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Rob Ford's Toronto

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And he couldn't tell drunk from tired? Given the context of his past? And why reveal it now? Sorry, that sounds like willful ignorance to me.

About the Ford billboard:

John Furr ‏@JohnFurrToronto 4m
On4 of those 6 occasions Rob Ford voted against staff recommendations & against council majority in favour of Billboard owners #TOpoli
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John Furr ‏@JohnFurrToronto 5m
Rob Ford voted to support SIX different bylaw variance requests 4 Billboard owners Dr. Wallace Whistance-Smith & Sylvia Aiello. #TOpoli
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And why reveal it now? Sorry, that sounds like willful ignorance to me.

It's already been said that Ford's substance abuse problems have been the worst kept secret in Toronto politics. I've personally known about his problems for years, at least with alcohol. It has been willful ignorance on everyones part.

"All conjecture aside, "outing" the video did seem to keep focus on Ford, rather than connections to Project Traveller. As to whether that's intentional or not, we'll find out eventually."

I think that's where Blair wants people to look for now. Perhaps the drip, drip, drip is needed to get rid of Ford, first that he smoked crack and then hit him with the gang/crime element. I know is there is a lot of blacked out information in the ITO, and the information we can read shows Ford doing lots of things he didn't want others to see.

The 5th Estate made solid mentions of Rob hanging out with the gangs that he spoke out against after the Eaton Centre shooting. Every family member or friend that's still a member of Ford Nation should be sat down with their eyelids propped open and made to watch this. It's an easy 45 minutes (without commercials) and does a great job of summerizing Ford's hypocrisy and the danger to the city of him remaining Mayor.
It's already been said that Ford's substance abuse problems have been the worst kept secret in Toronto politics. I've personally known about his problems for years, at least with alcohol. It has been willful ignorance on everyones part.

Very true, but it is especially damning for those whom his authority graced - "never seen him drunk"? My ass.

Metroman, We need an update. What was that "holy shit" moment a few weeks back? I think you just said "Wow" more than once. Maybe it was the hockey personality story. Why did nothing come of that?

If Rob survives to run in 2014, we can get billboards with the infamous picture and come up with an appropriate scripture.
Hi, guys. I've been lurking here for the past couple of weeks - this forum's been quite the balm for a Ford-hater such as myself - and figured I'd finally join in on all the "fun." Just thought I'd add one or two points.

Some of you appear to be genuinely stumped at the level of support Boss Hogg is still getting from his hardcore fanboys in Ford Nayshun, but I don't think it's really such a mystery. We're observing brute tribalism at work here. Look at the Tea Party/John Bircher types across the border, and how they give passes to their own thuggish darlings for things they'd want to crucify their political opponents for doing. The Republican Party really should have "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" inscribed on a golden plaque and hung above Party Headquarters. And it's much the same with the angry, resentful, mean fuckers who adore Rob Ford. Just as the growing sadism (and even out-and-out crazyness) is part of the appeal for the far right nuts who vote for increasingly fascistic 'conservatives' across the border, the overgrown schoolyard bully routine is a winning feature for those who find themselves drawn to long as the bullying isn't directed at them, of course.

Nobody would accuse Ford of being the brightest bulb in the box, but he has an innate, low-born animal cunning that's served him fairly well until just recently, and a demagogue's natural instinct on how to successfully pander to his audience. He's done a genuinely good job in convincing these people he's one of them, even though he's not; his wealth and pampered, privileged background would certainly see to that if nothing else would. But they think he is, and perversely enough, they're not entirely wrong in ways that actually count: The meanness, the anti-intellectualism, the anger, cultural resentments, undisguised homophobia, mild (with hints of not-so-mild) racism, the pig-ignorant-and-proud-of-it qualities, the need for "enemies" or some easily-identified scapegoat "other" that you can stomp on in order to feel better about your own (often quite barren and empty) life - none of which Ford is faking for a minute, IMO - all make him an acceptable spokesman for this particular mindset. Pointing out reality to such a person doesn't really make much of a dent; they want to believe in their figureheads. Since they identify with them so completely, criticiizing a creature like Ford is like criticizing them personally, which is nothing short of blasphemous to them: "How dare you fuckin' eleitists tell me what to do!" You can point out that Ford is an elitist himself because of his wealth, but that won't work. They approve of Ford's wealth, it's what they'd wish for themselves, and it's part of what makes him such an appealing fantasy figure. "He's rich, but he's just like us. Isn't that wonderful?"

