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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ford does have a better track record. His 2013 office budget is $1.9 million, which is down $700,000 from Miller, and he's reduced the number of staff as well. His expenses last year were below that of 25 councilor's: Not to mention that he has reduced councilor's expense budgets (although I believe they were bumped back up last year).

Here's the thing - it's not all about expenses. This is the biggest problem with Ford - he can't see the forest for the trees. Yeah, he has lower office expenses - but everyone except for Doug says he is understaffed and isn't accomplishing what he should be because of it. Also, if you read this reporter's experience in having Ford come out to visit him, it becomes clear that he isn't making very good use of his or his staff's time - [B8 people[/B] to go out and talk about some construction? Is that really the most efficient use of the City's resources?

Focusing strictly on the numbers is almost always an indication of one's inability to see the big picture.

Not to mention that he has reduced councilor's expense budgets (although I believe they were bumped back up last year).

Then you're not really making any kind of point, are you - and it's not really an "accomplishment", is it?
Ford's screwing around with transit alone will end up costing the city many times more than he has actually saved, if his plan hadn't been stopped then he would have blown billions.

and this is from Mr. respect for taxpayers




A conservative Torontonian who lacks critical thinking skills, is part of Ford Nashun and hates downtowners, liberals and sometimes certain minority groups. Lives in either Scarborough or Etobickoe.
Ford won’t even answer whether or not his junior staff of Muppet Babies are helping organize today’s campaign event. I’m pretty sure they must be, but let me guess much like his taxpayer funded assistant football coaches they’re doing it on volunteer time.
This is the biggest problem with Ford - he can't see the forest for the trees. Yeah, he has lower office expenses - but everyone except for Doug says he is understaffed and isn't accomplishing what he should be because of it.

Right...and since he has rendered that particular office ineffective (and scandalous on its own), he isn't really saving $700,000....he's wasting $1.9 million.

The part that amazes me, is why it isn't the wide-eyed fiscal conservatives that voted for him that aren't down at City Hall tarring and feathering him at this point. It should be obvious by now that Ford is not really a fiscal conservative...he's a fiscal retard. But I realize I have simply underestimated the credulity of the Ford-voting fiscal conservatives.
If anything, I suspect they're frustrated with the bulk of city council trying to block every cost cutting measure he suggests.
True fiscal conservatives everywhere are big proponents of bicycle infrastructure, privatisation of roads, and cost-efficient forms of public transit (see LRT).

Ford is the exact opposite of a fiscal conservative in all of these issues, and his call for subways to nowhere, streetcar removal, and prioritising the car over bicycles are the definition of a clueless, populist, inefficient government.

Ford is in practice exactly what Fordites are supposed to hate...

... But of course this never really was about left and right, or fiscal conservatism vs anything: Ford just caters to defensive uneducated people who can't cope with reality and reach out for simple solutions instead.
He is a populist - not a fiscal conservative. The latter would not have suggested building subways where there is little ridership, for one.

If anything, I suspect they're frustrated with the bulk of city council trying to block every cost cutting measure he suggests.

Unfortunately his research consists of "someone told me to say it", so when he's asked about his position or why it makes sense, he's got nothing. He resorts to phrases like gravy, hug-a-thug, respect for taxpayers, etc. Same reason he says "People want subways" without adding "and he's how I propose to pay for them, and here's why all of the critiques against them don't make economic sense".

If he actually demonstrated some measure of critical thinking along with his cost-cutting measures, people might take him seriously. But he doesn't.
I don't have a problem with hiring people based on casual connections. Nepotism is a part of life. People hire people they know and who they think they can trust. I've gotten friends hired at jobs, I've gotten hired at jobs through other people - its just how these things work, unfortunately. Connections are just generally a bigger determiner of employment than experience or skills.

It should be remembered that the Ford brothers got their "real" jobs from their families' label business. With Rob Ford not graduating from university, he would not have been able to get any non-family job. And with his attitude of his way or no way, I just wonder what his non-family or non-political job reviews be like.
Ford won’t even answer whether or not his junior staff of Muppet Babies are helping organize today’s campaign event.

Ford won't even tell the electorate where he is half the time when he's supposed to be working. So much for transparency.
So Douggie was on BT today trying to make the case that the Ford Fest isn't a political event while robbie is out saying that it's going to be a great party and they're going to rally support for subways. Even last year he declared "The campaign starts now!"

How can this not be considered a campaign event and why are these two idiots allowed to lie even when they're contradicting one another?
Whichever paper is working on the 'next big story' re: the Fords....I hope that they are able to get the story out verrrrrrrrrry soon.

I cringe at the prospect of having to listen (again!) to Ford's mantra of 'subways, subways, subways'. The idiocy of this man. Couple the 'revisited' subway debate with this new Ford song and I wanna grab a barf bag. The insanity of it all.

