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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I don't think it's fake simply because of the fact there are multiple selfie photos posted. I don't know how someone would get access to them and post them without having stolen her phone.

Although, it's weird that under her Music Likes she's listed the following. She doesn't strike me as someone with such eclectic tastes that range from underground sludge metal to jazz to power-slop.

  • 12624043_10153526628503347_1924533414_n.png


  • Jazz-Club - Vancouver

  • 7 Deadly Sins

  • Acoustic Lamp

  • Morpheus

  • Karimel Days
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Yes. It's really a prime example of how Ford's addictions made him vulnerable to conflicts of interest. Clearly, the owner of Muzik knew Ford's proclivities and was aware that if he could provide a safe haven for Ford to indulge his appetites he could use that service as leverage to extract favours from the city. It was in its own way as scandalous as criminals using Ford's addiction to extort favours from him and blackmail him. It was a problem throughout his entire mayoralty and yet his fans seem utterly unconcerned by it. Just as they were unconcerned that by buying drugs from street gangs - and there's evidence that he regularly made very large purchases even when he was under scrutiny from the police - he was in effect helping underwrite their criminal activities, including gun smuggling. I would often say to Ford supporters, 'What if a 10-year-old gets caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout and it turns out the gun that killed her was smuggled into Toronto by a gang that Mayor Ford does business with? How would it look if on the day it happened Ford showed up to stand beside the chief of police in your neighbourhood to denounce gun violence and reassure the public that police were in control, when a) he had business dealings with the gang that put the gun in the hands of the criminal who pulled the trigger? ... and b) if the mayor himself is under scrutiny by the police force led by the man who's standing beside him? All I would get back is a blank stare. It has always astounded me that there are people out there who simply don't care about this stuff because he saved them 60 bucks by rolling back the car tax or that he showed up on their street to make sure a pothole was filled. It's as if the broader society and the values, morals and ethics that inform it simply either don't exist or don't matter to these people.

This. All of it.

Ford Nation loves to whine that certain councillors and, of course, 'downtown lefty elites' drove Ford into the arms of booze and drugs and that they 'killed him' or somehow gave him cancer by 'hounding' him about personal issues. He was firmly in the grip of drink and drugs before things started to go bad and it was their effect on his personal life, and his personal life's effect on his professional performance, that caused his mayoralty to unravel.

For a bunch of people so adamant that the crack tape never existed and/or that any substance problems were out of bounds for public discussion, they sure are convinced that what really did him in was the people who expected to work with a professional and mostly sober chief magistrate continually asking if there was a problem he needed to deal with and assuring him he could take time and space for himself to sort it out. And not the problem itself or his persistent refusal to acknowledge it or do anything about it.
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I've been using FB for many years and I'm telling you, it's real. She just posts random crap , plus the way she "speaks" is so like Rob, it was a match made in heaven. Whatever brain cells she may have had years ago are fried, just like Rob's. I guess her FB account security will be tightened up, assuming she knows someone who can fix it for her.
As I've said several times, here, this is due to brute tribalism, nothing more: (1.) They saw themselves in him, (2.) they openly approved of his bullying and bigotry, (3.) and they lived vicariously through him. The rotten fucker got away with all sorts of crap they've love to be able to pull themselves. And he pissed off the lib-tards big-time. In these grim times, that's probably enough for the mindset inclined to worship at the altar of someone like Ford. Many of his fans are every bit as stupid and mean as he was, and - just to complicate matters - they do have some legitimate complaints. It's beyond fucked up.

Agreed. There have been a lot of people saying 'Look, people of colour attended the funeral, were sad that he died, etc., therefore totally not a racist'. Some Ford supporters are willing to overlook Ford's own bigotry against them as long as he a) 'did something' for them (311-type service requests that were not his job, imaginary tax cuts, etc.) and, as an added bonus, b) shared their own bigotry towards another group.
I've been using FB for many years and I'm telling you, it's real. She just posts random crap and if you think about the way she "speaks" and about Rob's level of communication, it was a match made in heaven. Whatever brain cells she may have had years ago have been fried, just like Rob's. I guess her FB account security will be tightened up, assuming she knows someone who can fix it for her.

She sure does like some super random stuff. She follows everything from the Campbell's Soup Page to a plastic surgeon to a door manufacturer to Neville Park Photography.
She sure does like some super random stuff. She follows everything from the Campbell's Soup Page to a plastic surgeon to a door manufacturer to Neville Park Photography.

Lots of people don't realize what "liking" or "following" does on FB. You can end up with a lot of weird stuff, I know mine is very random.
I've been using FB for many years and I'm telling you, it's real. She just posts random crap , plus the way she "speaks" is so like Rob, it was a match made in heaven. Whatever brain cells she may have had years ago are fried, just like Rob's. I guess her FB account security will be tightened up, assuming she knows someone who can fix it for her.
Either it's real or someone is very good at impersonating her. The thing is, why would anyone impersonate her? Rob or Doug, sure, but Renata? I doubt anyone at 1010 or any other outlet would ask her because grieving widow but I can see Doug finding out about it and blaming a left wing hacker. Of course he'd also say he won't rest till he got to the bottom of who did this. Then the page would disappear.
Lots of people don't realize what "liking" or "following" does on FB. You can end up with a lot of weird stuff, I know mine is very random.

I also can't think of an explanation for the selfies. Also, if it is fake (I don't think it is) someone is dedicating a lot of time. It is a very active page.
What would be the point of a fake account? There's nothing there that is entertaining or interesting to follow. Someone with a bit more savy would have the privacy settings adjusted, but without a kid over 12 in the house, she doesn't have a clue how to do anything on FB but post junk that others have posted.
I don't think it's fake simply because of the fact there are multiple selfie photos posted. I don't know how someone would get access to them and post them without having stolen her phone.

Although, it's weird that under her Music Likes she's listed the following. She doesn't strike me as someone with such eclectic tastes that range from underground sludge metal to jazz to power-slop.
I think she just randomly likes things, without any rhyme or reason.
Under $1,000? On what planet? They opened a public building on a holiday (delaying scheduled maintenance), provided security and staff for two days and closed roads in the downtown core on a weekday morning. I'm surprised it's ONLY $18,000. And I'm guessing that doesn't even include any policing costs, although I suppose some of the unofficial duties (honour guard, parade marching) could've been voluntary?

One has to wonder what kind of break the Fords get in renting venues and catering for Ford Nation to think that all the City provided for Rob's repose would be less than a grand. Wonder what the St. James bill will come to?:eek:

I really can't imagine what the $1000 or less would have referred to. But it seems like Doug wanted to pull a 'our word is always good but the city's trying to rip us off, respect for taxpayers, etc.' and then maybe someone clued him in to the fact that $1000 made him look like a huge cheapskate. But maybe his sense of what things should cost is influenced by Deco.
I really can't imagine what the $1000 or less would have referred to. But it seems like Doug wanted to pull a 'our word is always good but the city's trying to rip us off, respect for taxpayers, etc.' and then maybe someone clued him in to the fact that $1000 made him look like a huge cheapskate. But maybe his sense of what things should cost is influenced by Deco.

Honestly they should just have refused him the honour which he didn't earn.

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