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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Doug will run to hold the seat for Mikey, then Doug will go for mayor again. It'll be nothing personal against Tory, it's just that a Ford can always do a better job than anyone else.

The Ford Family has produced a video. It uses the song Puffy produced to note the passing of Notorious B.I.G.

From the article:

"One woman, who is shown carrying three "Ford Nation" flags in one hand, says the scandal-plagued mayor was "a gift from heaven."

Don't know if this might be Iola or the "It's like ISIS has come to Toronto" woman. Haven't seen the video. Won't. If you do, please do tell.
The Ford Family has produced a video. It uses the song Puffy produced to note the passing of Notorious B.I.G.

From the article:

"One woman, who is shown carrying three "Ford Nation" flags in one hand, says the scandal-plagued mayor was "a gift from heaven."

Don't know if this might be Iola or the "It's like ISIS has come to Toronto" woman. Haven't seen the video. Won't. If you do, please do tell.
Isn't this the video on the remembrance site?
There is simply too much time left in the mandate to appoint. It will be an election.

Indeed. If these particular circumstances had occurred in say, November, council would have the ambit to appoint. With 2/1/2 years remaining in the current composition, convention suggests there be a by-election. Welcome back, Douglas Ford Jr.
Isn't this the video on the remembrance site?

Maybe. Have not gone as the respects that could be personally offered therein are nil and I have no desire otherwise to go there. Would seem like spook creeping, TBH.
Tory would have been well advised to turn the Fords down, don't y'all think? We can all quite clearly see how Dofo is staging the usual circus here with his beady eyes set on further self-promotions, not least of all the obvious goal of grabbing the Mayor's office for the Famiglia yet again at some point down the road. If we can predict this, why can't Tory? Even if nothing comes of it, he's still setting himself up for numerous future headaches by encouraging the Fords with this spineless path-of-least-resistance crap, the same response that the Fords always count on to get their way, and that always spurs them on to bigger and bolder outrages.
Tory would have been well advised to turn the Fords down, don't y'all think? We can all quite clearly see how Dofo is staging the usual circus here with his beady eyes set on further self-promotions, not least of all the obvious goal of grabbing the Mayor's office for the Famiglia yet again at some point down the road. If we can predict this, why can't Tory? Even if nothing comes of it, he's still setting himself up for numerous future headaches by encouraging the Fords with this spineless path-of-least-resistance crap, the same response that the Fords always count on to get their way, and that always spurs them on to bigger and bolder outrages.

Tory might've been smarter than you think.

Putting Doug Ford in a councillor's chair for a couple of years without his brother to back him up is a better punishment than any I could come up with..
"Come on"? Actually, this is an excellent cue to crack down on irresponsible pet ownership (and by extension, illegal "puppy farm" rackets--note: "puppy farm")

Though I'd have to say that sometimes, to think of oneself in roughly "maternal" terms relative to a pet or animal isn't *totally* off base, depending on the nature of the animal, its formative circumstances and the "services" one provides. Just think of it, at its best, as a form of "animal whispering". (And I know, currently having within the household a cat with a rough background and a weak system: by providing him with lots of therapeutic physical contact and petting time--serving as a bit of a "mommy he never had"--I've done my part in helping him relax and contributing to his contentment and good humour. As a result, this animal's lasted into its early teens; how much longer, I don't know, but you can't say he's had a horrible life over the decade plus that we've had him. And we didn't even *choose* him; he basically fled a nearby household and befriended the previous cat we had, who doted on him like a feline foster dad.)

But that's a little too high-operating for Ford-type cases, which makes me think instead of how humane societies either strongly discourage or impart a preemptive "think this through *really* carefully" to families who want to get their kids a pet bunny rabbit for Easter.
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casita is back!

Has this city forgotten that Council removed Rob Ford's powers as Mayor of Toronto and transferred them to the Deputy Mayor?
Have they forgotten that, by an overwhelming margin, Council decided to transfer his executive powers and most of his staff to the Deputy Mayor?
Have they forgotten that they took away his power to govern the city in a state of emergency?
I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until now. She sounds just as stupid as the rest of them. Who would think it's a good idea to let a 9 year old boy do an interview the day after his dad died? Those poor kids should have chosen their parents more carefully.

For perspective's sake, Renata's "coming out" like this definitely suggests how deeply (and vilely) RoFo repressed her for all those years, i.e. if you think that household surely *couldn't* be as grotesque as "Ford-haters" contend, more "yes, actually, it *could* be" evidence comes to the fore...
Doug truly is a goon - what's with the funeral promo tour? Have the other councilors heard that they're expected to walk en masse to St. James? Are they going to walk behind the casket as Prince Charles and his sons did behind Princess Diana? For all their promotion of Rob Ford as the "common man" they seem to want to elevate him wayyyy above his "station". It' effin ridiculous.

Especially as those same councillors effectively fired him from his mayoral role in November 2013.
Rob relationship with his players, and his ward as a whole, was very much that of a fiefdom. He gave them scraps when they were hungry, while failing to activate, and often actively blocking, programs and services that would assist his peons in climbing out from hunger and poverty. If it didn't come from Rob, he didn't want them to have it, lest they become less dependent on him. That personal touch was a great way to build an army of blind peons who didn't/don't realize that there is another better way.

His very own Tonton Macoutes IOW.
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