On a more 'positive' note, the prospect of Drug Ford not running for city council next year is very satisfying. He could change his mind of course, but, I doubt it. With Doug Holyday running as a conservative candidate provincially, there's the very real prospect that he won't be in his usual/thankless role of Mr. Explaining' for Robo Flop, much longer. Although, deep down, I prefer a conservative loss. Consequently, I'm torn ;)
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Not only their coaching - but all the activities surrounding it without any relation to official city business. Do you seriously expect us to believe that they are doing so in a "volunteer capacity" during work hours?

I have no clue. If their other duties are being completed (and they would have to be, I presume), then its possible, especially since I believe they're paid a base salary and work irregular hours. Like I said, I do have a problem with this, but I don't think it invalidates Ford's track record on everything else. I also have a hard time buying the argument that Ford's staff does less city-related work than regular - I've dealt directly with them for some problems in my neighborhood and they had them solved quickly and promptly, which is more than my councilor has ever done for me.

700 bucks, on an office budget of 1+M? Even cell phones/plans alone would have cost that much for an office staff of his size. And if the city didn't pay for that, what legal right does city have to the access communications made on said phones, should the need arise?

I'm not sure where you're getting this $700 figure from. The link I posted shows that the mayor's office has spent over $2000 in expenses for this year's first quarter, which is about right in the middle of the councilor's expenses.

If you don't have a full picture of how his staff spent their working hours (let's not even get to the mayor himself, given the lack of clarity with his work hours/schedule - if one's Chief of Staff have no clue where his worship is most of the time, is that a good sign that they are "working"?), I am not sure how you can come to the conclusion that he has a good track record in terms of accountability. As to spending taxpayers money, I am not sure if the output justified that rosy conclusion.

Accountability in terms of spending taxpayer's money. By all measures, he has been more accountable in that regard (reducing the mayor's budget, reducing councilor's budgets, keeping expenses low). Whether that's a good thing or not is another argument entirely.

Here's the thing - it's not all about expenses. This is the biggest problem with Ford - he can't see the forest for the trees. Yeah, he has lower office expenses - but everyone except for Doug says he is understaffed and isn't accomplishing what he should be because of it. Also, if you read this reporter's experience in having Ford come out to visit him, it becomes clear that he isn't making very good use of his or his staff's time - [B8 people[/B] to go out and talk about some construction? Is that really the most efficient use of the City's resources?

What exactly is he supposed to be accomplishing though? There's all this talk that his office is understaffed and that there aren't enough people to do all the work, but the only basis for this seems to be that the previous guy in office had more staff and spent more. No one has clearly defined what isn't being done with Ford's reduced staff and budget.

I can't think of a better use for city resources than helping people directly with city issues. 8 people is overboard though.

Then you're not really making any kind of point, are you - and it's not really an "accomplishment", is it?

Councilors voted to bump their expense budget back up, not Ford. Since we're talking about Ford's track record in regard to public spending, reducing the councilor's budget (even if the councilors had it reinstated a year or two down the line) is pertinent.
What exactly is he supposed to be accomplishing though?

That's the best question you've asked in a while. What is Ford supposed to be accomplishing? What has he done or tried to do over the last year, and what's planned for the next? Ford of the A-B-C mantra - Always Be Campaigning.

I assume he's just going to yell about subways for 14 months, now that the great plastic bag debate is settled. Great.
I appreciate anybody keeping expenses low in the public sector, except when that interferes with operations. For instance, everybody and their brother whines TO NO EFFING END about how bloody expensive capital projects are, but very few people ever note that the City's procurement practice - at least when I was with the BIA - was that you go with the lowest bidder unless it can be demonstrated that they can't do the work. You get what you pay for - don't be surprised if your project goes over budget because your GC and the subs under bid to get the job and are now running circles around you pushing their billed hours up to actually get the work done. Don't be surprised if they drop their tools (well, actually, not their tools, but rather the drywall partition they've been struggling to get in the damn frame) to go to another job site and promise to get back on the job later (when the client isn't around to supervise), and then have cascading delays make a hash of your timelines and budgets.

Accountability is not just spending less, it's being able to account for revenue you've taken in and what you've spent. The Mayor has demonstrated, at least through this "I've saved a billion dollars", that his accounting praxis is very different from what a lot of people expect in municipal administration. I appreciate so much that Council has done a great job - inadvertent though it may be - not committing to any large project the Mayor has proposed with this kind of accounting. There's just so much "take it on faith" attitude which, to me at least, promises poor results later. I'd rather invest wisely with our collective resources, and the Mayor does not instil in me the confidence to invest in his plans.
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