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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Back from May, a reminder of Ford's behaviour, and why it's not just for this foul scandal he should be turfed. From the platform of bald-faced lies he campaigned on to his pathological reliance on lying, and generally wretched behaviour, a quick overview of it is here. Not all of it, although though it's been updated somewhat.

Here is a list of my own from June 2012 that I posted on here, though I have not updated it since then. Feel free to add more!


-A campaign that unequivocally stated: A free Sheppard Subway, no tax increases and no cutting of city services. Also: that city hall was awash, in waste, gravy and billions of mis-spent dollars.

Then, once elected:

-Ford has Don Cherry rant from the floor of council about 'lefties and kooks', setting the stage for a city to divide against itself. “This is what you’ll be facing, Rob, with these left-wing pinkos — they scrape the bottom of the barrel.”
-Declaring Transit City dead, improperly - but gumming up the works. Causing a year of delay and incurring cancellation fees to the tune of $65 million.
-Threatens to privatize naming of subway stops, and put ads in parks.
-Repealing the Vehicle Registration Tax, raises property taxes.
-Cuts to the library system: the urban affairs library closed. "We're not cutting libraries", Ford says.
-Turns away paid-for public health nurses from the province. Three months later, he accepts nurses.
-He votes against using provincial money to help people be screened for syphilis and HIV.
-Liquidates Citizen's advisory committees
-Snubs Gay Pride celebrations and related events for the first year, and moves to cancel funding. Shows up only for a flag raising his second year.
-Moves for the removal of existing bikes lanes on Jarvis without consultation to the Councillor of that Ward, Kristyn Wong-Tam...projected cost $200,000.
-Hires KPMG to make a report on the city's finances and where cuts might be available to be made. Report deemed unnecessary. Cost: $3 million
-Holds multiple marathon all-nighters to hear citizens opinions: citizens overwhelmingly against his proposed cuts. Although citizens have their allotted time to speak cut almost in half, many are not heard.
-Ford wants to cut $20 million in services, which includes affordable housing, subsidized child care, youth programming in priority centres, keeping arenas open weekdays, pools and homeless shelters, closing the high park and riverdale farms and selling the Toronto Zoo. Most of this is overturned by council. Etobicoke continues to receive mechanical leaf removal, much to the chagrin of areas that lost it.
-TTC routes are reduced.
- 2012: Ford declares a surplus, due to his fiscal management, then declares the city bankrupt the same day.

-Rob Ford publicly calls Waterfront Toronto a 'boondoggle', threatening existing waterfront plans. Hines Developers, with stakes in a mammoth waterfront development already planned, needs reassurances. Waterfront dedicated transit ends up delayed, which future development is contingent on.
-Doug Ford holds secret, behind closed door meetings to have a planner and renderer cook up a scheme for portlands revitalization without council's approval. The renderer is paid, but without record. This is revealed months later to have been going on for some time.
-Doug Ford, with a chair on Build Toronto's board, and Rob announce they want control of the Portlands returned to the city, and that they have developers lined up: mall developer Westfield Group. Their friend, Mario Cortellucci, a developer who holds prime waterfront real estate in the Hearn Generating Station was a contributor to their campaign. Again, it looks like the groundwork for move has been laid since at least election time.
Control of the waterfront is seized by council, but Dough Ford later manages to start an 'acceleration' review for the area.
When a casino is proposed for Toronto, the Fords support it - along with the idea of having it in the Portlands.
-"Woodbine Live" - a glitzy mega-resort and gambling attraction which of which Rob Ford beamed, 'I know how to deal with CEOs of huge corporations - that's how I landed the largest development in Toronto's history.'. Approved in 2007, as of 2012, it was just scrubland and weeds.

-Ford en route to court for accusing a city-approved vendor of having done consultation "behind closed doors". Outcome still pending.
-Ford en route to court in September for having "violated Ontario’s Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, when he spoke about and voted on a matter in which he had a direct financial interest." (Quote from Goldsbie, National Post). Possible punishment includes removal from office and suspension of running again for politics for seven years. Outcome still pending.
-Ford fights an audit of his campaign expenses, primarily over $77,000 in campaign expenses paid by Ford’s family company, Doug Ford Holdings Inc. Provincial law says candidates can only borrow from banks or other lending institutions, and cannot take corporate donations.
A judge says the audit of Ford can proceed.
-Ford gives a contract to his own company for his city business cards, which were embossed with gold print.