And this crowd, above all else, is prideful. They're not going to want to admit they were wrong about Ford. The hardcore true believers are likely to go on kissing his gigantic ass right up till the bitter end. Until some new revelation bubbles up that's so damaging even they can't ignore it. Which might well happen.

As for all the speculation about Slob and Thug's ties to organized crime, I think it's worth pointing out that really successful criminals tend to be on the culturally conservative side of the ledger. These men consider themselves to be businessmen, after all, and such types generally prefer to have the trains run on time. Looked at in such a light, there's not so much cognitive dissonance between the Fords' Law 'N' Order posturing and the sort of secret criminality we're currently discussing here. Though if you were to ask either brother (or any of thier immediate family members, especially Mother Diane), they'd likely screech, "It's perfectly ok if I do it!"
I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me that this stalemate is going to resolve itself when Rob decides to get behind the wheel "in a drunken stupor" and kills someone, if not himself. It's bound to happen. He's not seeking treatment so he will drink and he will continue to use. It's only a matter of time before he kills someone on the road. If and when that happens, he's going to the slammer pretty quick.

He needs to be stopped before someone pays the ultimate price for his terrible pigheaded personality. He's demonstrated his many instances of DUI very publicly. There's probable cause for him to continue to drink and drive. The police have to tail him and stop him when he shows any signs of DUI or a judge needs to take away his license.
Hi, guys. I've been lurking here for the past couple of weeks - this forum's been quite the balm for a Ford-hater such as myself - and figured I'd finally join in on all the "fun." Just thought I'd add one or two points.

Some of you appear to be genuinely stumped at the level of support Boss Hogg is still getting from his hardcore fanboys in Ford Nayshun, but I don't think it's really such a mystery. We're observing brute tribalism at work here. Look at the Tea Party/John Bircher types across the border, and how they give passes to their own thuggish darlings for things they'd want to crucify their political opponents for doing. The Republican Party really should have "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" inscribed on a golden plaque and hung above Party Headquarters. And it's much the same with the angry, resentful, mean fuckers who adore Rob Ford. Just as the growing sadism (and even out-and-out crazyness) is part of the appeal for the far right nuts who vote for increasingly fascistic 'conservatives' across the border, the overgrown schoolyard bully routine is a winning feature for those who find themselves drawn to long as the bullying isn't directed at them, of course.

Nobody would accuse Ford of being the brightest bulb in the box, but he has an innate, low-born animal cunning that's served him fairly well until just recently, and a demagogue's natural instinct on how to successfully pander to his audience. He's done a genuinely good job in convincing these people he's one of them, even though he's not; his wealth and pampered, privileged background would certainly see to that if nothing else would. But they think he is, and perversely enough, they're not entirely wrong in ways that actually count: The meanness, the anti-intellectualism, the anger, cultural resentments, undisguised homophobia, mild (with hints of not-so-mild) racism, the pig-ignorant-and-proud-of-it qualities, the need for "enemies" or some easily-identified scapegoat "other" that you can stomp on in order to feel better about your own (often quite barren and empty) life - none of which Ford is faking for a minute, IMO - all make him an acceptable spokesman for this particular mindset. Pointing out reality to such a person doesn't really make much of a dent; they want to believe in their figureheads. Since they identify with them so completely, criticiizing a creature like Ford is like criticizing them personally, which is nothing short of blasphemous to them: "How dare you fuckin' eleitists tell me what to do!" You can point out that Ford is an elitist himself because of his wealth, but that won't work. They approve of Ford's wealth, it's what they'd wish for themselves, and it's part of what makes him such an appealing fantasy figure. "He's rich, but he's just like us. Isn't that wonderful?"

And this crowd, above all else, is prideful. They're not going to want to admit they were wrong about Ford. The hardcore true believers are likely to go on kissing his gigantic ass right up till the bitter end. Until some new revelation bubbles up that's so damaging even they can't ignore it. Which might well happen.

As for all the speculation about Slob and Thug's ties to organized crime, I think it's worth pointing out that really successful criminals tend to be on the culturally conservative side of the ledger. These men consider themselves to be businessmen, after all, and such types generally prefer to have the trains run on time. Looked at in such a light, there's not so much cognitive dissonance between the Fords' Law 'N' Order posturing and the sort of secret criminality we're currently discussing here. Though if you were to ask either brother (or any of thier immediate family members, especially Mother Diane), they'd likely screech, "It's perfectly ok if I do it!"

Welcome John Dee and thanks for the +10 post! And of course, the solution to that isn't to sit down and chit chat them.

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