Council should demand Ford’s immediate departure. Even if he won’t go and can’t be forced, a resounding vote of non-confidence by a large majority of Ford’s colleagues would, at least, send a message to the world that Toronto objects to the behaviour of its unprincipled mayor.
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I don't think you can compare the negative impact of SARS with the unprecedented worldwide coverage of Rob Ford. SARS hurt Toronto by driving away tourists. Rob Ford has done just the opposite. The other night on Piers Morgan NY Times writer Frank Rich said watching the Ford saga unfold made him want to jump on the next flight to Toronto - Piers Morgan agreed saying he would love to visit our comedy clubs right now. Thanks to Rob Ford the eyes of the world are on Toronto like never before. This is our time in the limelight! I believe that this has been a coming of age event for the city. Up till now Toronto has been a city without legends. No question this has been horribly embarrassing for Rob Ford and his family but for Toronto as a whole the positives far outweigh the negatives.
I guess it depends on if you have a sense of shame, on how you would view this matter. Not being taken seriously on the 'world stage' could have farther reaching effects than whether a few comedy club tourists decide to visit or not.
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I guess it depends on if you have a sense of shame, on how you would view this matter. Not being taken seriously on the 'world stage' could have farther reaching effects than a few whether a few comedy club tourists decide to visit or not.

Right! There is a difference between being NOTORIOUS and being held in esteem. Wake up.
I don't think you can compare the negative impact of SARS with the unprecedented worldwide coverage of Rob Ford. SARS hurt Toronto by driving away tourists. Rob Ford has done just the opposite. The other night on Piers Morgan NY Times writer Frank Rich said watching the Ford saga unfold made him want to jump on the next flight to Toronto - Piers Morgan agreed saying he would love to visit our comedy clubs right now. Thanks to Rob Ford the eyes of the world are on Toronto like never before. This is our time in the limelight! I believe that this has been a coming of age event for the city. Up till now Toronto has been a city without legends. No question this has been horribly embarrassing for Rob Ford and his family but for Toronto as a whole the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Yes, sadly, this mess might make us more cool and visit-worthy. SARS obviously did the opposite.
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