-The police are called to the Ford house in January, regarding a matter about a break-in and an in-law.
-Ford calls 911 in fear after "Marg Delahuntey" shows up in his driveway. Police later say he did not verbally abuse 911 operators.
-The Ford household calls 911 over a domestic disturbance regarding his wife and children.
-Ford calls 911 after a Star reporter is seen in a public park behind Ford's property. Ford physically threatens him and accuses him of being a peeping tom. Police investigate and clear the reporter. The reporter declines to press charges. Ford begins to threaten other media outlets with being shut out of updates from his office if a) that reporter is present and b) they don't toe the line.

-Ford caught illegally talking on his cellphone while driving. Twice. The first time, he's accused of flipping the finger at giving a woman and his daughter.
-Ford declares a "war" on graffiti, and promptly has a city-sponsored mural erased. Business owners are uneasy about being billed by the city for graffiti they don't care about.

The Fords start a Sunday Radio Show. When a homophobic writer from the Sun makes ghastly jokes about George Smitherman and AIDS, the Fords chuckle in the backround.
Rob uses the show to push for 'Subways, Subways, Subways!'. Although Ford campaigns using actual disinformation he loses....-The entire subway file.
It is revealed as the vote is lost that Ford had suppressed a current, valid report of the situation done by the TTC. Instead of making it public, Ford had it hidden, and doesn't-quite-pay Gordon Chong to prepare a pro-subway report.
On losing the transit file, Ford fires Gary Webster - an esteemed civil servant - without cause. Then he proceeds to announce he will be switching into campaign mode for the next election, on the public dime, and on public time.
-On their weekly on-air talkshow, Rob Ford says Toronto Chief Medical Officer Of Health David McKeown’s $294,302 salary is “just an embarrassment”. Doug Ford calls in from Florida to say, “why does he still have a job?”. A formal complaint is filed. Doug says he won't apologize.
-Ford accuses centrist councillor Josh Colle as being "Two steps left of Stalin" on public talk radio, along with councillors Vaughan, Perks, David and Fletcher.

Ford privatizes garbage collection west of Yonge Street.
Ford negotiates a successful standstill with the City Worker's Unions, although he increases pay to the police union.
The city's debt goes into standstill for the first time since amalgamation. Good news! However, Ford then declares he wants to cut the Land Registration Tax, responsible for not only the year's surplus, but millions of dollars more. Also, he declares he wants to lower corporate tax rates in the core for real estate. Some pros, but the cons have no backup revenue plan.

-Ford shuts out the Toronto Star after he says an article about him coaching football was uncomplimentary.
-Ford ceases to release public information about his schedule as is par for the course for the mayor, a public employee. Information about his schedule can only be gained after the fact through Freedom Of Information requests. They shows his workday is generally cut in half, and he begins work around noon. Councillors decry him as generally not being on the job.

...and the topics du jour for June 2012 (so far):

After a gang-related shooting in the Eaton Centre, Ford votes against paid-for government assistance to gang-related areas in the city.

-Ford declares "war" on the city-mandated fee on plastic bags, which he calls a "tax". Ford's executive committee decides to bring it to council. Council votes on a motion put forth by David Shiner, a member of Ford's executive committee to get rid of the five cent fee - by outlawing plastic bags entirely! A flummoxed Ford memorably says, "It's the people's fault", and says Shiner must be a leftist.

- Ford, having voted against a strong mayor system under Miller, publicly considers furthering and entrenching that system for himself.

