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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Over the holidays it's been something of a re-education learning how popular Ford still is among Toronto Sun reading suburbanites. As I had suspected, and stated as much on this thread, these folks dip their toes into local political headlines and really don't have anything close to an understanding of what this fool is all about. Interestingly everyone seems to have a beef here and there with him but the bottom line is people like his "Mayor Every-Guy" approach to running the city, he garners sympathy from being barraged by the media ("the Toronto Star is out to get him") and they eat up his "doing it for the taxpayer" line. It's going to take a very strong challenger to take him on next election and one who runs a very aggressive and smart campaign.

I've found the same sympathy for Ford but I've also found a significant percentage of Rob Ford voters who tell me they were surprised at his policies and inability to work with others. I think there will always be those who support Ford but most people who've been paying attention know that he's not qualified to be Mayor, is an embarrassment to the city and won't vote for him again. The "in retrospect" factor will be important now that Ford voters have had a taste of Ford as Mayor.

If there's a by-election, I don't think he'll get more than 30% regardless of how may run against him. But if too many candidates do run against him, 30% may be all he needs to get back in. If instead there is no by-election and a competent Mayor is appointed, stays out of trouble, is a respected figure with leadership qualities, works well with Council and makes some progress on high profile issues, the contrast will be large and many remaining Ford voters won't want to go back.

I'm cautious, but I'm not too concerned. I think Ford is done.
Were you hanging out with my mum over the holidays?

Family, old friends & out-of-towners. One person even insisted that when the ruling came down on Ford all TTC employees got a $2000 bonus (?!). "Everyone was talking about it" I was told (by a non-Torontonian). After we debated the story's worthiness we hit Google and I said "find it". I won that one, but it's an example of how ridiculous information brews and gets out there.
As the media has mentioned, Ford's preference is to be appointed and allowed to finish his term. What's interesting is that Ford's brother can try to sneak him back in without an opportunity for anybody else to campaign.
I thought only current members of council were eligible to be nominated. Rob Ford wouldn't qualify under that rule.

Doug Ford would be a possibility though ...
I thought only current members of council were eligible to be nominated. Rob Ford wouldn't qualify under that rule.

Doug Ford would be a possibility though ...
"If the Mayor or head of Council is absent, refuses to act or vacates their elected office, City Council may appoint another Member of Council to act in their place. In such cases, the acting head of Council has all the powers and duties of the Mayor." From:
I thought only current members of council were eligible to be nominated. Rob Ford wouldn't qualify under that rule.

Doug Ford would be a possibility though ...

Yes and no. Toronto's own by-law says a member of council must be appointed but Ontario law says that a municipality may choose anyone, a councillor or a member of the public to fill the seat. Ontario law supersedes it so if a Fordist wants to ignore our weaker law and appoint Rob Ford, they're allowed.

I think Council will follow our own guidelines and appoint a Councillor but I have no doubt that rogue Councillors beginning with Doug Ford will try to get Rob appointed on the same council meeting that decides that they're appointing a Mayor, not going into a by-election.

EDIT: I've just came upon bizarre but completely likely scenario where Rob Ford would become Councillor at that meeting. If a Councillor is appointed to Mayor, City Council then must also appoint their replacement as Councillor which will have its seat vacated because the Councillor is now Mayor.

If Doug & co. don't succeed in appointing Rob as Mayor (they won't, they simply don't have nowhere close to enough votes) then Plan B will be to get Rob in as councillor. That's possible and I can see several Councillors who wouldn't vote to appoint him as Mayor do so for a Council seat. Rob's "too-severe" punishment would become appropriate. He would lose his position of power for breaking the conflict of interest act, but would still have a seat on Council until the remainder of this term.
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EDIT: I've just came upon bizarre but completely likely scenario where Rob Ford would become Councillor at that meeting. If a Councillor is appointed to Mayor, City Council then must also appoint their replacement as Councillor which will have its seat vacated because the Councillor is now Mayor.

If Doug & co. don't succeed in appointing Rob as Mayor (they won't, they simply don't have nowhere close to enough votes) then Plan B will be to get Rob in as councillor. That's possible and I can see several Councillors who wouldn't vote to appoint him as Mayor do so for a Council seat. Rob's "too-severe" punishment would become appropriate. He would lose his position of power for breaking the conflict of interest act, but would still have a seat on Council until the remainder of this term.

What a cruel turn of events that could be. Imagine if by some odd chance that Adam Vaughan gets appointed as interim mayor and Rob Ford gets appointed councillor in his stead. The optics of that don't exactly play well with democracy either. If Ford nation is incensed that a judge would remove their democratically elected mayor, those in Ward 20 would be complaining just as loud that council would appoint him as their councillor.
Must have been invite only. I saw news clips about Hazel's levee in Mississauga but nothing about Toronto.
I thought Ford had cancelled the New Year's Levee, but apparently it went on as usual. National Post: Supporters flock to Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s New Year’s levee

On December 11, it was cancelled.

“We won’t hold the traditional New Year’s levee on (Jan. 1),” Towhey said. “We’re looking at other options.”

The event is an annual tradition in which the mayor and a collection of city councillors greet well wishers at Toronto City Hall.

Towhey insisted the cancellation of the event — which Ford held in 2011 and 2012 — had nothing to do with the mayor’s ongoing court battle to stay in office.

On December 14, it was back on as a new event.

The mayor’s New Year’s levee may not just be a party for downtown Toronto, says Councillor Doug Ford.

With Mayor Rob Ford on vacation, the elder Ford said this year’s levee, a meet-and-greet tradition in Toronto that dates back to 1968, may be something of a travelling party.

“It was never off,” councillor Ford said of the event. “I’m happy that we’re going to not just visit people downtown, we’re going to go out and visit the people in Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke, East York and York.”

On December 21, it was back on as originally planned.

The levee has returned to its traditional line-up-and-shake-hands format.

It's non-issue and over with now, but it's a fascinating look at how poorly Ford's team controls information regarding a basic event. Does he have the worst PR team in political history, was this all a ruse or are his staff totally clueless? Who knows...
Must have been invite only. I saw news clips about Hazel's levee in Mississauga but nothing about Toronto.

Oh how I would love a 2013 with no news at all about The Fordtwins. Unfortunately the jerks sell journals and we are in for another year of non-stop FordTwin shit.
Imagine that, there's a world outside the opinions of Urban Toronto. :)

Can't wait to see Ford re-elected for a second term. :cool:
Imagine that, there's a world outside the opinions of Urban Toronto. :)

Can't wait to see Ford re-elected for a second term. :cool:

Because he achieved so much with his first? Are you a masochist Conservative? If I were a Conservative, I'd want somebody like John Tory or Michael Thompson or John Parker who could actually accomplish the Conservative policies I'd want to see. Ford should be hated equally by the left and the right.
He's only 2 years into his first term and he's already achieved more than Miller did. Of course John Torry would be great. But he ain't an option anymore. Michael Thompson is a weirdo.
He's only 2 years into his first term and he's already achieved more than Miller did. Of course John Torry would be great. But he ain't an option anymore. Michael Thompson is a weirdo.

seriously ?!?
please list Frod's great accomplishments
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