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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The fact is Rob Ford was elected by the majority will of the people. UT being a leftist echo chamber, the majority here isn't representative of the majority out there in the real Toronto where real families are struggling to make ends meet.

Rob Ford's list of accomplishments is longer than any mayor in North America. In the latest episode he's finally cut through the red tape and got the shovels in the ground for Scarborough without costing the taxpayer one red cent.

I get that the tax and spend artsy elitist crowd won't necessarily like his policies but that doesn't give them the right to attack Rob Ford by spreading lies and half truths. If you have a problem with him, do it at the ballot box, not by plotting to usurp our democracy in the shadows of 23 division.

The fact that Rob Ford is still a free man speaks volumes about his critics. The fact that Rob Ford's approval rating is still skyrocketing despite the naysayers speaks even louder. If anyone thinks he's dodging anybody his door is open at any time. Rob Ford has nothing to hide. Stop acting like schoolyard bullies and let him get on with his work.

Every time I read one of your posts I start to get mad, and then I look at who wrote it. Good stuff, Sir.
@CowboyLogic Do you support the tactics used by the Mayor's office tonight against Councilor Ainslie? Do you think that using the Mayor's office to send out a call to residents to complain about a councillor is an efficient use of city resources and do you think that it is an appropriate use of power?

I absolutely support the tactics, so long as the robo-call sticks strictly to the truth. Why shouldn't Ainslie's constituents know where he stands on these issues? Not to mention, I'm not sure how much city resources a robo-call uses. Its not exactly a costly or resource-heavy measure. I get tons of flyers from my local councilor which amount to nothing more than self-promotion, and I'm pretty sure that's a bigger waste of tax dollars than a robo-call.

Interesting. That piece of the puzzle fits right into what I was discussing about campaign donors I mentioned a few posts back. If what I'm seeing is right, Kouvalis is going to run John Tory's campaign. "Hey Rob, nothing personal -- Nick" :rolleyes:

My worst nightmare is John Tory running, because he will just split the vote. That being said, it will give me the satisfaction of seeing that guy lose yet another election, so it won't be all bad.
You'll never see a mayor of Toronto who isn't beholden to the interests of the business class in this country. The only way that would change is through some sort of incredibly unlikely violent uprising.

That is true, however, there is a difference between a stable commitment, and just being a stalker.

Audio recording of the robo-call Mayor Ford sent out tonight that is causing controversy (apparently it is controversial to tell constituents the truth about their councilor)

Telling the truth is always preferable. What this robocall is, plain and simply, an attack ad. Ford made a vow to eliminate anyone on counsel that speaks out against him or his "policies". This act also shows that he is scared of the negative opinions finally being formed due to his own actions.

Even the simple act of being a gracious winner, that is if you believe that subways are a slam dunk, is beyond Robbie. This shows the transference of a sad little boy who has a deep inadequacy problem.

This attack ad along with his "Ford more years" comment today on CP24 should be challenged as to he is campaigning out of season.
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Telling the truth is always preferable. What this robocall is, plain and simply, an attack ad.

And attack ads are meant to drive down voter turn out. If Ford gets re-elected it will be because everyone else was too disgusted to even bother; he may yet be able to turn his making a mockery of the whole political system on a level we've never seen in this city to his advantage.

Assuming of course, he doesn't get arrested/have a heart attack/return to his home planet before then.
If Ford gets that far, his 2014 campaign will be one for the ages. How will he respond to the issues next year? Yelling subways over and over is not going to make much sense. What about the many outstanding questions voters may ask? David Price, what does he do for his $130,000 salary? As the desperation sinks in, will he try intimidation against his opponents--personal attack ads, baseball bats in the SUV for "security purposes"? The Ford antics that were funny and annoying three years ago are becoming increasingly scary and I would say somewhat dangerous to the municipal system we've built for ourselves over the years here. The sooner he goes, the better!
Scary thought: if Chow, Tory, and Ford run could Chow and Tory split the left/moderate vote, leading to another term with Ford?

