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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Smart councillors will not ask Ford questions at #TOCouncil. It will only solidify his hardcore support.

His hardcore support could watch Ford rape a goat and not be moved. The issue is the other 70-80% of the electorate -- that and the credibility of City Council.
The smug look is back on Ford's face, he thinks people lining up for the freak show is a show of support. The councillors better make him squirm tomorrow, and pass the motion or it's pitch fork time.

Doug is the brains of the outfit. Keeps speaking for Rob.

This just in from Mark Towhey, still shilling for Ford:
Mark Towhey ‏@towhey 8m
Smart councillors will not ask Ford questions at #TOCouncil. It will only solidify his hardcore support.
Rob Ford's hardcore support is rock-solid as we all already know. It's the mush around it that is at play and Councillors just sitting back while a selfish Mayor thinks his actions have no consequences is what would ultimately have the vast electorate 'give up' out of frustration. That's where Towhey is coming from.
His hardcore support could watch Ford rape a goat and not be moved. The issue is the other 70-80% of the electorate -- that and the credibility of City Council.

As much as I might agree with you in general, I do believe there is some serious downside to the "public flogging" that's already making headlines. What is the possible upside? None, that I can see. Some angry Councillors get to shout, express their indignation, and the elector who despise Ford imagine that there is some symbolic justice meted out.

As much as I like the idea of Ford being publicly held to account, the fact is that this won't happen, and the outcome will be all downside. The Council meeting will become more of the circus it's been under Ford's reign. Those asking the questions will get blue in the face, while Ford will give the same non-answers that are the limits of his ability to speak. There will be no real debate, only more appearance of "piling on", and both the base, and the 70-80% will either be further alienated or more convinced that this guy is under attack.

I've written to my Councillor prior to the Towhey tweet coming out, and for different reasons, but I believe the correct approach tomorrow is not to feed the troll.

[Edit: @Tulse - I misread the intent of your post. I think I agree with you wholeheartedly. The base is lost, but there is plenty more to lose tomorrow with the 70-80%.]
Rob Ford's hardcore support is rock-solid as we all already know. It's the mush around it that is at play and Councillors just sitting back while a selfish Mayor thinks his actions have no consequences is what would ultimately have the vast electorate 'give up' out of frustration. That's where Towhey is coming from.

Towhey is out to lunch on this one. Everyone knows the few nuts left in Ford's Village won't be swayed, but if council doesn't stomp on Ford, the majority of citizens will be incensed. He wants to stay, then stay as a powerless mayor. If that's the only solution, so be it, and we'll vote the bastard out next fall.
Towhey is out to lunch on this one. Everyone knows the few nuts left in Ford's Village won't be swayed, but if council doesn't stomp on Ford, the majority of citizens will be incensed. He wants to stay, then stay as a powerless mayor. If that's the only solution, so be it, and we'll vote the bastard out next fall.

I agree that a stomping is warranted, but I don't believe that hammering Ford with questions will be that stomping. The motions may be, but only if some leaders can step up on the Council floor and direct the debate in productive ways.

Shouting questions at a donkey because it's clueless doesn't make the donkey move. It only makes the shouter look stupid, and add to the noise of the braying ass.
If there are questions that should be asked, about connections to a murder or references to courts or constant lies to the public, let them be asked, no matter the tactical considerations. This is unknown territory, and we don't know how will play out. Best to take the high ground of seeking truth and maintaining standards.
Yeah, that's pretty much my feeling, TJ. I enjoy reading his stuff in print and I'm a big fan of the NP Political Panel. My comments are only about the Twitter side of things. On that front, I've got mixed feelings. On one hand, he occasionally comes off sounding like a high school kid trying to be popular. On the other hand, irritating as I might find it sometimes, his approach does have the benefit of establishing him as journalistic "voice." Nothing wrong with that (although I prefer voices like Ed Keenan's.) Mostly, I just hope the more exuberant elements of his work don't end up leaving him in a pigeon-hole. In the big picture, I think he has a lot to offer. I guess that's why it get my back up so much.
Seems pretty straightforward to me. Blair said police recovered two video files. I don't think he explicitly said they were different. So, based on today's "subset" news, I'd guess that one video is file is the "studio release" and the other, at 90 seconds, is the "director's cut" (i.e. the one The Star saw). Maybe we'll find out one day.
Towhey is right in that probably a lot of councillors will use tomorrow as an opportunity to campaign and, if they're anti-Ford, establish their bona fides. But he's wrong in that if Ford won't answer questions at his house or his office or even in council then NO ONE is holding him to account. Council has every right to do so, especially given the motion they're being asked to support.

I think someone up-thread mentioned Mulcair and the way he hammers Harper and that is what is needed. Matlow might be the best at that; maintain an even keel, ask simple questions that MUST be answered. Don't get caught in rhetorical games, don't let him start talking about how he's the best mayor ever....Ask him "Why are you meeting with Sandro Lisi during work hours?" "What is he giving you in those photographs?" etc.

Anyone who starts getting hysterical or overtly partisan will get shot down. It shouldn't look like a "public flogging" or a campaign speech or any kind of circus. It should like a brilliant cross-examination that tears apart the witness. It won't sway the people in Ford Nation who, as established, will vote for Ford even if he kills someone on the steps of City Hall, but it will give all the sane councillors a chance to take a real stand and if something like 65% of council votes to ask him to take a leave, it isolates him, even if it has no real ability to depose him.
Towhey is right in that probably a lot of councillors will use tomorrow as an opportunity to campaign and, if they're anti-Ford, establish their bona fides. But he's wrong in that if Ford won't answer questions at his house or his office or even in council then NO ONE is holding him to account. Council has every right to do so, especially given the motion they're being asked to support.

I think someone up-thread mentioned Mulcair and the way he hammers Harper and that is what is needed. Matlow might be the best at that; maintain an even keel, ask simple questions that MUST be answered. Don't get caught in rhetorical games, don't let him start talking about how he's the best mayor ever....Ask him "Why are you meeting with Sandro Lisi during work hours?" "What is he giving you in those photographs?" etc.

Anyone who starts getting hysterical or overtly partisan will get shot down. It shouldn't look like a "public flogging" or a campaign speech or any kind of circus. It should like a brilliant cross-examination that tears apart the witness. It won't sway the people in Ford Nation who, as established, will vote for Ford even if he kills someone on the steps of City Hall, but it will give all the sane councillors a chance to take a real stand and if something like 65% of council votes to ask him to take a leave, it isolates him, even if it has no real ability to depose him.

That's exactly what I had in mind. In a civilized manner, they need to isolate him. Mulcair's method came to my mind as well.
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