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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm drawing a blank and I won't feel better unless I can remember what's that image from again.
He sleeps with the fishes
You sound awfully familiar, for someone so new.


Are you referring to me? Just because I have a different opinion than the majority of you guys, doesn't mean I'm a troll or shill. I'm trying to have some reasonable discussions about these issues, and a good chunk of the users here don't seem to want to (a good chunk do want to as well, I should add).
I'm not really a fan of lobbing around labels such as 'racist' or 'homophobe' etc. At best it is childish name-calling, at worst it devolves into a sort of witch-hunt murkiness where labels are used as weapons. Unfortunately there are some on this forum who are a little too eager to wield these weapons (I hope this doesn't brand me as a contrarian troll!)...

Rob Ford's record on gay issues/Pride etc is itself worthy enough of attack here, which is fair game! Is he truly a homophobe? Who knows?? I suspect it is more an issue of petulant ignorance, which seems to drive most of his policies. Like a spoiled child, he wants to go to his cottage for the long weekend and doesn't see why he shouldn't... so there!

The petulant child (and his propensity for hyperbole) also comes out in his statements about his meeting with Charles Sousa, i.e., "I am being punished for running an efficient city"

I'm not really a fan of lobbing around labels such as 'racist' or 'homophobe' etc. At best it is childish name-calling, at worst it devolves into a sort of witch-hunt murkiness where labels are used as weapons. Unfortunately there are some on this forum who are a little too eager to wield these weapons (I hope this doesn't brand me as a contrarian troll!)...

Racist I am a bit careful with - homophobe? It's pretty obvious he is one - you'd have to be living under a rock to not know the comments he blared out (both as councillor and mayor) hasn't been acceptable for years. And if one is going to complain about lobbing labels, let's start with his worship's record as a "leader" doing such. With power comes responsibility afterall.

Rob Ford's record on gay issues/Pride etc is itself worthy enough of attack here, which is fair game! Is he truly a homophobe? Who knows?? I suspect it is more an issue of petulant ignorance, which seems to drive most of his policies. Like a spoiled child, he wants to go to his cottage for the long weekend and doesn't see why he shouldn't... so there!

The petulant child wanting to go to the cottage for the long weekend excuse doesn't really work - recall others have urged him to attend pride related events while he is still in town, and he refused. Infantalizing him (he is just a petulant child) does discourse around civic affairs a disservice. He is an adult, and as such he should be judged as such - I am not going to treat him like an overgrown child (much less give him a pass) for his benefit. If that's what he is, he should resign on the spot, because the last time I recall, a child can't vote, much less have his name on the ballot.

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It should be remembered that the Fords surround themselves with like-minded people. The people that Ford receives and accepts advice from do not go to Pride events and would frown on those who do. I expect that in the first couple years Ford was of the view that not only would his supporters not care that he did not go to Pride events, but in fact would act negatively at him attending them. I do not consider it petulance but politics - he does not want his supporters to think he is acquiescing to the downtown elites who consider Pride an appropriate mayoralty responsibility.

This year either they figured their base is too small or they decided they had held out long enough to hold their head high with supporters after waving the Pride flag.
This year either they figured their base is too small or they decided they had held out long enough to hold their head high with supporters after waving the Pride flag.

He did it so that he could be criticized by his opponents for making an "empty gesture". Now he can go back to his supporters with a victim mentality and say "Look at me - I went and did what they wanted and I still got attacked. They're idiots".
Looks like the Ford brothers have been caught in another lie, this time regarding their free-wheeling radio show.

Didn't somebody actually call this one a few pages back? Maybe it was in a website comments section, but I swear somebody recently responded to a Fraud Nationalist named "Dave" by asking if his last name was "Price".

The sooner these guys are dead or in jail, the better for everyone, Fraud Nationalists included. We should lock them in a cage with Dixon Goonies and then drown the last man standing.
Too bad he'll get re-elected, maybe you can lead this revolution too kill and drown people like myself who fully support and voted for the mayor?
Didn't somebody actually call this one a few pages back? Maybe it was in a website comments section, but I swear somebody recently responded to a Fraud Nationalist named "Dave" by asking if his last name was "Price".
Someone on reddit wrote this today in regards to the radio story: Interesting. If anyone follows The Grid's comment section (particularly on Keenan's articles), there's a supertroll named Dave from Scarborough/Etobicoke who posts regularly on there. What he lacks in connection to reality he's always made up for in volume of posts, sometimes dozens per article, blindly following the Ford doctrine. Amazing that the mayor's staff has time to deal with this stuff. Amazing if it were any other mayor that is.
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