Added June 29th, 2012

-Despite widespread public criticism, Ford refuses to go to the Pride Flag Raising at city hall for the second year in a row, claiming "he has something else to do". He also plans to skip the parade for the second year in a row saying he has an undeniable impulse to go cottaging that weekend.
-Karen Stintz and Glen DeBaeremaker publicly announce OneCity: a vast, comprehensive and fantastical transit network that will cover all Toronto and be built within thirty years. The plan contains variations of Ford's election promises: a subway through Scarborough, and an extension of the Sheppard line. Best of all, Stintz rocks the boat and seriously opens up the start of the funding dialoge by proposing a property tax increase to pay for part of it. Reaction across the city is electric. While the news is breaking, Ford is off looking at a budworm infestation. Later, he denounces the plan and says he won't support it, as it's a "tax city".
-Ford gets publicly caught driving past the open doors of a streetcar, and has a one-on-one with the streetcar driver.
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Wrong, wrong, dead wrong. It is his personal issues themselves, and his gobsmackingly outrageous, self-destructive, irresponsible, foolhardy, and asinine behaviour, which drew the international attention.

I am so sick of listening to this bullshit line about "too much attention on his personal life" too, for a somewhat different reason. Rob Ford is quite literally unprofessional: from day one of his mayoralty, he has done everything in his power to circumvent and remove himself from the professional sphere of City Hall and the mechanisms that actually make Toronto run. EVERYTHING he does pushes the job of mayor into the realm of the personal; his entire "man of the people" shtick boils down to trying to create a cult of personality around himself. Handing out his "personal" phone number. Responding only to petty (sorry, but it's true) "one-on-one" problem solving with "taxpayers." Ignoring rules, facts and differing opinions, and insisting that "his gut" is the only reliable information he needs. Treating every instance where someone disagrees with him as a personal attack.

Rob Ford went way, way out of his way to make his mayoralty about HIMSELF. He obviously reaped the benefits of this, as the cult of personality now exists, and thousands of people clearly support him in a way they wouldn't ever dream of supporting any other politician. So it's entirely fair that he suffer the consequences of this approach too. You want it to be all about you, Ford? OK. All eyes are on you now.
The defunding option isn't getting any traction. Most councillors don't seem to think it'll accomplish anything. They're mostly right, it's a symbolic measure. The Mayor would still show up to Council and would still run his mouth in the media. I think the most effective action would be for the entire executive committee to resign. That would take away his most significant power as Mayor and send a strong message that he doesn't have the confidence of City Council.

At best, I can see a motion to formally censure the Mayor so it's on record. But they really can't do anything to force him to resign.

If they could find enough councillors they could force an election.

A quorum is often understood to mean the minimum number of members needed
to conduct business at a meeting. Section 237 of the Municipal Act, 2001 sets out
quorum requirements for municipal councils. Usually it is a majority of members. In
addition, you should be aware that:
• If a council is unable to hold a meeting for a period of 60 days or more,
because of a failure to obtain a quorum, the Minister may declare all the
members’ seats vacant and require an election (see section 266 of the
Municipal Act, 2001).

• Members may be ineligible to vote at or participate in a meeting because of
a conflict of interest (see section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• If, because of conflicts of interest, a quorum of members is not constituted for
a meeting, the remaining number of members at the meeting may nonetheless
be deemed by legislation to be a quorum. The remaining number cannot be
less than two (see subsection 7(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• Where, in the above circumstances, the remaining number of members is
less than two, it may be possible to get a court order to authorize a council
or local board to consider and vote on a matter (see subsection 7(2) of the
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act)." Page 32
Holy hell, I have been spending far too much time of my Asian Vacation keeping up on this thread. Here in Bangkok, every paper I've looked through has had a story on RoFo. He really has put TO on the world stage.

I am thoroughly entertained with this, almost feeling sorry for you guys, except, the other Council members don't seem to have the jam to actually do something to stop the bleeding. What's the saying? "Lie with the pigs, you're going to get dirty"? I am flabbergasted that all he has to say is"anything else?" and he skates.

What the fuck does he know about the others that intimidates them into not acting? How fucking hard would it be for everyone to get up and leave any meeting he attends? Wreck quorum, meeting is useless, why is that so hard?
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If they could find enough councillors they could force an election.

