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Rob Ford's Toronto

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i didn't know this before...

"the mayor’s Cadillac Escalade birthday present is actually leased – “…absolutely the highest cost of borrowing in the market place. Hands down, no exceptions.†— through his family business. So, if it is written off as a Deco Label business expense, technically speaking, we the taxpayers are paying for it. In that case, Happy Birthday, Mayor Ford."

from that same link...

"Toronto is, and has been despite the ugly economic environment out there and the vagaries of assistance coming to us from senior levels of government, running like a very efficient, strong business. That’s what the likes of Councillor Ford either doesn’t understand or, more likely, wants you not to know. Their whole schtick, he and his brother mayor and all the far right, fiscal hawk councillors, is based on the dubious premise that the city’s finances are being driven into the ground by tax-and-spend politicians who have no respect for taxpayers.

Why would they want you to think such nonsense?

To admit otherwise, to come clean that Toronto’s books should be the envy of many businesses, would be admitting the unthinkable idea that government actually works. That the taxes we pay as residents of this city aren’t inherently evil and bad. It would be an admission that their political philosophy and view is nothing more than empty ideology. It is destructive. It is selfish.

Councillor Doug Ford simply hates the idea of government. He doesn’t believe it should be run as a business because, well, it’s not a business. Businesses should be run like businesses. Government? Taken out to the woodshed and cut down to size.

Unfortunately for the councillor, that’s not really a politically sellable idea. So he bluffs and blusters about Six Sigma principles, finding efficiencies, yaddie, yaddie, yaddie hoping that enough people will come to the same dim conclusion of government as he holds. It’s been working for him so far.

We just have to keep calling him on all his bullshit talk and force him out into the open. Make him run not as some sound, sane businessman but as the unhinged, radical, anti-government ideologue he actually is. Right now, he’s getting away with hiding in the tall grass."
endless long quotes

Could you maybe employ a bit of editing power and stop posting such large chunks of articles? A simple description/summary and a link are all we need... you seem to have a habit of posting entire (or incredibly long parts of) articles and it's really starting to clutter up the thread... at the very least, please use the quote tags so that we know what's a quote and what's your own opinion/insight.
Could you maybe employ a bit of editing power and stop posting such large chunks of articles? A simple description/summary and a link are all we need... you seem to have a habit of posting entire (or incredibly long parts of) articles and it's really starting to clutter up the thread... at the very least, please use the quote tags so that we know what's a quote and what's your own opinion/insight.

i include what's need to express a full thought. and i do use quotes.
Relative to the Layton obsessions a few pages back: if *anyone* has "suspected rub'n'tug client" written all over them, it's these Ford associates--or, to go further, "banned rub'n'tug client", "bad date list", etc...
feel free to teach me how to do that. seriously. it's a minor thing i could do to suppress some whining.
Just highlight the text you are quoting, then click the little quote icon at the top of the box.

So if I want to quote this, it stands out

Alternatively, you can type quote (with square brackets before and after it) before the text you are quoting followed by square bracket/quote square bracket (no spaces) and that will do it -- (had to type it out or it would have put it in quotes!)
Just highlight the text you are quoting, then click the little quote icon at the top of the box.

Alternatively, you can type quote (with square brackets before and after it) before the text you are quoting followed by square bracket/quote square bracket (no spaces) and that will do it -- (had to type it out or it would have put it in quotes!)

thank you. will do.
New information in today's Globe article:

"The license plate on the Range Rover driven by Mr. Lisi has since changed. Most days it sits outside his parents' home in Etobicoke's upscale Golfwood Heights neighbourhood. Residents here have talked amongst themselves about the mayor's frequent visits to the Lisi house on Madill St. One resident, who did not want to be named, said he has witnessed Mr. Ford visit the Lisi home three or four nights in a row, generally after 10 p.m. Another source, who said that Mr. Ford is on the street at least once a week, added that, when the mayor first started making frequent visits to the street, he told neighbours he was there to see his “friend Sandy”."

I google street mapped Madill and, sure enough, you can see the Range Rover parked in the driveway:,202.36,,0,4.87
feel free to teach me how to do that. seriously. it's a minor thing i could do to suppress some whining.

Classy. But I'm not taking the bait.

But what I'm actually getting at is - this is a discussion forum. Not a "paste entire articles back to back" forum. Post a link to an article and what you think of it, sure - but copy/pasting entire articles with no context, opinion, etc? What's the point? Based on reg date alone you're pretty new here... I'm giving you some constructive criticism.
The Fords seems to have many Italian associates. Are they themselves Italian? I just realized that I don't know what their background is.

Based on how they look? I'm gonna say... no. Ford sounds about as anglo-saxon as it gets, but I suppose it'd be possible that a name change happened somewhere along the line (and who knows what the maternal genealogy is?)
New information in today's Globe article:

"The license plate on the Range Rover driven by Mr. Lisi has since changed. Most days it sits outside his parents' home in Etobicoke's upscale Golfwood Heights neighbourhood. Residents here have talked amongst themselves about the mayor's frequent visits to the Lisi house on Madill St. One resident, who did not want to be named, said he has witnessed Mr. Ford visit the Lisi home three or four nights in a row, generally after 10 p.m. Another source, who said that Mr. Ford is on the street at least once a week, added that, when the mayor first started making frequent visits to the street, he told neighbours he was there to see his “friend Sandy”."

Remember when Rob Ford offered to buy some guy oxycontin? Doesn't the fact he even entertained the request give some insight into what's normal in Rob Ford's life?

I'm not surprised to hear Ford is out of his house that frequently.

Ford's neighbourhood is popular amongst road cyclists because of the quiet streets and hills. I do a ride that goes along Edenbridge after work once a week. I've been doing this ride for the couple years and have only seen his car outside his house once. We're usually passing by his house around 7:45pm. Given that we know he leaves City Hall around 3 or 4pm, it makes you wonder where he is all night. I don't think he attends too many events and when he does, he leaves them rather quickly go stick magnets on cars in parking lots. Perhaps he's out making some of his famous house calls.

Actually, about a month ago I did this route on a Sunday morning and saw David Price sitting outside Ford's house in his car. It was kind of surreal given everything that had just happened in May.
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