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Rob Ford's Toronto

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In line with my earlier posts, I appreciate Olivia Chow's comment on Ford:

Dear friends,

I believe in restorative justice. Which is the idea that we need to look for ways to help people who make serious mistakes in their lives -- as and when they take responsibility for their actions, and accept accountability.

Like all Torontonians, I was very disappointed to learn yesterday from Chief Bill Blair that Mayor Rob Ford has not been telling the people of Toronto the truth about the video widely reported in the media in recent months. Many of yesterday's revelations about Mayor Ford's closest associates, activities and personal problems are also deeply troubling.

Mayor Ford obviously faces some serious challenges in his life. I hope he finds help soon.

I also believe that as our Mayor -- head of our city administration and Toronto's representative to the province, the country, and the world -- he must take responsibility for his actions. A good place to start would be for him to now face up to the truth, and to tell it.

Our city deserves better.


(Bolding added by me.)
I keep rolling this over and over - What is Ford's lawyer's strategy here? Is he hoping seeing the actual video will be less damaging than just imagining what might be on it?

Using a metaphor Rob would be proud of, it is like a Hail Mary play... only in this case, you're throwing the ball in the wrong direction.
I don't want this to just be about the crack. What about his behaviour otherwise? The hypocrisy, the lies, the obstruction and obfuscation. The smug denials and slandering? The namecalling? Fucking off work to coach football and drink purple jesuses in a goddamn park?

I'm thinking him smoking crack is the least of it at this point.
A prediction: Something big is going to happen early next week. I have no insider information or anything, but I think this weekend will give him time to figure out what his next actions are. This can include anything from rehab and resignation to something much, much worse.

Personally, I think a good career move for him would to be a full time talk radio pundit. He would be the perfect Canadian version Rush Limbaugh.
A few random questions:
1) Does anyone know what companies/products Deco Labels supplies to? Personally, I'd like to boycott them & let them know why.
2) Has anyone considered the likelihood that the video component of the digital file was recovered and not the audio? Did Blair mention anything about hearing audio? I'm assuming they have both, but I'm not sure that's actually been said. Of course, I realize it's less about the audio/video file & more about the coverup... but just wondering.
3) It may have been mentioned already, but with all those interactions between Ford/Lisi... is it possible he was not only feeding his own habit, but perhaps providing for others? I loathe to drag his immediate family into this... but I suppose that's what I'm suggesting.
2) Has anyone considered the likelihood that the video component of the digital file was recovered and not the audio? Did Blair mention anything about hearing audio? I'm assuming they have both, but I'm not sure that's actually been said. Of course, I realize it's less about the audio/video file & more about the coverup... but just wondering.

Blair said in the press conference yesterday that there is both an audio and a video component to the recovered file.
I don't want this to just be about the crack. What about his behaviour otherwise? The hypocrisy, the lies, the obstruction and obfuscation. The smug denials and slandering? The namecalling? Fucking off work to coach football and drink purple jesuses in a goddamn park?

This is not about him smoking crack. It was never about him smoking crack because there is no charge available to police to charge him with smoking crack unless they caught him with a pipe in his mouth and a bag of crack in his pocket. Possession. That's it; that's all. I personally believe the first set of drug charges just came about while investigating the extortion and they were hopeful that the drycleaner or others would start chirping because he talked an awful lot to the undercover officer about things. That is still a possibility anyways.

It is more subterfuge and distraction. For a non-guilty man, a man not even charged with a criminal offense, why would Ford or his lawyer want a "trial of public opinion"? Evidence is property of the Crown. Courts decide what is released and what is not; not police. Ford's lawyer is grandstanding because he is asking Blair for something that he knows Blair can't deliver.
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@goldsbie 3mins
Lisi out on bail, has to stay 500 m away from and maintain no contact with Mohamed Siad and Liban Siyad. Also no contact with Bassos.
He should have to cease all contact with anyone named Ford or Price too.
What options do we as citizens have in this situation? There is no doubt the man should step down. Do we have any recourse to make this happen?

60 days of city council failing to meet quorum is an automatic call for a general election. Why this is a good idea:

1) Christmas season is coming up, making it easier. There would've been vacation anyhow.
2) There's already an election planned for next year, councillors are already preparing.
3) This would result in a much shorter campaign period (seriously, because 10 months is fucking ridiculous), and thus lower campaign costs.
4) Councillors could take the time to get more involved in their wards doing door to door work; taking away some of Ford's "uniqueness"
5) Incumbents would be at a serious advantage.
6) We'll see Ford turfed in an election that Ford Nation can't argue against, as it's been their mantra that Ford should only be removed "democratically" in an election.

Oh and 7) AFAIK the quorum rule doesn't apply to committees, so as much important work as possible could be shifted to committee meetings, to be "ratified" by council the very first meeting they come back.
3) It may have been mentioned already, but with all those interactions between Ford/Lisi... is it possible he was not only feeding his own habit, but perhaps providing for others? I loathe to drag his immediate family into this... but I suppose that's what I'm suggesting.

Doug from what was told to me is a straight up guy. Rob's wife Renata is a drinker like Rob.
I'm thinking him smoking crack is the least of it at this point.

True, but it's still what most people out there are getting hung up on. Everything else is quite complicated in comparison and not readily understood, especially by those who haven't been following the minutiae of events that have transpired over the past few months.

It's unfortunate because its reduced the debate to "He smoked crack. He should resign!" VS "Who cares what he does on his own time? He's done nothing illegal!" That's the sort of dialogue that I'm sure the Fords are perfectly willing to have take place since it avoids all the big picture stuff which I imagine is far more damning.
Catching up:

I agree with the statements that we can't care what Ford Nation will do with anything. They've proven that it does not matter what he does or doesn't do, they support him. No amount of proof of lies will change their mind. No amount of proof that his policies are just plain bad for Toronto will change their minds. People like that can not be reasoned with, and if they can't use reason, well then we can't worry about them.

The Star should absolutely sue them for defamation, especially Robyn Doolittle. They have said so many awful things about her and threatened her and Kevin Donovan's credibility which ties directly to their ability to do their jobs. That is a big deal.

If Ford goes to rehab, that won't save him. He and Doug have both said so many times that he doesn't have a problem, they've had so many opportunities, that flipping the script now won't do anything. People have made up their minds. Not to mention the things they have said about addicts, or people with mental health issues (i.e. the homeless), neither of them deserve an iota of sympathy. The only people with the last name Ford that I feel bad for are their children.

His house of cards is finally starting to come down. It's deserved and about damn time.
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