A quorum is often understood to mean the minimum number of members needed
to conduct business at a meeting. Section 237 of the Municipal Act, 2001 sets out
quorum requirements for municipal councils. Usually it is a majority of members. In
addition, you should be aware that:
If a council is unable to hold a meeting for a period of 60 days or more,
because of a failure to obtain a quorum, the Minister may declare all the
members’ seats vacant and require an election (see section 266 of the
Municipal Act, 2001).

• Members may be ineligible to vote at or participate in a meeting because of
a conflict of interest (see section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• If, because of conflicts of interest, a quorum of members is not constituted for
a meeting, the remaining number of members at the meeting may nonetheless
be deemed by legislation to be a quorum. The remaining number cannot be
less than two (see subsection 7(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• Where, in the above circumstances, the remaining number of members is
less than two, it may be possible to get a court order to authorize a council
or local board to consider and vote on a matter (see subsection 7(2) of the
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act)." Page 32

If what we want is a general election, it would be easier and less damaging to the city to simply ask the Province. The Provincial Government can call an election under extraordinary circumstances. The Premier wouldn't do it unilaterally but if City Council votes to ask the Province to call an early election, there's a good chance that the Premier would follow their request and call a special election. Another way of forcing an election is for City Councillors to resign en masse. Waiting 60 days without going to work would politically benefit Ford.
Yet, he was democratically elected to office by the citizens of this city. He has never been charged with, drunk driving or any crime while in office. I never doubted the tape was real, not for a moment and none of my posts ever indicated such. Some members of city council have worked against him at every opportunity, not because the issue at hand but because they would rather not support anything he is in favour of.

Funny, you should look at his record as a councillor as a contrarian instead. And lest you forget - he isn't the only elected representative in the city - and our city has a weak mayor system - the onus is on the mayor to work with his councillors to move his agenda forward.

I selected the Baloch executions because I searched "political prisoners executed" in google news and it was top of the page. I used the provincial Liberal's as an example because I am surprised at the lack of outrage at that scandal. I can't think of anything comparable done by the Federal conservatives that would warrant protests on the street. If you have something they have done worth protesting, go for it. It's likely worse than one man's personal addiction problems.

Oh dear, so you see nothing wrong with a man's "personal addiction problem" going beyond the mere addiction and involve criminal elements of the city? As the chief magistrate? And this one is chastizing others for "hugging thugs"? Really? Just what business does the mayor has with even appearing with individuals of such ilk, beyond that of an official capacity?

Protesting at his personal residence should be off limits. You want to hurt his children? don't put the blame on him. Your actions are intended to shame an individual without regard to innocent children. Nice...I don't have a lot of respect for your position.

How about having him to stop acting like a bully, a drunk (or worse) and in general a dick - as it stands right now, his behaviour is hurting his children (err, think "role model"?) far more than a bunch of reporters following him along for Halloween. Anyone who can't see that isn't worthy of my respect.

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As for the Ford children being harassed by the media, their father is now officially a middle-aged drunk with a number of other undisclosed secrets and few employment prospects. I think that irreversible damage has already been done to that family and that has nothing to do with the media.
It's looking like the Executive Committee is fractured on what to do. Predictably, Ford's closest allies are willing to look the other way and ride this out even though Ford completely ignored their demands. I suspect we're going to see contradicting statements coming from the Executive Committee when they speak tomorrow. Some will call for Ford to resign immediately while others will accept the Mayor's apology as a good starting point.

I hope the rest of Council slaps some reality into this. I'm very surprised (and disappointed) that nobody has called a special council meeting. This should have been done on Friday. Council needs to meet and address the situation. They need to formally censure Ford and publicly deliver their positions on the matter to the city -- even if it's not a uniform voice. Each Councillor needs to make their position very clear. Then Councillors need to tell Torontonians how they're going to deal with a rogue Mayor who's lost all legitimacy to lead.

I'm stunned by how quiet Council as a whole has been on the most significant political event in Toronto's history.
If you want to talk about children, let's talk about Rob's lack of support for at-risk youth programs:

Let's talk about what children he puts at risk by (allegedly) drinking and driving, reading while driving, talking on his cell phone while driving.