That's exactly what would happen. John Tory is a Tory in name only. He embraces mushy left-wing causes such as "equity and diversity". Tory is the co-chair of "DiverseCity" a bigoted left-wing organization that advocates raced-based hiring. He is the chair of "CivicAction" another left-wing organization. Tory supports raising taxes. Of course Tory was famously dumped as leader of the Provincial PC party over his plan to extend public funding to religious schools which would have resulted in - for example - taxpayer funded Madrasas in Ontario!

I don't think John Tory would appeal to many Ford voters. I can't stand the guy. I can imagine a lot of Olivia Chow's supporters would be comfortable with Tory and would strategically move to Tory if they thought that that was what was needed to defeat Ford.
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And attack ads are meant to drive down voter turn out. If Ford gets re-elected it will be because everyone else was too disgusted to even bother; he may yet be able to turn his making a mockery of the whole political system on a level we've never seen in this city to his advantage.

Assuming of course, he doesn't get arrested/have a heart attack/return to his home planet before then.

Voter turn out may indeed be altered, however, the tactic is indicative of modern politics, re: populism. Create a controversy, tell people who are to blame, and incite reactionary opinion/voting. This is how Ford got into office, and unless something major happens, this is how Ford will be reelected.
I'm just curious--does Nick Kouvalis talk like he types? He sounds like John Belushi in those old Olympia restaurant sketches on SNL on twitter. I hope he's just a sloppy typist.
Kouvalis is pretty rough around the edges. Never think of him as an intellectual, but never underestimate his smarts. Just think "driven", "smart" and "evil".
Having listened to the audio of the Councillor Ainslie robocall, it is very clearly a deliberate campaign call -- promoting his slate of councillors -- and therefore a blatant violation of election laws. Given his history of repeated election violations, this constitutes a demonstrable disrespect for the law. Besides a fine, Ford could be barred from running in the next election. I don't want that to happen because Ford needs to be defeated in the next election and dealt with once and for all but it's a real possibility at this point.
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I feel like being defeated in an election gives Ford a legitimacy he doesn't deserve. he's just another one-term politician---so what? that's not enough. He needs to be ridden out of town on a rail, and the ground salted underneath him so nothing as toxic as him can ever grow there again. That means jail, for him, and hopefully, for his brother.

Very few first term Mayors were defeated in their re-election bids. It would indeed be very telling for him to lose, better yet trounced. Ford Nation would be proven to be a few thousand vocal loyalists who attend his BBQ and nobody else. He'd be finished. Of course, follow that up by a trial putting his lies, alleged drug use and bad judgement on display, and that'd be the cherry on the cake.
That's exactly what would happen. John Tory is a Tory in name only. He embraces mushy left-wing causes such as "equity and diversity". Tory is the co-chair of "DiverseCity" a bigoted left-wing organization that advocates raced-based hiring. He is the chair of "CivicAction" another left-wing organization. Tory supports raising taxes. Of course Tory was famously dumped as leader of the Provincial PC party over his plan to extend public funding to religious schools which would have resulted in - for example - taxpayer funded Madrasas in Ontario!

I don't think John Tory would appeal to many Ford voters. I can't stand the guy. I can imagine a lot of Olivia Chow's supporters would be comfortable with Tory and would strategically move to Tory if they thought that that was what was needed to defeat Ford.

That's why the big money that helped Ford with his campaign are nudging Tory to run, because he's such an eeeeebil left wing nut. You nailed it.
What is this board's opinion of David Soknacki?

I'm trying to learn more about him, but I'm very interested in a candidate who isn't Ford, Chow, Tory, Stintz, or DMW.
Theory: on some level Rob must know his days are numbered, so he's scrambling to collect legacy trophies. He's been working up to this Scarborough business since shortly after the first allegations came out. Now he thinks (or maybe just hopes) to get a few more subway routes locked in before he's out.

All of his longer-term ambitions - cutting council in half, slashing the budget like a madman - are no longer in the picture. He's grabbing what low-hanging fruit he can before the hammer falls.

After watching the Danforth incident, I thought the following:

Rob is mentally and physically exhausted and he wants this all to be over. But he is Doug's tool, and Doug won't let that that happen.
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