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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Over the next few days should you spot a large Boulder obstructing a cave, please go against your natural curiosity and leave it in place.

hehe, I was thinking I hope he doesn't die on Good Friday for that very reason. I was also hoping he didn't die on Thursday as that's the 2-year anniversary of my dad's death and I didn't want to have Ford associated with it. I wondered if it would be March 28, though.
Rob's probably not looking forward to meeting his Dad in the afterlife as he'll probably be cussed out and beaten with a belt for the disgrace he's brought to family name. No doubt Rob will burst into tears and blame his brother and sister for it all.
Haven't read that one yet. Bookmarked it to read later along with this one:

I like Norm. I'm looking forward to reading his piece. I just can't right now. I'm saddened by all of this. Not for the reasons you'd think but I've found this day extremely draining. For unrelated reasons, I'm stressed, not sleeping well. I woke to the news of the Belgian bombings, more Trump/Cruz/Palin/Muslim nonsense in my timeline and then this bomb dropped. I've had to listen all day to what a terrific guy Rob was, how much he loved the city, toiled for the common man, saved so much money, had a huge heart, returned phone calls, filled potholes etc. I've been told repeatedly that I'm an awful guy for pointing out that this is all revisionist bullshit. How dare I dance on his grave in such an undignified way? No matter what you think about his personal transgressions, he was a great mayor. It's been suggested repeatedly that my dislike of the man is due to his drug use or his love of a good bender.

It's not. I couldn't care less how Rob chose to unwind. That he liked to hit the pipe or suck chicken fat from a plastic clamshell at 9 am doesn't bother me. The guy was a massive fucking douchebag because that's who he was. A narcissistic sociopath who DGAF about anyone but himself. The kind of guy who would cross the street just so he could kick you in the nuts just cuz. He was a massive dick to everybody and any glimpse of the kindhearted old curmudgeon helping out the downtrodden exists only for his own personal gain.

I've had people like this in my life and the damage they've done to mine is incalculable. I've, in the past 18 months, banished those people from my life and, now that I have, I can spot this particular type of BS from a mile away. The FoFam has always been a huge trigger for me. After seeing once again today how many people buy completely into the great passionate guy thing I'm totally drained.

Cancer sucks. So does the fact that his kids have had to go through all this and still do. It doesn't change what he was and the terrible things he did and don't expect me to nod politely as you sing his unending praises on an infinite loop. And don't tell me that I'm the bad guy because I'm looking for closure in his demise. I didn't wish this on him and it's not some giddy glee that I'm feeling. I just hope that maybe we can at least close an ugly chapter that went on too long.

The guy was a huge asshole in every way he that could possibly be and he was obviously proud of it. For me to join in as we pretend the polar opposite would be disingenuous.

Wow, should have guessed some of the people on here are still completely delusional. The man you hate dies, and you're crying about how its such a burden on you? Jesus Christ...cry some more.
Wow, should have guessed some of the people on here are still completely delusional. The man you hate dies, and you're crying about how its such a burden on you? Jesus Christ...cry some more.

But you couldn't resist dropping in for a visit in the middle of the night yourself.
No. He did not love the city. He only loved the things that mattered to him personally.

Rob Ford's appreciation of Toronto seemed to be limited to driving back and forth from Etobicoke, and getting drunk at bars, Leafs games, in City Hall and in parks. He seemed to know very little about/have very little interest in the arts that keep this city vibrant (museums, film, music etc), very publicly refused to participate in Pride (one of the city's biggest events for both locals and tourists), had no use for libraries or other social services, didn't even have a functional understanding of public transit (nor did he ever use it except that one weird night). I never really understood why he would want to be mayor...if you want to fix potholes, stay a councillor or become a city maintenance worker. He handled the pressure and spotlight with all the grace of a toddler, he lied through his teeth to everyone (including his fanbase), he didn't seem to understand that as a public figure he needed to grow the fuck up and stop with the partying, he fully admitted he never read/understood the rules of his job, his staff basically became his babysitters, he was a horrendous public speaker (where is that charisma?)...honestly, the whole thing is a bit baffling. And I hope the white-trash Kennedys of Etobicoke will also be out of the picture after this, as fascinating as the whole thing was.
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I almost yelled at the radio this morning when John Moore actually said it is likely that a state funeral will be held. No way in hell.

I happened to flip on 1010 yesterday afternoon and Towhey was on along with a panel. I think it was Ryan Moore (I missed the start of it) who listed some of the bad things Ford did, including trying to take the Pride Flag down. Towhey just lit into him, said it never happened, told him to produce proof, said he was a terrible person lying about a dead guy etc. Of course, it really happened and a simple Google search reveals multiple articles from Feb. 2014 verifying it, complete with multiple quotes from Ford about why.

It didn't happen on Towhey's watch, but still - how could he not know that? And this morning Sue-Ann Levy writes that the reason he didn't want to fund the Pride Parade wasn't because he was homophobic but because he opposed QAIA marching. That'd be fine, if he didn't ALSO never attend the parade, lie about why he wasn't attending, and try to have the flag taken down.

I guess my point is, the denial runs deep and for some people, no amount of obvious, overt, substantiated truth will ever break through the cloud.
There was a soppy piece on CP24 talking about a "growing memorial" at Douglas B. Ford Park, so soppy that they actually played sad music over this poignant scene of Diane and Randy stopping by to view this overwhelming display of affection.

View attachment 70525

That was the third take, filmed sometime this afternoon, when the poor man hadn't been dead more than a few hours, and yet the family already has their grieving under sufficient control that they could spare a few minutes for a CP24 camera crew.

God bless them.

That's it? That's all there is?

Boy, this *is* starting to look all-bark-no-bite a la the camping-launch Toronto Congress Centre. Well, I guess Ford fans are too busy working and earning their keep , etc etc...

Also re NPS: well, it helps that the Toronto sign is actually *there* (unlike 2011), but (thanks to Mammo) there's something awfully cheesy and clueless about the chalk-marking being seeded and thus far concentrated at that one corny tourist node. With Layton, the fact that "bland" "concrete" "featureless" NPS in its entirety was the canvas carried way more true civic-minded clout...
Also, there's a rather vivid photo in today's Star of Renata and her neighbour putting up memorial flowers in her front yard, with Steph and Dougie looking on from the inside--I won't comment on that now, but feel free...
Lastly, just as Jack Layton had his final letter to Canadians, this might as well be RoFo's final statement ;-)

Metro Morning very effectively summed up Ford's life by simply playing that Matt Galloway interview from last election.
Ummm... you do realize that Ford didn't choose to "not cause an accident of hurt anyone" while driving drunk, right? He (and everyone else on the roads/sidewalks) just got incredibly lucky. He could have very easily ended up like Marco Muzzo, killing a carload of innocent people. This went on for years, even before he was mayor. It's a miracle that no one got killed.

Not just that - but why/how the special treatment from the police?

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