If we want to talk about children lets look at page 98 and 99 of the Lisi ITO: and I quote:

"LISI then went to the trunk and retrieved some cans of Minute Maid and
put them in the same white plastic bag. LISI then walked to Mayor FORD's known
Escalade which was parked in a lot on the north side of the soccer pitch. LISI opened the
driver side door and placed the white plastic bag on the centre console area. LISI then
walked off south and met up again with Mayor FORD who was now walking north with a

"While the toddler boarded the rear passenger seat of Escalade, LISI and Mayor FORD
briefly spoke. The two parted, LISI walked south to the vehicle and Mayor FORD
boarded his Escalade and drove out of the area"

Yep....let's all think about his the one he let's hang out with Lisi.
Please take this with a grain of salt, but my ex's friend posted this in a thread on Facebook:

Ryan is friends with Rob Ford! Well, not BFF's, but they know each other when they see one another. Ryan wants to burn with him sometime *lol*
He doesn't smoke crack, he smokes marijuana. He's a HUGE pothead. He was seen smoking weed out of a pipe & the media turned it into a crack-smokin' frenzy.
Every time Ryan sees Rob Ford, he says he's always high as a kite *lol* First time he met him was @ the DQ next to my building & Ford & his bodyguards were chowing down on blizzards & reeking of pot. He was totally having the munchies then! He even admitted to Ryan that he's a total pothead & wants marijuana legalized in Toronto. McGinty has a dick up his ass tho so he'd never allow it.
Ya, no, Ryan straight up asked him about the crack thing & he could tell Ford was genuine when he said he was smoking weed out of a pipe. It's just like Jay Leno pouring coffee down a drain & the paparazzi makin' it out like he was pouring oil down a drain. Which is kind of stupid cos who keeps toxic oil in their home? Old coffee, sure, but oil? lol

Pretty sure this is BS, and I have no clue who this Ryan is either. But thought I'd post it anyways.
If they could find enough councillors they could force an election.

A quorum is often understood to mean the minimum number of members needed
to conduct business at a meeting. Section 237 of the Municipal Act, 2001 sets out
quorum requirements for municipal councils. Usually it is a majority of members. In
addition, you should be aware that:
• If a council is unable to hold a meeting for a period of 60 days or more,
because of a failure to obtain a quorum, the Minister may declare all the
members’ seats vacant and require an election (see section 266 of the
Municipal Act, 2001).

• Members may be ineligible to vote at or participate in a meeting because of
a conflict of interest (see section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• If, because of conflicts of interest, a quorum of members is not constituted for
a meeting, the remaining number of members at the meeting may nonetheless
be deemed by legislation to be a quorum. The remaining number cannot be
less than two (see subsection 7(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• Where, in the above circumstances, the remaining number of members is
less than two, it may be possible to get a court order to authorize a council
or local board to consider and vote on a matter (see subsection 7(2) of the
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act)." Page 32

The Fords say: "Councils are a bunch of lazy/bad losers who are refusing to go to work since they've lost the war. Support me and my slate of candidates in the 2014 elections!"
>from day one of his mayoralty, he has done everything in his power to circumvent and remove himself from the professional sphere of City Hall and the mechanisms that actually make Toronto run. EVERYTHING he does pushes the job of mayor into the realm of the personal; his entire "man of the people" shtick boils down to >trying to create a cult of personality around himself. Handing out his "personal" phone number. Responding only to petty (sorry, but it's true) "one-on-one" problem solving with "taxpayers." Ignoring rules, facts and differing opinions, and insisting that "his gut" is the only reliable information he needs

Very astute and reminds me of a certain U.S. former president: Junior Bush. Both he and Ford would be great to go for a beer with, and that was enough for their voters (not thinking whether that translates well into running a country/city). People loved how they put down the 'elites', passed off inconvenient facts as part of the old 'reality-based' paradigm, and 'went with their gut'.

Anyway, what kind of stuff ever worked against Junior Bush? Anything? Like, I mean now they realize they spent a few trillion on wars that they sexed up, and probably realize Junior wasn't such a good idea, but was there anything at the time that worked against him?

Lilly-livered councillors remind me of the Dems during Junior's reign... voting for the war in Iraq etc.
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